So...GAF guild is dead?
I'm gonna resub when I build my new PC on March and would like a decent guild to join. Hopefully pretty good sized and helpful.
Suggestions on servers?
Killed Blackhand tonight... on Normal. Bleh was not expecting to have so much trouble with a Normal mode boss given that we have ~680 ilevel. Wasn't too bad once we had a good strat for P2/P3, but what an unforgiving boss with odd mechanics. I feel like it's a bit overtuned, idk.
Hopefully it's a learning curve thing.The whole place is fucking ridiculous. It's fine if it was a tier ahead, but it's not. Either the whole raid needs huge nerfs or it needs to drop higher ilvl.
Hopefully it's a learning curve thing.
Right now Normal BRF pugs are mostly inviting people geared one tier higher (660+), rather than people geared from N HM (650+) which should be the natural progression.
Nothing in HM would have prepared healers for what happens in BRF, where the amount of coordination with people spread more than fifty yards apart is beyond what would have been required of all but the most poorly executed HM fights.
Hmm sounds like Heroic is overtuned?Maybe. Some of the healing requirements in Heroic BRF is pretty bonkers. I raid with some above average healers but even then it's pretty crazy.
So...GAF guild is dead?
I'm gonna resub when I build my new PC on March and would like a decent guild to join. Hopefully pretty good sized and helpful.
Suggestions on servers?
The whole place is fucking ridiculous. It's fine if it was a tier ahead, but it's not. Either the whole raid needs huge nerfs or it needs to drop higher ilvl.
Eh, my guild that is 4/7 on mythic in Highmaul downed the first 7 bosses in BRF without too much fuss over 3 nights. Yeah we wiped 10+ times on a couple of them, but definitely nothing super hard. Last 3 bosses might be a cut above the rest though based on what I've seen and heard. So maybe those get nerfed a bit. But overall most of the bosses in BRF are really not that tough.
Poor visual reads. Nothing about it feels very dynamic either, so I'm already bored of it.Whats so bad about Oregorger?
It's fun to see pugs explode into different directions to get rolled![]()
Goo guild?A52 is still good, if you want to stay Horde. That's where I'm still at.
The whole place is fucking ridiculous. It's fine if it was a tier ahead, but it's not. Either the whole raid needs huge nerfs or it needs to drop higher ilvl.
Be sure to get Heirlooms from DMF now if you are interested in those, as they change in 6.1
Currently they are 1 to 80 heirlooms and when 6.1 hits, those that you've bought will be the 1 to 90 versions.
But new ones from DMF in 6.1 will be 1 to 60 and you'll need to buy the upgrade too.
Basically buying them now gives you the upgrade for free.
They cost twice as many tickets now I think.
I'm annoyed that all the heirlooms I upgraded to 85 are basically invalidated... lots of justice point farming :x. I guess I did use the majority of them after that though, so it wasn't worthless.
So...GAF guild is dead?
I'm gonna resub when I build my new PC on March and would like a decent guild to join. Hopefully pretty good sized and helpful.
Suggestions on servers?
Do you mean split difficulty or split raid sections?I have always ALWAYS been of the opinion that split tiers suck. Like I get that you want to put some variety in raiding but the raids are already so long now, you could repeat them several times weekly due to difficulty settings, and the first half of the split tier shit is almost always far worse than the second half.
World bosses should have replaced split tiers and just kept it 1 big raid every tier. Highmaul feels so rushed compared to BRF. I had the same issues with the first tier of MoP.
Do you mean split difficulty or split raid sections?
I don't get it hmm... if you have BRF gears, you don't need to run Highmaul since it's 10 ilvl lower?Obviously tier itself doesn't drop on HM but the basic idea of having two raids within the same 'tier'. Either with same ilevel or a slight increase. Like having Naxx with EoE and Sarth or Tier 14 being Terrace/HoF.
They will cost less if you plan to upgrade.
By that I mean, let's take the Tattered Robe.
Right now it's 110 tickets. Come 6.1, that'll get you the 1 to 90 version.
In 6.1, the robe is 100 tickets (for 1 to 60) and the item to upgrade it to the 1 to 90 version is 50 tickets. 150 total.
Of course, if you don't plan to upgrade them beyond 60 and just want the heirloom mount, then absolutely wait for 6.1
I'm annoyed that all the heirlooms I upgraded to 85 are basically invalidated...
Invalidated for what reason exactly?
I'd assume he means that even if he had not upgraded them, they would all go to 90 as of 6.1 anyway.
Yeah just a bummer that the ones I didn't use after upgrading to 85 were a waste of JP, boo.
Now I kinda wish I had gotten all the Garrosh heirlooms since they'll be in the tab. I only got half of them I think.
Shoulda bought them in 6.0. They were going for like 4k a run towards the end
Shoulda bought them in 6.0. They were going for like 4k a run towards the end
Do multiples of the same one (or multiples across difficulty tiers) count as separate heirlooms for the achievement? I have 3x 2H axes and 2x staves.
Be sure to get Heirlooms from DMF now if you are interested in those, as they change in 6.1
Currently they are 1 to 80 heirlooms and when 6.1 hits, those that you've bought will be the 1 to 90 versions.
But new ones from DMF in 6.1 will be 1 to 60 and you'll need to buy the upgrade too.
Basically buying them now gives you the upgrade for free.
The thing that sucks is the crafted BoE 640 weapons are way better for leveling than the Garrosh heirlooms and they take you from 90-100.
I guess no 6.1 this week either? Man, not even a content patch, don't know why its taking so long.
I got a spectral tiger for 150k. Lowest I've seen them. This is on Zul'jin. Rooster Eggs were going for like 160k last time I checked. I would have saved the gold to buy some CMs for alts but the weapons aren't worth it like the armor was.
Tiger for 150k... wow.
Yea never seen em that cheap, my Rooster was 190k and I thought that was a steal.
Damn, that sucks. Now I need to find a new guild and server lolYeah. Pretty sure me and Keeblerdrow were the only two that played with any sort of frequency. I transferred my rogue off there to where all my toons are via a free transfer like a year or so ago.
Is there a way around this? I heard that there were some merged servers or something like that.