Silver in the role you want yesIs proving grounds needed to enter heroics WoD dungeons?
Silver in the role you want yesIs proving grounds needed to enter heroics WoD dungeons?
Silver in the role you want yes
So I'm in the ebon blade place getting the tabard on my 92 dk.
Theres this AFK 78 ally DK there.
He was a male draeinie so Obviously I had to kill him..
It took me 4 howling blasts to kill him from range, FOUR.
What the fuck is that about, back in the day you could just look at anyone 20 levels lower and they'd die.
You sure he didn't spec purgatory?
So I'm in the ebon blade place getting the tabard on my 92 dk.
Theres this AFK 78 ally DK there.
He was a male draeinie so Obviously I had to kill him..
It took me 4 howling blasts to kill him from range, FOUR.
What the fuck is that about, back in the day you could just look at anyone 20 levels lower and they'd die.
Between the item squish and the innate resilience on players now, you'll have to have some pretty hauss gear to squish lowbies.
I know they won't do it, but I wish they'd just get rid of pvp servers. It isn't world pvp anymore, it's gank-the-low-levels-and-bug-them-until-they-get-on-their-mains-and-kill-you servers.
So 8/8 chapters in Nagrand means I'm done with all the story stuff in the game?
That's bullshit, I've been having tons fun doing 90 v 90 PVP outside Cavers of Time before patch, literally the time of my life. Haven't met anyone in WoD yet simply because of the horde/alliance segregation on early zones.
If you don't like it don't roll on a PVP sever. Removing PVP servers has to be the stupid WoW related idea I've ever heard in my life. The game would be 100000% more boring if they did that.
That said I don't really straight up gank lowbies often, unless I can do it in an interesting way, there were 5 other alliance lowbies there, but I only killed him. Because he was the only male draeinie. And campers are assholes, that's why I spent most of my afk time in MoP defending thrallmar and Warsong hold from alliance gankers.
Squish making lowbies tougher is a good thing I guess, if gankers have to actually try to kill them they're easier to save. I was just super surprised.
That lasts a month. People won't be standing outside those raids anymore because they can't insta-gib before you zone into the raid anymore, and it will be back to the way it was where leveling will be a chore because some shitter can't get past 1200 so he wants to grief people leveling up.
So I've jumped back into this and I have to start up a class I've never played. I'm considering either druid (tank or heal, not sure) or warlock......anyone with experience with both?
I'm 100, what now?
This queue is killing my soul.
Quick question: I hit level 100 a little earlier and, although I still have my legendary cloak equipped, ever since I dinged I've noticed that Flurry of Xuen doesn't proc anymore. I've run a couple of dungeons and not once did it happen.
Has this happened for anyone else?
FFXIV OT stands in solidarity with WoW today apparently.
Hope you guys are enjoying your expansion btw.
FFXIV OT stands in solidarity with WoW today apparently.
Hope you guys are enjoying your expansion btw.
they disabled it for 100 or at the very least seriously nerfed its proc in order to get people to switch