It's Reyn Time!
I don't know about you but I love that the achievement I got for 250 mounts awarded a recolour of a three expansion old meta achievement mount which has been sat unused in the game files for years.
I don't know about you but I love that the achievement I got for 250 mounts awarded a recolour of a three expansion old meta achievement mount which has been sat unused in the game files for years.
Probably 'Eh, it's not a shop mount so fuck putting any work into it.'
I can't wait for the BRF raider achievement mount to be another proto-drake reskin
why so many recruit mounts![]()
Killed two bosses on heroic, and spent the rest of the time on blast furnace which was a mistake. Got to phase 2 but so many people dont understand the fight. MY ranking on gruul was so fucking bad.
guild sucks.
That boar animation. What in the living fuck were they thinking?
Has the subscriber number increased with the xpac?
Also, anyone still play the GAF guild?
Really hope they lower the XP needed for a level in WoD zones. I still only have 1 level 100, really don't feel the urge to do this again 6 more times. Ugh.
The mine and the garden will be good XP once they fix the gathering XP, which is currently and strangely borked for everything but true iron. Other than that, old world fishing and cooking dailies still give the same XP as other dailies, even if the incremental profession point raise has become meaningless, so if you just want an extra 25~30k XP a day for a few minutes of work, go back to Stormwind or Orgrimmar and pick up a little extra grift. But, otherwise, I agree with you. I done did it twice. I ain't doing it again.Yuuuup. It's almost more sane to just leave your garrison at level 1 and not fuck with buildings on alts.
You level like a rocket. I hit 100 halfway through Talador with a ret paladin and right at the end of Talador with an ele shaman. The main difference between the two was that I leveled the paladin by going through MOP and started at 92 whereas the shaman was what I used my boost on (was 64) and so I started him at 90. Granted, I only "play" on weekends, so I do get XP through maintenance, so that may be why I didn't have to go into, say, Spires of Arak, to top out, but it's a hell of a lot faster than BC or Wrath ever were.
And yet the stable mounts still have terrible animations, these days it's pretty clear where their priorities lie when it comes to mounts.
I love this one so much that I passed up a rare pet for it. I know I have other hippogryphs but the colouring and everything on this one made me so happy.
wish you could roll the camera further back... would help me in so many fights
BRF is kinda fun, but it will get old really fast for me. If i think that it will basically be the end game content for the next 3 to 4 months.... I feel like unsubscribing.
Actually you can it's something like /console maxcameradistance 6.You can then scroll out further long as there aren't walls behind you.
Actually you can it's something like /console maxcameradistance 6.You can then scroll out further long as there aren't walls behind you.
You probably should unsub if you're already bored of content a day old. It means WoW isn't fun for you.
Im not bored after one day, but i will be after weeks and weeks of the same raid istance (yes, i know that's how they release the content). Other MMOs pump out content really fast, i just wish WoW would do the same.
BRF is kinda fun, but it will get old really fast for me. If i think that it will basically be the end game content for the next 3 to 4 months.... I feel like unsubscribing.
Did 6/10 last night in the first run, tonight should go faster I think. Great zone, I love the bosses (gruul is a bit meh but to be expected).
Gruul feels unbalanced at 10-man on Heroic, Inferno Slice does a ridiculous amount of damage if you only have 5-6 people soaking the damage.
Hmm ya'll did the same 6 as us last night. Did you try Blast Furnace yet? We did a few pulls, but we were struggling. Must have been doing it wrong.
I'm optimistic we get a clear this week, but Blackhand is probably nuts.
Use cooldowns. We did 27 people though so idk about 10
You take like 200k damage per person, if even one person misses it due to the cave-in petrify someone is probably dead.
Even though the rotation itself isn't as good as it was in MoP, I am enjoying the more AOE focused arms for certain fights. Kinda fun to put bleeds on stuff and sweeping strikes is ridiculous.
I just wish I had something to replace whirlwind with.
Frost is so stale. Could use some excitement other than pillar of frost. A damage increase! OH MAN!
Actually you can it's something like /console maxcameradistance 6.You can then scroll out further long as there aren't walls behind you.
Frost is so stale. Could use some excitement other than pillar of frost. A damage increase! OH MAN!
What other kind of dps cooldown is there?
DKs have Pillar and ERW, those cover basically both major types of CD. (more resources and more damage).
Sadly now a DPS loss to spend runes on during combat. Before the pull is now the only time I see the whole gang back together now. :<
Did 6/10 last night in the first run, tonight should go faster I think. Great zone, I love the bosses (gruul is a bit meh but to be expected).