And the best part is, you have to do 15 missions to advance your legendary questline.
It's total shit, but fortunately they don't have to be successful missions. So you can fail 15 and say fuck the shipyard at least. Terrible, terrible "content".
And the best part is, you have to do 15 missions to advance your legendary questline.
It's total shit, but fortunately they don't have to be successful missions. So you can fail 15 and say fuck the shipyard at least. Terrible, terrible "content".
How's Tanaan compare to Timeless Isle? The Garrison grind killed the game for me after I got all my toons to 100, but would consider coming back if Tanaan had some of the fun of early TI.
All shas look the same to me
I now know the real reason they added flying the way they did. No one would do these godawful rep grinds in Tanaan otherwise. But now, look, it's successful content!
I now know the real reason they added flying the way they did. No one would do these godawful rep grinds in Tanaan otherwise. But now, look, it's successful content!
*Spoils himself about the ending*
What a twist, there isn't a real ending.
Okay so I just saw the cutscene on the front page of MMO-champ and that certainly looks like a "final patch"-ending... isn't WoW only at like 6.2 right now? What're the other major contents for WoD gonna be about?
This whole expansion feels completely disposable.
this lock in my lfr has the new doomguard model
im so confused
Enslave Demon?
What other major content for WoD? That's it, we're done here.
What the fuck? So what happened, lore-wise? Also, why is a "x.2" the final big content patch? It's never done that early, how come it is now?
Does invisible fire melt invisible steel beams?Invisible repair beams
Invisible fire
Invisible trash
HFC is a tested instance.
I'm not sure which is worse, the Cataclysm ending or WoD.
Nope, the 2 day mission I have grants 5k experience. :|
The shortest I have is 4 hours.
And the best part is, you have to do 15 missions to advance your legendary questline.
- Prime-Wrathion conspires with ALL THE TIMELINES-Kairozdormu to release Prime-Garrosh and send him to Alt-Draenor to prepare for a coming ???-Legion invasion.
- Prime-Garrosh murders ATT-Kairoz, establishes the Iron Horde with Alt-Grom by rejecting Alt-Gul'dan's gift of demon blood, and assaults Prime-Azeroth because reasons.
- Prime-Khadgar leads a team into Alt-Draenor to attack the Iron Horde because he has a little experience shutting down Dark Portals.
- Upon entering Alt-Draenor Tanaan you find Alt-Gul'dan and his liutenants being used to power the Iron Horde's portal... and then you free them.
- Prime-Khadgar spends his time trying to find Alt-Gul'dan because he's the Real Evil despite Prime-Garrosh still hanging around.
- You find
and killPrime-Garrosh in Nagrand and Thrall kill steals you at the end of a short quest chain. You get a blue helmet though.- The Iron Horde is destroyed with Patch 6.0. Alt-Grom retreats to Tanaan.
- 6.1 happens and brings things that should have been in at launch. New Blood Elf models.
- Alt-Gul'dan approaches the broken Iron Horde again with his offer. Alt-Kilrogg takes it.
- 6.2: You need to build a naval yard and ships to assault their fortified position in Tanaan. Durotan/Yrel breaks in through the front gate anyway.
- Alt-Teron'gor is retconned into becoming Alt-Gorefiend by drinking too many souls.
- You defeat the new fel Horde and Alt-Archimonde takes
his ballGul'dan home.
That's what happened. Don't ask to make any sense of it.
Edit: it's the end because Blizzard has stated at every possible turn that this expansion is a two-raid expansion, for multiple reasons.
I'm not sure which is worse, the Cataclysm ending or WoD.
You joking? WoD by far.
The worst part is, WoD was the most expensive expansion so far.
Edit: it's the end because Blizzard has stated at every possible turn that this expansion is a two-raid expansion, for multiple reasons.
- Prime-Wrathion conspires with ALL THE TIMELINES-Kairozdormu to release Prime-Garrosh and send him to Alt-Draenor to prepare for a coming ???-Legion invasion.
- Prime-Garrosh murders ATT-Kairoz, establishes the Iron Horde with Alt-Grom by rejecting Alt-Gul'dan's gift of demon blood, and assaults Prime-Azeroth because reasons.
- Prime-Khadgar leads a team into Alt-Draenor to attack the Iron Horde because he has a little experience shutting down Dark Portals.
- Upon entering Alt-Draenor Tanaan you find Alt-Gul'dan and his liutenants being used to power the Iron Horde's portal... and then you free them.
- Prime-Khadgar spends his time trying to find Alt-Gul'dan because he's the Real Evil despite Prime-Garrosh still hanging around.
- You find
and killPrime-Garrosh in Nagrand and Thrall kill steals you at the end of a short quest chain. You get a blue helmet though.- The Iron Horde is destroyed with Patch 6.0. Alt-Grom retreats to Tanaan.
- 6.1 happens and brings things that should have been in at launch. New Blood Elf models.
- Alt-Gul'dan approaches the broken Iron Horde again with his offer. Alt-Kilrogg takes it.
- 6.2: You need to build a naval yard and ships to assault their fortified position in Tanaan. Durotan/Yrel breaks in through the front gate anyway.
- Alt-Teron'gor is retconned into becoming Alt-Gorefiend by drinking too many souls.
- You defeat the new fel Horde and Alt-Archimonde takes
his ballGul'dan home.
There's a pretty big difference between "Blizzard has stated at every possible turn" and "guys on the internet assume". They did an interview like 3 weeks ago where they said they are working on more content (they certainly didn't promise a raid, I'll give you that) in WOD. However, they have never said "this expansion is a two-raid expansion" ever. No, really, they never said this even once despite people (such as this post) quoting them as saying this.
They're intentionally vague and always have been.
Way back in August last year when they did rounds of interviews they pitched the idea that there might be less raid tiers than normal if they could get the next expansion out faster. Then in February they got asked straight up and popped a level 1000 Evasion on the question. So yes, that does not meet your absolute and exact wording standards, but it's been pretty clear for a while that two raid tiers is what we're getting/what they've been planning, especially after knowing what the T18 raid is, and how BRF got delayed. Everyone/"some guys on the internet" assume it because you'd have to be blind and deaf to not connect the dots.
But ok. Yes. You can have your adamant victory that they might not have come out and directly stated it to us in a dev watercooler. /patpat
"pitched the idea"
"expansion out faster"
I don't know what you're loling about, Sax Russel is 100 percent correct.
this lock in my lfr has the new doomguard model
im so confused
First LFR I do
second LFR(different lock)
Because that's a vague-as-all-fuck reason to treat that basically anything as "confirmed" even if it seems arguable or even probable. They pitch ideas all the time and have been talking about faster expansions for upwards of half a decade while never actually doing that.
I'm don't think we should treat Blizzard sort-of hinting at that as a confirmation given that having only 2 raid tiers creates a significant logistical issue, which is that they actually have to deliver expansion content faster. They can't just say they're going to, they actually have to deliver on a promise they've failed repeatedly. If they say they're doing it, its one thing. If they're vague about it, I think the correct assumption is that they don't actually know the answer, because this is how Blizzard has always worked.
But an offhand Gamescom interview comment about future plans isn't the only reason people are thinking two raid tiers. It's how the expansion has been/is playing out too. I can't arrange for Mike Morhaime to give you a personal call and confirm it, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see =P
I think the correct assumption is that they've failed spectacularly this time around and we have a just as long if not longer wait for the next expansion AND only two raid tiers. Maybe they'll get a Ruby Sanctum-like thing out, if we're lucky.
Because that's a vague-as-all-fuck reason to treat that basically anything as "confirmed" even if it seems arguable or even probable. They pitch ideas all the time and have been talking about faster expansions for upwards of half a decade while never actually doing that.
I'm don't think we should treat Blizzard sort-of hinting at that as a confirmation given that having only 2 raid tiers creates a significant logistical issue, which is that they actually have to deliver expansion content faster. They can't just say they're going to, they actually have to deliver on a promise they've failed repeatedly. If they say they're doing it, its one thing. If they're vague about it, I think the correct assumption is that they don't actually know the answer, because this is how Blizzard has always worked.
It's not vague as fuck, though. It's how large organizations behave.
If you have a massive project, and you predict/expect less output, while also missing your deadlines, that's it. You get less, AND later. By planning for two raids and then moving on to a new expansion, they more or less set in stone two raids. Whether we wait 6 or 12 (or 18) months for another expansion now is entirely separate from the first thing.
I would wager that a Ruby Sanctum clone appears (with demons) if it gets close to or exceeds 12 months just as a stop-gap measure.
I'll wager that they deliver nothing until the next expansion, apologize for the year of no-content, and promise to make better on it next expansion.
My biggest issue is that I don't think its a tenable business decision for them to stick with 2 raid tiers and go into dev-hiberanation as usual. If they just went 3 and did it again, history has shown people would put up with it.
What about a raid where you assault your own Garrison?
It's still impossible for me to imagine another raid tier in Draenor. The Iron Horde threatened an invasion and that was basically squashed. Gul'dan asserted control over the remnants of the Iron Horde and now we've ousted him from Draenor. That is it. There's no logical next step for Draenor because all player ties to the world/timeline have essentially been cut. It is literally impossible for any event to occur on Draenor that would warrant further player intervention. I'm mad as heck that another version of Gul'dan gets to exist outside of time and space. Like Jesus Christ how stupid. If we were to assume infinite timelines existed there would just be like a billion Gul'dans who find themselves in the same situation. Maybe fighting off an army of Gul'dans is the next expansion.
If this expansion follows the lead of the last two expansions, we're gonna have a raid where Gul'dan come back to assault Pandaria because for some fucking reason we keep randomly going back to the last expansion for a raid tier.
Maybe they'll get a Ruby Sanctum-like thing out, if we're lucky.
It's still impossible for me to imagine another raid tier in Draenor. The Iron Horde threatened an invasion and that was basically squashed. Gul'dan asserted control over the remnants of the Iron Horde and now we've ousted him from Draenor. That is it.
What about a raid where you assault your own Garrison?