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World of Warcraft |OT6| This wolf still has teeth


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
As someone who's still interested in keeping tabs on the lore, how exactly does the Burning Legion relate to the whole multi-verse time travel thing they have going on? You would think that if connecting through the multiverse was this easy, then presumably one of the infinite variations of Sargeras and the Burning Legion would have figured out how to do it no?
There is only one Twisting Nether that connects all of these different timelines. Yes, it is very illogical.
There is only one Twisting Nether that connects all of these different timelines. Yes, it is very illogical.

Huh. So that's...uh...yeah. I cannot imagine a more logically incomprehensible explanation. So there's one Mannoroth who can exist simultaneously in all universes and times? Does he have knowledge of all the things that have happened to him, i.e., he knows that one version of Grom ends up "killing" him? Why would the Legion even care about a specific universe's Azeroth when they can just invade another version and know exactly what to do in order to succeed? It would be as if they were prescient, let's kill Thrall/Jaina/Malfurion/etc to prevent our defeat this time.

Sometimes it's better to just admit things are a conceit and leave it at that. I wonder if there's one version of the old gods and Titans now too. No wonder Sargeras went mad, the very idea of being a Titan responsible for "bringing order" to an infinite number of universes would drive me insane too.

God the more I think about this the less it makes any sense whatsoever. Archimonde was not originally a demon who 'respawned' in the Twisting Nether, so does that mean Sargeras can make normal beings into immortal demonic beings that transcend time and space? Does the act of doing so wipe out all the pre-demon Archimondes in existence? Or could Sargeras simply corrupt and send an infinite number of Archimonde's to the twisting nether? What about the Nathrezim who are naturally demons? Do they just hail from a region of space/time that, like the Twisting Nether, is "immune" to multiverse shenanigans?

It was so much better when the Twisting Nether (and its denizens) was more of an astral plane or dimension, similar to the Elemental Planes and Lords or the Emerald Dream. Beings from them are immortal unless killed in their home 'realm', I can get behind that, the whole transcending multiverse stuff just eats itself silly.
Alliance DK now 91 and has the garrison unlocked. Dear lord I am so lost in SMV/Stormshield/Lunarfall at this point.

Dreading acquiring enough gold/garrison resources to upgrade the garrison. Might end up buying a token to have a workable amount of gold on the realm. Or try and transfer via more battle pets I suppose (Crawling Claw? Hatespark?)

And TIL where the Alliance garrison is actually located. I always thought it was in the south east corner before for some reason.


Modesty becomes a woman
As someone who's still interested in keeping tabs on the lore, how exactly does the Burning Legion relate to the whole multi-verse time travel thing they have going on? You would think that if connecting through the multiverse was this easy, then presumably one of the infinite variations of Sargeras and the Burning Legion would have figured out how to do it no?

Similar issue with the whole ending to 6.2, which I'll spoiler just in case:
Gul'dan appears to have been sent to that universe's version of the Twisting Nether has he not? So why's Khadgar being all grumpy when he's about to go back to his own universe where none of this even matters in the first place? If anything, it's alternate Draenor that still has to worry about alternate Medivh running around on alternate Azeroth doing alternate Sargeras' bidding. From Khadgar's perspective, nothing has changed whatsoever in his home universe.

You're overthinking it. This isn't a cohesive well-thought out narrative that will have build up and payoff. This is an excuse to resurrect a ton of characters that are gonna be in the movie so people can look at them and say "Hey I recognize that guy!" when they see the movie or buy the game after seeing the movie.

There is no alternate Azeroth and AU-Medivh, until they are connected Azeroth and Draenor exist in different 'realities' anyway.


Modesty becomes a woman
I think the big Azeroth macguffin is gonna end up being the well of eternity and/or the old gods.

It doesn't make sense why the legion keeps coming back to azeroth, and why azeroth is so special besides those two things.

They've gone out of their way to clarify or retcon that the well of eternity is still there and still has a part to play (even though we went to the maelstrom and it wasn't there anymore)

I think i remember seeing it hinted that it's somehow under the ocean now? But I really don't get how they would tie in Nazjatar to an expansion anymore after cataclysm.

I dunno. The story has been shit for me since Cataclysm, since they just don't seem to be interested in advancing the story in any meaningful way because they're scared of upsetting players. Now they especially don't care, and you can tell because they haven't released a book or anything for this expansion. It's just themes and story thought up in a lunch meeting to have the setting and characters. They're obviously invested in Overwatch now.
One theory I heard awhile back was that the world Azeroth was like (an egg for?) a baby titan. Which is why the titans have been haven't completely purged it, even with the presence of the old gods as it's too valuable.


I got an email for 7 days free, so I reinstalled. Haven't played since right before Blackrock released.
There's not really much to do other than raid stuff, still. :/


Canceled my account today. I don't have time to schedule rated bgs and can't win ashran/random bgs enough as horde to get the honor to have the gear to compete. Yesterday for the first time in weeks I was able to win at least one battleground and it was because we had a half premade. Alliance is on this perpetual win streak and because of that are able to gear up and win. I know I'm QQing but every BG I sort by killing blows done and it's always stacked blue. The only thing I like left in this game was doing BGs and it's not fun for me anymore and I don't have the time to level an alliance toon to 100 and don't want to pay $40 to transfer


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Did ICC on my DK today and got like 9 shadowfrost shards. I know that luck won't keep up.

Wow, doing bgs as horde must be impossible nowadays huh.

How'd they fuck up balance so much?



Wow, doing bgs as horde must be impossible nowadays huh.

How'd they fuck up balance so much?

I find it so ludicrously ironic how historically people complained about the disparity over racials, which was largely overblown and only really mattered for a fraction of the most hardcore playerbase. And then they revamped the racials to balance them out, mostly by homogenizing the crap out of everything, save for that human racials which caused heavier ingame repercusions than anything before it.


I find it so ludicrously ironic how historically people complained about the disparity over racials, which was largely overblown and only really mattered for a fraction of the most hardcore playerbase. And then they revamped the racials to balance them out, mostly by homogenizing the crap out of everything, save for that human racials which caused heavier ingame repercusions than anything before it.

They homogenized the wrong things. Unique class abilities were fine, but game changing racials just needed to go. Nowadays I struggle to tell some classes apart. Every class has a kick/pummel... Why?!?!

WoW barely qualifies as an MMORPG anymore.


you can't put a price on sparks
I think the big Azeroth macguffin is gonna end up being the well of eternity and/or the old gods.

It doesn't make sense why the legion keeps coming back to azeroth, and why azeroth is so special besides those two things.

They've gone out of their way to clarify or retcon that the well of eternity is still there and still has a part to play (even though we went to the maelstrom and it wasn't there anymore)

I think i remember seeing it hinted that it's somehow under the ocean now? But I really don't get how they would tie in Nazjatar to an expansion anymore after cataclysm.

I dunno. The story has been shit for me since Cataclysm, since they just don't seem to be interested in advancing the story in any meaningful way because they're scared of upsetting players. Now they especially don't care, and you can tell because they haven't released a book or anything for this expansion. It's just themes and story thought up in a lunch meeting to have the setting and characters. They're obviously invested in Overwatch now.

i feel like they arent investing in the story of warlords of Draenor because its basically only for the benefit of the game "experience" to play on an actual Draenor rather than something that is important for the lore.

no idea why they thought it was a good idea to have it like that other than needing some "extra time" to work on the next expansion from a lore/game standpoint.

The next expansion is going to be interesting simply because we'll see where they are going to go next and what future expansions might be -- no one has been clamoring for an updated Northrend like people were for Outland (which ended up being Draenor) so i can't imagine it being an updated Northrend/Lich King.

i suppose Well of Eternity seems like the most likely thing at this point. Maybe the Maelstrom stops or something stupid like that and then we get Kul Tiras, access to the Goblin area, all of the other stuff in the middle of the ocean we didn't have before.

The Blingtron encoded message stuff sort of eludes to some other odd stuff.

One theory I heard awhile back was that the world Azeroth was like (an egg for?) a baby titan. Which is why the titans have been haven't completely purged it, even with the presence of the old gods as it's too valuable.

i never heard anything about a "baby titan" even being a thing at all. I thought all of the Titans operated out of the Pantheon and i don't remember anything about them propagating. I thought there were just an unknown set amount of them.

the Old Gods storyline definitely seems like something that has to come back, and how they interact with the Burning Legion, if they do at all, is an interesting thing to consider.


Interrupts are a necessary and interesting mechanic in dungeons.

Doesn't mean we need to give every class a kick, every class a self heal, stealth to hunters/priests, etc. Classes don't feel as unique as they did back during vanilla/TBC, but I guess it's just part of Blizzard's "bring the player, not the class" philosophy. It's just a shame it's come at the cost of class uniqueness.

Speaking of characters, I've never given any less of a shit about my alts than I do right now. I felt attached to my alts, especially during TBC, but now they're just throwaway toons that I don't need to put any effort into to get high level professions & max level.


Huh? I dunno man - I HATE the Horde Garrison.

It shows the difference in philosophy between the two factions.
Horde garrison still has a lot of the original land shape there and the building placement feels more like a "what do we need right now" feel to it.

Alliance garrison shows signs of flattening the land for buildings and effects, feels more like a small industrial-type town. There are even NPCs that compliment you on making such a lovely settlement.


The Blingtron encoded message stuff sort of eludes to some other odd stuff.

Blingtron encoded message stuff is fascinating because I don't really understand the purpose of it. Seems really weird to just be some one off easter egg type thing but at the same time I don't really see us getting a badass underground mech expansion even though that could be pretty cool.

But yeah, I don't really spend much time thinking about the story for Warlords. Pretty obvious they didn't even bother trying with it. Finished the new garrison campaign last week and it was as absolutely awful as the first one. Actually it might have been worse, at least the first one made sense before they decided to scrap that entire storyline, new one was just some more random bullshit that came out of no where.

Hopefully the next expansion someone will give a shit again, I want them to go back to the great stuff they were doing in MoP with actually creating new and interesting characters while shining a spotlight on people who hadn't done jack shit before like Lor'themar.




My current token-purchased sub is up in 4 days and I dont know if I want to bother grabbing another just to finish the ring on one of my chars. I have over 200k myself (not a lot by current standards, but enough), and a buddy with literally millions of gold who would buy me a token, but GAEM NEED 2 B MOAR FUN IMO
This video is mostly correct, but a bit off.

They've said they have the newest information on Hearthstone, Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm, StarCraft 2, and World of Warcraft there. Diablo 3, if it's getting another expansion pack, would seem to not be getting revealed yet. However, the press conference is going to cover all five titles (I'll go out on a limb here and say more Hearthstone cards, several new Overwatch heroes, the next StarCraft related event for Heroes, and the new co-op mode for StarCraft 2), but it's pretty obvious they have a major announcement tied this this event as well, which if we look at the above line-up, has to be a WoW expac.

And yes the 500 demo stations isn't just "more than they've ever had before", but actively hundreds more than even EA had when they had their biggest (in terms of relevance) line-up ever.


you can't put a price on sparks
Here we go: the beta servers have been pushed to 7.0.0

Hold on to your butts: August 5th here we come!

EDIT: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1821910-Beta-Servers-Up/page34?p=35080383#post35080383

Boub has issued his own statement claiming the screenshot could be fake without more evidence, who knows.

like omg i know everything about the new wow expansion, all you have to do is go to my web site right now

your screenshot didnt work anyway, couldn't see it :(


Modesty becomes a woman
How would someone get the 7.0 beta client at this point from the beta server anyway?


I guess WoW has officially taken the backseat now if it isn't the centerpiece of Blizzcon anymore.


Everything seems to be falling into place. The name sounds interesting, and hopefully like it won't be focused on Orcs this time.

Only ~nine days until we find out..


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Me'dan as hero? Oh god, please no.

I don't want to believe. Also, Blizzard has sort of all but admitted he is a dogshit character that they have no interest in incorporating into the actual game lore.

"Council of Glades" doesn't really have the... oomph that WoW expansion names tend to have (barring Mists, I guess) so I remain pretty skeptical. Even Mists brought a specific place/theme to mind, Council of Glades does not.

edit: btw, the thread on general about gamescom/expansion speculation is fun too :)


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
As soon as Med'an gets added to the game, all the wrathion/aduin shippers (there are too many of them) will have a field day with the potential for a love triangle.

Fucking shippers, man.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Not technically, they just totally ignore his existence. I don't think there is anything in the game that contradicts his existence, though.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!

I wouldn't be that surprised, really. All "Hero Class" means is that the class starts higher than level one due to lore reasons and has a class-specific starting experience. I could see that making sense for Demon Hunters, if they do add a class like that.

Khadgar with Atiesh.

He's uhh borrowing it. I didn't know Med'an was supposed to have it though, so the more they ignore his ass the better.
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