They did? When did that happen?
People were abusing the currency conversion to get cheaper services so they locked all that.
They did? When did that happen?
Downside, the heirloom tab appears to now include the Garrosh looms. Not sure if I like since I'd be missing the offhand book. They might add a way to get them again eventually if they're going in the tab like that. Wonder if the new way it works means I can get duplicate Garrosh daggers after owning only one.
I assumed it would display like the current toy and mount tabs do. That is, it'll only display items you don't have if they are still obtainable in some fashion.
I feel like I'm missing something. Is feral OP atm? Using a equally geared Ret, even blowing AW and using all my primary attacks, it doesn't bring him below 90% in cat form.
Mythic highmaul cache mission failed at 91%. Was the highest I could get it, spent five days upgrading followers and used three follower rerolls for that shit. Sub expires tomorrow, fuck it. It's petty but that's the straw that breaks the camels back lol.
Doesn't help that my 653 frost DK can't get into a heroic group to save his life, I have six seals banked because when ever i have time to play I can't find a pug group for anything but Kargath. I was having fun with this xpac, but the game blows for casual play right now and content is stale.
Doesn't help that my 653 frost DK can't get into a heroic group to save his life, I have six seals banked because when ever i have time to play I can't find a pug group for anything but Kargath. I was having fun with this xpac, but the game blows for casual play right now and content is stale.
I've actually heard of people ticketing 90+ cache fails and being given the cache.
I've actually heard of people ticketing 90+ cache fails and being given the cache.
I haven't been even been getting Highmaul cache's for the past two weeks. I dunno what's up.
I haven't been even been getting Highmaul cache's for the past two weeks. I dunno what's up.
@Mythic Raiders - How do you find guilds in this game recruiting? More specifically were looking for a 2 day a week Mythic guild (more is fine for early prog)
We don't mind faction changing or xferring but are new to WoW so I am not sure how to proceed. The forum crew we were running with is pretty bad and are looking to move before BRF. We found one guild and have friends in it but I wanted to see what options there is.
Didn't know WoWprogress had recruitment, thank you sir
Finally found a group to run heroic HMs with and they're cool and everything but...
Master fucking Loot.
I'll take what I can get but going 5/7 in one night and watching a boomkin sidegrade his existing 670s with another pair of 670s while I languish in 645s is a bit harsh![]()
653 is on the low end now for Heroics, even if it does meet the requirements for the raid, just because there are so many DPS trying to get in. A higher ilevel will generally be taken before you, and DKs don't offer any additional raid utility to warrant the spot over someone else in that situation.
It's easier to join fresh runs on Kargath and see how far they can go, especially if you can't hop around on bosses like you want.
What is frustrating is that my DPS is often better than the higher ilvl people though. I'm sitting at 24k on most bosses but butcher which goes down to 22K. It's not a good metric to go by, and I can't get loot to improve my gear score or my DPS if I can't get into groups. It's like hitting a wall with no options to get around it.
I think most heroic groups are ML, people only leave personal on for normal it seems.
EJ was the best.
Used to go there for Warlock stuff![]()
I agree, it is pretty difficult. At this point your best option is to get all the 655 gear you can from normals, upgrade your ring, and upgrade a few craft pieces. Perhaps pick up a BoE or two.
I think DKs have a valuable battle res, but I also notice they are very popular classes.
Your other option, of course, is to join a H HM guild and clear with them. Or, form your own group if you can.
I haven't followed all of your posts, but is there a reason you don't/didn't join a guild?
Who brings raid utility, by that line of logic? Not warriors unless they are tanking. Not rogues. Not MW monks. Seems like that only leaves you with bloodlust classes and DPS topping classes like ret.
For those of us that took a long break, what happened to EJ? I did notice that a lot of the specs/classes are stale, but did folks just quit the game or was there some sort of schism?
Now that the honeymoon is over, how would WoD rank in the annals of WoW expansions?
Sorry for the drive-by post, but is it acceptable to post guild recruitment in here? There are some people in the last few hours that seem like they may fit what we are looking for. If it's obnoxious or cluttering this space I'll edit this out and be on my way. Thanks.
Now that the honeymoon is over, how would WoD rank in the annals of WoW expansions?
Now that the honeymoon is over, how would WoD rank in the annals of WoW expansions?
Now that the honeymoon is over, how would WoD rank in the annals of WoW expansions?
Above Mists, below Cata.
Now that the honeymoon is over, how would WoD rank in the annals of WoW expansions?
For those of us that took a long break, what happened to EJ? I did notice that a lot of the specs/classes are stale, but did folks just quit the game or was there some sort of schism?
Wow, so one of things you can spend garrison resources on in 6.1 is an item which triggers a daily to do another apexis assault, on top of the one you already get.
Fuck yeah, content!
On the plus side, it looks like the Dread Pirate Ring will finally be upgradeable in 6.1.
Downside, the heirloom tab appears to now include the Garrosh looms. Not sure if I like since I'd be missing the offhand book. They might add a way to get them again eventually if they're going in the tab like that. Wonder if the new way it works means I can get duplicate Garrosh daggers after owning only one.
I think I'd go MoP (really ambitious and changed endgame) > WoD/LK > Cata.
I'm not going to include BC as I think that expansion did alot to help the game but did alot to damage the game as well so I really don't know how to rate it.
Now that the honeymoon is over, how would WoD rank in the annals of WoW expansions?
I think WoD took some really important steps when it comes to the overall direction World of Warcraft is heading, and these can be easy for players to overlook because this expansion is also a victim of Blizzard's production pipeline issues. It's actually pretty radical that Blizzard were willing to remove components of the game that weren't working. The stat squish, the restructure and removal of many unnecessary stats, reforging being trashed, simplified gear modification, dynamic primary stats on armor, the ability pruning, an attempt at reducing visual noise from spell effects, the healing system shifting to something less binary, back end work targeting latency, the model reworks, flying mounts being shunned, and flexible raid player counts in relevant content. There are lots of changes that are nearly invisible that still have a big impact on the player experience that will have a positive impact on the game for likely years to come.Now that the honeymoon is over, how would WoD rank in the annals of WoW expansions?
WoD is actually probably the best expansion WoW's gotten, for me at least. It's like a bunch of junk that was bringing the game down got barfed up, and while WoD itself is a little thin it has left WoW in a great place to grow.
From a long lost player and 3x gladiator, I have basically one major concern: alliance racials look way, way better now than horde ones, and it looks like WoD made that problem notably worse.