Yes, and you can make high level recipes from level 1 except like the toppest of the top tier ones.
yeeeeeeeeeeees i love you blizzard
Yes, and you can make high level recipes from level 1 except like the toppest of the top tier ones.
Wow, this is great news. Guess I won't stress about grinding out anything on my new warrior then.Yes, and you can make high level recipes from level 1 except like the toppest of the top tier ones.
Worth mentioning though that crafting resource production totally blows if you are not at max skill
This is how we get hunters with intellect gear
If I can't need on it, no one can.
Edit: This reminds me of when Hunters could have an off hand. You'd see them need on staffs.
So I hear garrisons are going to be $$$. Any advice on the best way to make money for the next few nights? My gear is only fresh pandaria 90 + the intro WoD questline.
Death from Above is going to end up taking more rogue lives than Killing Spree
Death from Above is going to end up taking more rogue lives than Killing Spree
If I can't need on it, no one can.
Edit: This reminds me of when Hunters could have an off hand. You'd see them need on staffs.
How do you mean?Melee shouldn't have anything to complain about coming up in WoD. The era of ranged is over.
Mine are the tears of a thousand salt by the way. I switched off Paladin to Warlock fairly recently. Paladin since BC, I manage to fuck that up right when they're finally git gud.
How do you mean?
Not disagreeing or anything, just curious. I haven't really looked in detail at any PvE stuff for WoD.
How FUCKED am I if I have no idea how Garrisons work at all going into WoD?
How FUCKED am I if I have no idea how Garrisons work at all going into WoD?
I thought I wanted to basically go in fresh, but my desire to be in the know (and doing things efficiently + raking in good amounts of gold) means I think I should bone up on how they work....
How FUCKED am I if I have no idea how Garrisons work at all going into WoD?
I thought I wanted to basically go in fresh, but my desire to be in the know (and doing things efficiently + raking in good amounts of gold) means I think I should bone up on how they work....
Fury warrior is so much fun. Damn.
Hey Dresden
This is how we get hunters with intellect gear
Wonder if they will have to end up nerfing the Nuke. Get a raid full of them going off on a boss and that's a lot of damage
Hey Dresden
Hey, that was viable once upon a time.
Had to pump up that Arcane Shot damage!
(And whatever other BC stat shenanigans were there at the time.)
I'm having a blast, though I see what you're saying. And I'm coming off of three straight expansions playing basically nothing but ranged, so there's probably some of that newness effect that could wear off. But as of now I think I'm leaning towards leveling this warrior first for WoD.It's too busy for me, but arms is so bad (and just as spammy with a few TfB rends up) that I'll probably fury it up if gladstance doesn't work out.
Here's an interview with Furor on various aspects of WoD.
Broken? Lol. Those guys are in for a bad time come wod.
Oh yeah that boss. First time I did it, I dispelled all I could but NO ONE INTERRUPTED /cough tank /cough.
But, of course, the OP DK tank soloed the boss after everyone else died. Really? -___-
Eventually once my tank started interrupting, it was a breeze.
Yeah, I ALMOST miss the days when PvE was a little bit more engaging :x.
Didn't he leave Blizzard a while ago?
I kinda miss hunters having mana. I don't really like focus.
I kinda miss hunters having mana. I don't really like focus.
I kinda miss hunters having mana. I don't really like focus.
You might be thinking of Rob Pardo. Alex has been with the company at least 10 years now if memory serves. I can remember the insane backlash all over EQ and WoW boards when he got hired by Blizzard lol.
You can't watch this and say they don't listen to feedback.
People who say they ignore their community are so dumb. They are really dumb, for real.
It's the response times that most people have a problem with, I think.
Whatever game it is, it just feels like Blizzard isn't listening, even if they are.
Maybe other companies have the foresight and project management skills to not follow through on obvious mistakes until they have to literally redo months of work.Their "problem" is that they explore every option, and just by virtue of doing that, it makes everything take forever because they don't release things until they're done.
And it's only a "problem" because I can't think of another good word for it. If you listen to this interview, you find they had 2 zones pretty much done in WoD, and then totally scrapped them simply because they wanted to avoid beating you over the head with orcs.
Not break up the zones quest, drop in some different stuff in the middle. Totally start from scratch he says, and the beta files confirm it.
I mean, who else would go through that much trouble for their product? They don't fuck around.
Maybe other companies have the foresight and project management skills to not follow through on obvious mistakes until they have to literally redo months of work.