US servers are back online
Some are, Mal'Ganis still not listed.
US servers are back online
US servers are back online
BlizzardCSVerified account
[NA] #WoW maintenance has concluded, everyone.
Except on Mal'Ganis! Sometimes I hate this server.
So do Garrisons help you with leveling professions? I know I need to look this stuff up in detail later, but just curious. Don't have any professions yet on my warrior, hoping I don't have to go back to old world stuff to level them.
Just try waiting it out.I get stuck on the loading screen everytime I hit enter world. I've exited the game a couple times but the same thing keeps happening.
Wait our soldiers can be companions like in SWTOR when we level our rax? Did I read that right?
I made the mistake of waiting to boot up WoW until 2:00 instead of 1:56 so now I have to wait 2 hours to log into KT. Very very very few people are logging out and the number is going up half of the time. 2 hours is a best case scenario. I lucked out so good in life these past 2 days with having some very rare free time to myself and this shit has to happen. I just want to relax and play
Wait our soldiers can be companions like in SWTOR when we level our rax? Did I read that right?
Some of the followers can be bodyguards, yes. Not all of them, though.
4500 queue in Silvermoon-EU.
Hot damn.
This is the first MMO forest to actually look like a forest.
Guys, I need some advice. I am on Lightning's Blade EU and I am waiting to turn in my quest to get the Garrison Hearthstone. The issues is that the whole hut is overrun bu people and cannot see the NPC. Any way to get through that?
Also if anyone is in a low pop server without lag, I'd appreciate if you could phase me over there.
You'll just have to wait to transfer to your garrison instance to see the npc. Level 1 garrisons are simply broken.
Anyone know the code to macro in your zone specific ability to your cooldown macro? The name of the ability changes every zone, I want something I don't have to change everywhere.
Put it on your action bars and do a hotkey for that? it changes every zone (as in the new one replaces the old one)
I asked at a bad time i guess. Is it possible to gift someone a digital version of WoD? Looking to buy it for a friend