Just run heroics, for some reason it's easier to heal, and when DPSers die they don't blame you.
I love the gold missions. Dont have to do shit to make money.
Why is Hunter armor all so ugly?![]()
Why is Hunter armor all so ugly?
Any PVPers here? How are Ret Pallies/Warriors/Warlocks doing? I know they're all pretty good, but what're the differences between them?
not right now. its only for the game store, apparently.
i think when they allow you to buy game time and sell it in game you'll be able to use balance for it. that should be shortly.
but you wouldnt pay for your sub, you would buy game time and use that as an in-game item that you can also sell/buy for gold
Wait, did Rosti finally get a computer that runs WoW decently?
Preach gaming posted a video about why this is happening. It made a lot of sense. The very bad players can't beat silver proving grounds.
Preach gaming posted a video about why this is happening. It made a lot of sense. The very bad players can't beat silver proving grounds.
Oooooh, buying game time with gold? That's interesting. Thanks for the info!
I find it super hard to believe there's a large community of players out there who can't get passed silver. I just can't.
Preach gaming posted a video about why this is happening. It made a lot of sense. The very bad players can't beat silver proving grounds.
Pretty far ahead of the other two specs. It will probably be like that for a while. Which is fine by me because its by far the most fun spec to raid as anyway.How well are survival hunters doing dps wise further into the expansion according to the sim thing?
yeah but i cant imagine them being very affordable unless they flood the market.
also, it will be interesting to see what prices they end up at. i wouldnt mind saving a few bucks every now and then by offloading some gold, but we'll see.
Pretty far ahead of the other two specs. It will probably be like that for a while. Which is fine by me because its by far the most fun spec to raid as anyway.
Everyone is mostly using focusing shot now. Makes hunters less mobile then everyone who doesn't play one assumes we still are. Don't get me wrong, still extremely mobile but it takes some planning ahead now.
Watch them making it 15k gold for a month.
I know 6.1 and brf aren't linked strictly, but what are the chances 6.1 will be released next tues?
I know 6.1 and brf aren't linked strictly, but what are the chances 6.1 will be released next tues?
Since 6.1 has tuning changes I bet they try to get it in for the first week of Mythic BRF
Would be awkward to do pre-determined tuning changes mid-Mythic, but they do that sometimes.
I find it super hard to believe there's a large community of players out there who can't get passed silver. I just can't.
At the same time, I don't fully agree that getting silver is the perfect seal of quality.
Remember a bunch of pages ago that I was complaining about silver? Before clearing it, I visited a WoW playing friend who had just gotten silver on his mage.
This mage was a tad less geared than mine, but cleared silver after a bunch of tries. Before he gave me pointers, he let me set his mage up like mine (fire spec, same skills, etc.) and run a heroic.
I did fine, was top DPS and was complimented at the end of the heroic. Without ever getting silver myself, I did just damn fine. Which was pretty heartening at the time, as it confirmed that I did know how to mage, it was my rotation that needed work (and a spec change).
Silver isn't a perfect metric of ones abilities.
At the same time, I don't fully agree that getting silver is the perfect seal of quality.
Remember a bunch of pages ago that I was complaining about silver? Before clearing it, I visited a WoW playing friend who had just gotten silver on his mage.
This mage was a tad less geared than mine, but cleared silver after a bunch of tries. Before he gave me pointers, he let me set his mage up like mine (fire spec, same skills, etc.) and run a heroic.
I did fine, was top DPS and was complimented at the end of the heroic. Without ever getting silver myself, I did just damn fine. Which was pretty heartening at the time, as it confirmed that I did know how to mage, it was my rotation that needed work (and a spec change).
Silver isn't a perfect metric of ones abilities.
so I posted a few weeks ago about how Proving Grounds (the scenario for heroics access) was ridiculously hard at ilevel 576.. Now at 605 I went through Bronze again just to see the difference... whoa... I mean I never even dropped below 90% mana. Silver took me a few times (actually a number of them) until I realized that you HAVE TO DISPEL.. I thought I remember the default UI (what I'm using) showing a big glowing border around dispellable debuffs on party members.. but it isn't right now.. I believe it IS still only showing dispellable ones but the lack of the border made me think I couldn't do that.. once I realized I could (needed to) dispell that bubble it was pretty easy.
my main complaint about the default UI is that (for a healer) your unit frame is a different size than everyone else's. I love in FFXIV how by default you are at the top of the list BUT you appear just like everyone else.
anyway, 5 more levels til I can do heroics.. should get that tonight with just a piece or two.
so I posted a few weeks ago about how Proving Grounds (the scenario for heroics access) was ridiculously hard at ilevel 576.. Now at 605 I went through Bronze again just to see the difference... whoa... I mean I never even dropped below 90% mana. Silver took me a few times (actually a number of them) until I realized that you HAVE TO DISPEL.. I thought I remember the default UI (what I'm using) showing a big glowing border around dispellable debuffs on party members.. but it isn't right now.. I believe it IS still only showing dispellable ones but the lack of the border made me think I couldn't do that.. once I realized I could (needed to) dispell that bubble it was pretty easy.
my main complaint about the default UI is that (for a healer) your unit frame is a different size than everyone else's. I love in FFXIV how by default you are at the top of the list BUT you appear just like everyone else.
anyway, 5 more levels til I can do heroics.. should get that tonight with just a piece or two.
You know you can change the default UI to appear as raid frames, even for 5 mans dungeons? Your frame will be the same size as everyone else, and you can even put class colors or stuff like "health remaining" on the frames and can move them around your screen if you prefer to have them in the middle rather than the default top left corner of your screen. I vastly prefer healing 5 mans that way, it will make your healing job much easier and will make you think "Wtf was I doing all this time?".
For anyone that cares, here's a doc that shows the theoretical dps gains from the t17 2pc/4pc for every spec. The Arms and Unholy sims are outdated as the spreadsheet doesn't include the recent changes.
Nah probably will be closer to 150k.
As expected, the Unholy set bonus is garbage. Might have to switch to Frost in Foundry.
Mage is already pretty strong, so that 10% boost will be even bigger.
You know you can change the default UI to appear as raid frames, even for 5 mans dungeons? Your frame will be the same size as everyone else, and you can even put class colors or stuff like "health remaining" on the frames and can move them around your screen if you prefer to have them in the middle rather than the default top left corner of your screen. I vastly prefer healing 5 mans that way, it will make your healing job much easier and will make you think "Wtf was I doing all this time?".
did not know that.
will do the second I get home and turn my mac on..
speaking of... is that at the system level or UI level.. i.e. will that follow me across characters, servers, and/or Mac/Windows?
cool! I actually never had problems healing 5-mans in MOP with the default frames.. just a combination of FFXIV defaulting to a raid-style frame and getting used to that, on top of (I'm assuming) Proving Grounds Silver trying to be super tricky about dishing out damage and debuffs (at least trickier than I EVER remember MOP being)You need to make that change per character.
i.e., if you do that change on your disc priest, it won't affect your holy paladin UI.
holy hell. if it is anywhere near this then I will finally have found a way to solve my gold woes. I am terribad at making money in WoW, all I know how to do is sell my profession crafted gear and farm old instances for vendor trash/battle pets.
My WoW playing gf. My keyboard turning, manually clicking her icons, too scared to step into any instance, gears according to what looks good doesn't know her rotation BM Hunter playing gf cleared silver on her second try.
I find it super hard to believe there's a large community of players out there who can't get passed silver. I just can't.
Probably around 10%. Sucks too, I really want to play around with the warrior talent changes in BRF, but will have to wait until we're 2-3 weeks into the raid tier probably. Might even be later as they may want to coincide the 6.1 release with the end of the first warlords arena season (because of the pvp changes, especially the set bonuses), but who knows.
For anyone that cares, here's a doc that shows the theoretical dps gains from the t17 2pc/4pc for every spec. The Arms and Unholy sims are outdated as the spreadsheet doesn't include the recent changes.
My WoW playing gf. My keyboard turning, manually clicking her icons, too scared to step into any instance, gears according to what looks good doesn't know her rotation BM Hunter playing gf cleared silver on her second try.
I find it super hard to believe there's a large community of players out there who can't get passed silver. I just can't.
Wow, they changed the ilvl requirements for Proving Grounds?
I remember for WoD in the beginning, you had to be 610 to even go in.