I'm up to 622 right now, and I still have over half my gear to replace.
Raid ready is 630? If things go well this weekend, I should be past that. Then I can start working on my alt.
As an aside, it's awesome when you get missions for level 100 followers for the legendary, but you can't do them, because you don't have any level 100 followers, because you can't send out followers to level up, because you're hoarding resources for the garrison.

I'm doing treasure hunting while waiting for queues. I think I have 1.5k resources currently.
I got a heroic warforged helm, and a one hander with a socket in it. Apparently, both of these things are rare. Originally, I was going to make goggles with my gearspring parts, but I'm concerned that I'll end up getting shitty bonus stats and four item levels just doesn't seem worth the effort. Maybe I'll just make Bling 5k instead tonight.