Oh sweet, a new ultra-rare shop mount?
Pretty hilarious to see some dumb dark moon Faire race touted in the 6.1 content video
I'm putting in my vote as 6.1 for the Worst Patch Ever Award.
Heirloom Tab? Nice, but should have been in 6.0 as promised.
Blood Elf model? See above.
Dungeon dailies? Nah, I'm done there.
Still better content patch than 2.2.
Still better content patch than 2.2.
Was that the patch that only had the ingame VOIP?
its a patch guys...dont get your loincloths in a bunch
Reminds me of LoL patch previewsRetort: It has a trailer.
6.1 is like blizzard saying they hate having subscribers for WoW, and would like to lose a bunch of them.
It boggles my mind how poorly blizzard is at supporting WoW considering the mountains of cash they earn from it. Year long content droughts in later half of expansions, content patches that have little content, with some of it just being features that were supposed to have been in the game months ago.
Pretty sure that was in a WOTLK patch.
Can't wait for all that new content.
You know what's funny? they could just number squish Pandaria content for 6.1. Bam. A ton of content for the WoD players to go fuck with. Patch saved.
Wouldn't be surprised to see yet another content drought for WoD just like last time (Though SoO wasn't the first time that happened, wasn't it?).
Hoping for otherwise is setting up for disappointment.
You've cleared BRF already? R1 glad? Challenge Modes completed?
There is stuff to do.
Pretty hilarious to see some dumb dark moon Faire race touted in the 6.1 content video
Unlocking the jukebox and hunting for music sheets.
There are achievements from TBC that I haven't done yet. Should I do those before criticizing the content in the 6.1 patch? Of course not. Fact of the matter is that It's in blizzards own selfinterest to keep the playerbase appeased. Unsurprisingly the easiest way to do that by faaaaar, is by releasing new content to keep said playerbase interested in logging into the game and playing it.
But if blizzards wants to squander the subscription resurgence they experienced with WoD, then things like 6.1 is a great way of going about it.
Feeling a song of war? Domination Point in Pandaria used to shake with heavy drum beats.
Deep in the heart of Blackrock Depths is a track so legendary, it takes two dragons to protect it.
Finding classic tracks takes hard work, and sometimes that means flying on the back of a colossal, cataclysmic dragon. Them's the breaks.
Conquering fear itself will help you glimpse the Heart of Pandaria, musically speaking, of course.
What's fun about the jukebox is once it's made, you get clues about where to find other music rolls.
One I had was "Up for a journey into the Black Temple? You still won't be prepared for the hard hitting bass of the track you'll find." I cleared Black Temple and got nothing, though.![]()
What is this jukebox thing? I haven't heard about it. Basically, you hunt for items in specific zones/instances, and can play a music trom there wherever you want?
Well, they should have sat on SoO for longer as not everyone has cleared Mythic SoO or achieved rank 1 Gladiator.You've cleared BRF already? R1 glad? Challenge Modes completed?
There is stuff to do.
Things that will amuse me in 6.1:
Raiding with Leashes III. Have completed I and II, so another will be nice.
SELFIE camera achievement for the title.
Getting the heirloom mount.
Unlocking the jukebox and hunting for music sheets.
Man, if they release the new expansion this year
Yeah I'll be doing all of those.
I'm honestly more bothered at the likelihood of this being only a 2 raid tier expac than I am at 6.1 not having tons of content.
Man, if they release the new expansion this year
Both should bother you when this was the most expensive at retail expansion they've ever released and the primary focus of their efforts seems to have been a mobile gaming experience for your subscription dollars.
Woot. Finally finished glory to ulduar and ICC 25 mans the last 2 days. I did all of Uldar in one night solo. I had to do Disarmed on 3 different characters though because I forgot about the 30% hp hit when both arms die. Im quite surprised I was able to solo Once Bitten Twice Shy and Been waiting a long long time. You do need a pet class to Once bitten. Im at 187 mounts. Kinda bummed I wont hit the 250 mark until the next xpac, but I did miss the entire WotLK era and the first half of Cata.
So after next Tuesday I won't be able to do the Apexis dailies while in a raid?![]()
Things that will amuse me in 6.1:
Raiding with Leashes III. Have completed I and II, so another will be nice.
SELFIE camera achievement for the title.
Getting the heirloom mount.
Unlocking the jukebox and hunting for music sheets.
''Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare'' is really the bane of existence to solo it for me. I'm 13 out of 25, so I tried to do it yesterday again, but alas, I haven't managed to get more kills.
At least I got ''Disarmed'', that achievement was annoying for me.
Whats with that achievement anyway? I got 3/25 after my first try (I ran out after), but it simply didn't add anymore in my tries after despite getting over 10 dwarves killed (both guardians and watchers). Pretty sure it was more than 3 the first time too.
And you guys know that Rukhmar is a she, right?![]()
Garrisons wouldn't be so bad if they were just something extra, but they put so much dev time into them. They killed professions and pushed 'solo' content towards garrisons. Working on Herald of the Titans, once that is done I'll be unsubbing and just playing something like SWTOR. WoW is more raid or die than it has ever been and I have no interest in playing the arena meta game with the massive imbalances in pvp.And garrisons can fuck off. I know the WoW community loves hyperbole, but garrisons are the worst thing to ever happen to WoW for me. The only thing worse was.
Basically, you need to kill 25 Guardian Dwarves while they are effected by Razorscale's flame breath. (Guardian being the keyword here).
It took more than 1 try for me to get to 13/25. But to be honest, it is hard for me to solo it.
Link to the achievement:
And you guys know that Rukhmar is a she, right?![]()
Well yes I understand what you have to do, but does the achievement not count the kills for me? I mean I stacked up like 16 dwarves (more than half being Guardians) and hit them all once with my 2H staff, which did right about 75-85%. After Razorscale landed, I hurt him just enough to stay on ground permanately and I'm 100% sure I didn't touch a single dwarf. All of them eventually died after several flame breaths but alas, my achi still has 3 out of 25.