Anyone? Even if someone could point me at a base/zone to start at that would be great.
I believe you'll get the quest to go to Pandaria automatically when you arrive in SW/Orgrimmar.
Anyone? Even if someone could point me at a base/zone to start at that would be great.
Man, I'm glad the Outland dungeons are insanely easy, because so many players are so terrible during them. Especially tanks for some reason.
Man, I'm glad the Outland dungeons are insanely easy, because so many players are so terrible during them. Especially tanks for some reason.
I leveled up my boomkin to 100, it really takes some getting used to the eclipse bar moving on its own. Not really a fan of the change.
I'm still upset when I lost my exp boost pot's buff for my DK due to some players being incompetent in Blood Furnace (it was a few weeks ago).
they dont persist through death?
that really sucks
how big a boost is it?
Link of the item:
Basically, it increases exp gain by 300% for 1 hour. But... it won't work for any character above level 84.
Oh, and it's very rare to drop.
Hey folks I believe my mouse is in the process of dying so I want to get a replacement. Was wondering, what is a damn good mouse to have for WoW that is also very useable for overall computer use and maybe to be used in other games?
Anyone got any good suggestions?
Oh, it's those things, from the Timeless Isle.
I thought it was something you bought from the store.
I remember they had something like that on the store, dont know why they removed it.
Lunar Festival has begun. If you care about toys, this years adds Everlasting Horde Firework and Everlasting Alliance Firework. One costs 25 coins, but learning one automatically gives the other.
Lunar Festival has begun. If you care about toys, this years adds Everlasting Horde Firework and Everlasting Alliance Firework. One costs 25 coins, but learning one automatically gives the other.
Last day for everyone to not get Love Rockets.
Naga's always a safe choice. I can't imagine playing without one at this point but if you don't use a lot of bindings, Deathadder is really durable.
Sorta off-topic, but how can I stream WoW from one PC to another? I'd like one rig to power the game and another (less powerful) computer to just act like a client - identical to the way you can stream Steam games. What's the best way?
I've tried to mess with the group finder tool, and I do think it's useful for certain things like 5 man stuff, world bosses, etc. But I also think it has the exact same fault as OQ, it just makes me meet with constant failures. Maybe it's just my luck, but I think the way events are planned, the reputation/comment system and more on OpenRaid make my chances at succeeding much higher.
Trying to PUG my Ele shaman a way to a gear level that I can apply for a higher up guild because I don't want to be one of those 'Kara guild' equivalents and ending up having to leave.
Hey folks I believe my mouse is in the process of dying so I want to get a replacement. Was wondering, what is a damn good mouse to have for WoW that is also very useable for overall computer use and maybe to be used in other games?
Anyone got any good suggestions?
Also, FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU you stat squish. Blizz messed up the tuning with the bomb damage for Return to Sender acheiv in Niuzao Temple. I don't think ill be able to get it until the fix it, and its the last one I need for the Glory Meta. Im also surprised that I was able to do Glory to Ulduar 25 man in 1 sitting last night. I have no idea if I have the desire to mount farm for Mirims head though. Ulduar is fkn huge.
Rollin, rollin whatever one is that way too.
I did that one over the weekend. If you read the acheiv, you need to hit him 20 times, not give him 20 stacks. I let the debuff wear off at 6-7 stacks, then repeated. It was a bitch to solo at 98 cause I ran out of mana healing myself in enhance spec. Anyone that can actually heal can solo this without issue as he will have dick all of HP left.
Blast Furnace with pugs is gonna be nuts.I am very curious how wing 1 BRF LFR is going to go tomorrow.
Blast Furnace with pugs is gonna be nuts.
Will be tanking with my 641 alt, wish me luck!![]()
Oregorger too, many torrent, much tears.Oh christ is blast furnace part of the first wing? The second hardest fight in the entire instance?
I think my next destination would be the burning steppe but I'm not sure. Does my overall level matter like will more stuff pop up at certain levels?
Even though I'm retired from racing US heroic (now mythic progression), it's still so entertaining following the world first race/mana flask.
Some juicy drama from Method happening right now.
Anybody else follow the WF race?
Wait, you mean they're not Twitching that stuff? Five year olds are streaming Minecraft but they're not doing world firsts?I look at wowprogress and maybe read the last page of the mmochampion thread once a day. That's about it. It would be more exciting if we could watch the attempts, but instead all we gets is some screen caps with text from some irc channel like its fucking 2001. Boring.
Wait, you mean they're not Twitching that stuff? Five year olds are streaming Minecraft but they're not doing world firsts?
That's no fun!Of course they aren't. They want to keep their tactics to themselves.
What drama? I don't see much info other than 7/10... 8/10... 9/10Some juicy drama from Method happening right now.
When you are done with a quest hub you will get a quest that takes you to another hub, if you don't it means you likely missed one of the quests in that area somewhere. But yes your level does determine if a quest will appear or not but typically it isn't a big deal nowadays.
If all else fails you can go to either Stormwind/Orgrimmar (depending on your faction) and there will be a huge board in the town a little bit after you enter the main gates that will give you a quest to go to the next level appropriate zone.
Even though I'm retired from racing US heroic (now mythic progression), it's still so entertaining following the world first race/mana flask.
Some juicy drama from Method happening right now.
Anybody else follow the WF race?
Kromog down phew. Getting to the really tough stuff though![]()
What drama? I don't see much info other than 7/10... 8/10... 9/10
Method's raid leader got kicked or quit according to the armory
Oh christ is blast furnace part of the first wing? The second hardest fight in the entire instance?
What drama? I don't see much info other than 7/10... 8/10... 9/10
Yep! Raid leader/GM of Nihilum currently.Is Kungen still in business?
They kicked one of their main tanks at the end of the Highmaul race too. World Firsts are serious business I guess![]()
Is Kungen still in business?