Move all of the money to one character and transfer it, that's usually what I do when I move realms.
Yeah but then you need to buy a character transfer
Move all of the money to one character and transfer it, that's usually what I do when I move realms.
Move all of the money to one character and transfer it, that's usually what I do when I move realms.
Move all of the money to one character and transfer it, that's usually what I do when I move realms.
I'm switching to Death Knight as my main for WoD. It has no professions yet
Well, yeah. I just look at it as a ready made bank + profession alt. Worth the financial investment to negate the time investment.Yeah but then you need to buy a character transfer![]()
I didn't know this. Glad I only had 32k!You can only transfer 50k gold with your character afaik.
I have no idea what character to take to Draenor first.
Take your orc back home.
Less than 24 hours guys omg!
But I play Alliance..
you scum (does anyone actually play one and only one side this late into the game)
you scum (does anyone actually play one and only one side this late into the game)
I just soloed Hyjal on warrior, feels like enough WoW for a week. My sub runs out in a few days. I'll see what I can come up with. Been running group finder with my rogue a couple of lvls in Outland but it's not that fun.
The drops aren't that good compared to the q rewards either.Outland dungeons are mindnumbing. I took my 'lock through them and got into a cool group where we chained them for about 4 levels and I ended up having to leave so I could go back to questing... and I hate Outland questing. I'll be gutted if WoD levelling dungeons are that boring.
Outland dungeons are mindnumbing. I took my 'lock through them and got into a cool group where we chained them for about 4 levels and I ended up having to leave so I could go back to questing... and I hate Outland questing. I'll be gutted if WoD levelling dungeons are that boring.
10 hours!![]()
You have to keep in mind that their design is 8years old at this point. Thenew dungeons are more like MoP or Cata.
I will never play scum (does anyone actually play one and only one side this late into the game)
How much gold do you guys have going into the expansion? i'm at 85k right now, guess i can just spend a lot on the garrison stuff straight away
Posting this Garrison graphic again. If anyone asks about Garrisons, this is probably the absolute best guide that I have seen. It takes the info from a bunch of popular guides and compiles it. You should really check it out.
What's a 'followers bonus' and how do you get it?
Cuz I wanna build an enchanting hut and transmog my weapon glows ASAP.
Whenever people rage against WoW lore and metzen in general, I can't help but think they should just go play Destiny for a little while to experience what real inept, shitty storytelling looks like.
WoW aint shakespeare, but it's fine. It's kind of over the top and silly and things happen just so that we have cool new things to kill, but the actual narrative is at least told competently, and much of the "LORELOL THIS MAKES NO SENSE" is largely hyperbolic or just comes from (legitimate, non-malicious) ignorance.
I don't even seen WoD as a stretch. I mean sure, the actual intent is just "lets give players a reason to check out draenor and all the old badass orcs", but the implementation of that into the existing story flows just fine from existing lore including Siege and Timeless Isle (Kairoz/hourglass business) with the novel/short story stuff filling in the gaps nicely.
So how is everyone doing the small plots? Are you going to match your profession or go with a profession your character doesn't have?
So how is everyone doing the small plots? Are you going to match your profession or go with a profession your character doesn't have?
Gonna match my professions - Tailoring/Enchanting.So how is everyone doing the small plots? Are you going to match your profession or go with a profession your character doesn't have?
the wait is too fucking much
Pff, they were just those magnataurs from Northred. Barely intelligent. Sylvanas should lead the Horde, get it back to its roots.
I have about 1.8k going into the expansion. Would have been 2.9k had I not sent 1000 gold for my alt to buy flying skill lol.
1.5k :lol
It's not so much the design, it's that nothing matters in them anymore. You go in, you AoE, you keep running, you AoE more, you win, you start again. I really wish there was some compelling group content when levelling. Not hard, because that just wouldn't work with LFG and people learning the classes, but have it at least be more than being utterly thoughtless.
How? Even without trading on the AH, just soloing old stuff nets way more gold than that. ANY amount of farming would net more gold than that.
I'm curious if WoW subs will go even higher than they already announced. In-game there seems to be a lot of excitement and people resubbing. A lot more excitement than pre-MoP launch anyway.
Probably. Pretty much all of my good wow buddies have bought WoD and are pumped for launch; this was not the case with Mists.
I hear them!
I have the feeling this is gonna be the best expansion since WoTLK. I hopped on with WoTLK so I can't judge BC, but despite the kind of ridiculous premise to lead us to Draenor, I think WoD is gonna be great lorewise and I could not be more delighted to go back to classic Warcraft style instead of the oriental-themed MoP.
How much gold do you guys have going into the expansion? i'm at 85k right now, guess i can just spend a lot on the garrison stuff straight away
I only have one crafting profession, and that is tailoring. I will use one small plot for that, other for blacksmithing (I've got mining as gathering profession).Planning to do profession matching for now.
Pandas have been in warcraft lore since warcraft 3 was in development. I can understand your reaction if you thought they were just something dumb that they felt they had to put in after a joke, but thats not the case at all.Same. Mists didn't feel like Warcraft to me. Pandas were such a stupid idea and the only reason they put it in, according to blizz LFG video, was because there was such an outcry to have them in the game after the April fools joke. I personally don't remember that outcry I just thought it was a funny joke
Same. Mists didn't feel like Warcraft to me. Pandas were such a stupid idea and the only reason they put it in, according to blizz LFG video, was because there was such an outcry to have them in the game after the April fools joke. I personally don't remember that outcry I just thought it was a funny JOKE.
Warlords feels like WoW again. Hope it's as good as the BC expansion
Probably. Pretty much all of my good wow buddies have bought WoD and are pumped for launch; this was not the case with Mists.
How? Even without trading on the AH, just soloing old stuff nets way more gold than that. ANY amount of farming would net more gold than that.