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WoW is definitely far more solo-friendly than EVE. Lots of people can get AotC while guildless, and you're generally self-sufficient with garrisons.Just wanted to pop in and relate my current EVE experience to the WoW crowd in here (love you guys). Before I mostly did solo stuff or Incursions which are sort of equivalent to highly organized PUG raids (albeit with much less variety and completely mapped out - like doing SoO, but with the same content for 2-3+ years...yeah)
Anyway, previously I was only in my own corporation (guild) for safety/tax purposes after a brief stint in a GAF corp that fizzled out (sound familiar?). Joined a Wormhole corp today (live in "unknown" space + all that's associated with that - a bit difficult to explain briefly if you're not familiar). It's a huge jump. Basically like going only roaming around on a PvE server to the bloodthirstiest PvP Timeless Isle.
And this comic is so true (well, it's an understatement for high-end raiding guilds in the first panel, but still):
To join any corp of merit you have to submit an API Key which lets them see your mail, wallet transactions, assets, etc. in order to guard against spies which can be a real threat. Like an armory/logs check on steroids.
So yeah. Definitely different.
Now that I have a level three salvage yard (I was busy building other things and finally got around to it), I'm getting all these greens that I have no idea if anyone is even interested in them for transmog. What's the best way to see the value of the item for before I go ahead and DE it?
See if it looks good.
If it does, post it on AH or try to sell it in trade. If no one bites, vendor it.
dat earthquake;
Almost seems like people want Realm First, or at least AOTC achievement for normal Highmaul these days.
Just uncrated Sacrificial Robes and a First Mate's Hat from my salvage yard. wooo
I've vendored one of those before. Did I make a mistake?
To this I'll add my anecdotal experience:
- You are better off vendoring 90% of the weapons you get from crates. It will almost never be a unique/attractive enough model to fetch a good price.
- Nobody wants capes, bracers or boots unless they're part of an extremely fashionable set or match a highly saturated color scheme.
- Double check every low level piece of gear. Some stuff (like the Scarlet mail set) no longer comes from any other source in the game and still sells for thousands of gold.
- wowhead has an extraordinary amount of detail for the 'transmog set' that any given piece of armor is likely to match.
- Most of the time nobody buys the aformentioned 'transmog sets' from Mists of Pandaria or Wrath unless they are epic weapons. The notable exception are the Zul'Aman armor recolors for plate and mail wearers.
- Not every good looking piece of gear matches a full transmog set. So even if it's rare and very pretty, it won't sell for much, if at all.
- I've found gear that looks sexier on female toons is in higher demand (duh).
I've probably banked around 20k gold since I started auctioning off transmog gear from my salvage yard. It's good for pocket money but it becomes exhausting if you have more than one level 3 salvage yard across alts.
Unique sub 1% droprate transmoggable black pirate hat? Yes, yes you made a mistake.
- Double check every low level piece of gear. Some stuff (like the Scarlet mail set) no longer comes from any other source in the game and still sells for thousands of gold.'re kidding me right? Dammit! Why didn't I have an addon that tells me stuff about money.
wait, what? is Scarlet mail set really not dropping anymore?
I'm glad i completed my set during Cata, then. That's what I transmog to, except for the helmet i use one of the red jungle hats from leatherworking. I also have the matching pieces from BC from the Blood Knight set.
item restore?
Almost seems like people want Realm First, or at least AOTC achievement for normal Highmaul these days.
He immediately says WTF heals. I ask him to please pull one pack at a time. He replies 'they arent cigarettes you moron they are mobs so call them mobs."
this got me. holy shit.
Also, lol at monitoring DPS in a fucking normal dungeon. I was only doing 10k when I hit the 615 needed for Heroics, and even they went fine. Being angry at someone who maybe just dinged 100 for doing 4k is stupid.
Isn't between 4 and 6k like the expected dps for a normal? I can't imagine it taking more than that.
As interesting as the experience was, I just crafted two 640 pieces with some left over mats on my tailor and JC just so I don't have to screw around in normal, even if I only need two or three runs more to bump up to heroic. It is a purgatory I would really rather not be stuck in.
A few other choice quotes from the tank/shammy: "He should have learned his rotation 99 levels ago" to which I just replied LOL. "heals stop pulling ffs I cant take aggro from you" (I pulled one pack of trash before second boss) I told him to thunder clap moar. shammy "I never once have pulled under 8k dps even on my fresh 100s"
I think you can always jump in normals too, no matter what your gear is? Might be fun to pop in on a main, half ass your dps, and see where the road takes you. I ran four total today and only had the one bad experience so YMMV.
As interesting as the experience was, I just crafted two 640 pieces with some left over mats on my tailor and JC just so I don't have to screw around in normal, even if I only need two or three runs more to bump up to heroic. It is a purgatory I would really rather not be stuck in.
A few other choice quotes from the tank/shammy: "He should have learned his rotation 99 levels ago" to which I just replied LOL. "heals stop pulling ffs I cant take aggro from you" (I pulled one pack of trash before second boss) I told him to thunder clap moar. shammy "I never once have pulled under 8k dps even on my fresh 100s"
I think you can always jump in normals too, no matter what your gear is? Might be fun to pop in on a main, half ass your dps, and see where the road takes you. I ran four total today and only had the one bad experience so YMMV.
So which itemlevel is recommended for the new raid? Thinking about doing it with some friends on normal with group finder, we're all about 645.
oh man... the Cata portals in org aren't automatically opened up for boosted characters????
Man... that sure makes the Crown Chemical daily a damn pain...... damn....
Anyone got the Big Love Rocket yet?
Man... that sure makes the Crown Chemical daily a damn pain...... damn....
Can't you just use the DF..?
Is that still in Uldum?
I guess you could take a portal to Dalaran(either from a mage or from your Shrine in Pandaria) then use the Tanaris/Caverns of Time portal from the tower.
not the SFK daily. The "blow up the cart and 5 workers" daily. It's still in Uldum for level 85+ characters.
So I just resubbed last week. If you're still reading this after that sentence then thank you. I stopped playing after doing some of the initial raids in Cata. I am really only trying to dip my toe in to see all of the changes made over the last 3-4 years. So I am not getting WoD expansion unless I really get hooked. However I would very much like to experience as much of the content that I missed for example I haven't leveled up an alliance character through cata content yet.
While leveling new characters is pretty straight forward, my biggest issue is with my 85 shadow priest (My only max lvl character at the time). I don't even know where to start. I realize that I can just hop right into MoP content, but I find myself staring at the new talent set up and the the huge changes that have been made to this class and I have no clue what I am doing. I have watched a few new spriest rotation guides but so many moves do different things, I feel like the second I step on Pandaria to take down some mobs I am really going to struggle. Talents almost seem cosmetic in some way to how you play your class and some spells have been completely revamped. Also shadow orbs?
That being said, does anyone have an good techniques or tips or videos for getting accustomed to high level characters after such a long length of time? I was thinking of just leveling a new spriest to like 30 just so I get the core feel down. But I feel like that is a bit of a time sink.
Also, I have no clue how garrisons work. I know I don't have access to them without WoD but they have really peaked my interest. Does anyone have a good video guide link? Everyone keeps talking about their followers leveling up and I am just so confused.
So I just resubbed last week. If you're still reading this after that sentence then thank you. I stopped playing after doing some of the initial raids in Cata. I am really only trying to dip my toe in to see all of the changes made over the last 3-4 years. So I am not getting WoD expansion unless I really get hooked. However I would very much like to experience as much of the content that I missed for example I haven't leveled up an alliance character through cata content yet.
While leveling new characters is pretty straight forward, my biggest issue is with my 85 shadow priest (My only max lvl character at the time). I don't even know where to start. I realize that I can just hop right into MoP content, but I find myself staring at the new talent set up and the the huge changes that have been made to this class and I have no clue what I am doing. I have watched a few new spriest rotation guides but so many moves do different things, I feel like the second I step on Pandaria to take down some mobs I am really going to struggle. Talents almost seem cosmetic in some way to how you play your class and some spells have been completely revamped. Also shadow orbs?
That being said, does anyone have an good techniques or tips or videos for getting accustomed to high level characters after such a long length of time? I was thinking of just leveling a new spriest to like 30 just so I get the core feel down. But I feel like that is a bit of a time sink.
Also, I have no clue how garrisons work. I know I don't have access to them without WoD but they have really peaked my interest. Does anyone have a good video guide link? Everyone keeps talking about their followers leveling up and I am just so confused.