I might actually break from playing WoW just to check that out.with the instance servers going down every 2 minutes, WoD is currently a piece of trash game and I'm better of playing Barbies Adventure 4: The Return of Batman
I might actually break from playing WoW just to check that out.with the instance servers going down every 2 minutes, WoD is currently a piece of trash game and I'm better of playing Barbies Adventure 4: The Return of Batman
Yes, like literally outside the main horde base.
Would it be safe to assume they are going to just disable ashran for a while until it's fixed? Right now for the winning side of the server it is just crazy how fast you can get your mid tier pvp gear. And for the losing side of it, well, its just pointless.
If you could only trigger an in-game yakety sax sound when that happens.Omg its already happening, people using AOE on Firelords
Besides that leave Ashran alone, right now it's just people farming gear, once they have it for the start of the pvp season we'll have a clearer picture of broader balance problems.
Ok how do you get to lvl 2 profession building before hitting lvl 96?
Holy fucking shit, Herb prices down to 2g-5g per unit.
What in the almighty fuck?
lots of people with lvl 96+ main and alts, so we got more herbs in the market
Herbs and ore are plentiful. Hosanna.
The amount of ore I'm pulling in from the garrison / just mining normally is a bit mind boggling, to be honest. It's enough to seriously get me to think about dumping the 700 mining and picking up something else, almost, especially as prices dive.
If you dump your mining you can only mine the new ore though, right?
they are switching default loot mode back to personal, but with 100% drop chance from last boss. Last boss will also drop 3 items now if its on a group loot setting. What a well thought out change that was. I think it would be better if they gave a general drop rate increase instead of just a guaranteed item from the last boss.
The 6.0 patch notes made it sound like every herb and ore in the game was gatherable regardless of skill level. Maybe I misread it.If you dump your mining you can only mine the new ore though, right?
Thanks for all the feedback on these changes. As a team, we do prefer personal loot as a solution for Dungeon Finder groups, which is why we modified and extended the system weve had in place for Raid Finder. We heard from sources both within our team and the community that the experience of defeating a boss and no ceremony beyond three gold on its corpse, or the possibility of finishing an entire dungeon without seeing any items, felt flat and even a bit broken. Based on those concerns, we decided to roll back a system that had been in place for a week to a system that had been in use for years, while we continued to polish and refine the personal loot system to deliver an optimal experience to players. However, we underestimated the impact and positive elements of personal loot, in terms of reducing contention and drama in random match made groups.
We now have a hotfix in the works that will do two things:
The default loot system for Dungeon Finder groups will once again be Personal, instead of Need Before Greed. Full premade groups that prefer the latter system will be able to select it manually, as always.
We're increasing loot yield from the final boss of each dungeon.
With Personal loot active, each player in a group will now always receive an item from the final boss.
With Need Before Greed active, the boss will now drop 3 items to be shared among the group as desired, up from 2 previously.
The fucking Alliance tree in Ashran...
You spend a good 5 minutes dpsing the SHIT out of it, going all out, getting it to maybe 80%.. and then the Alliance get it to full health INSTANTLY. Pointless.
Most of the time our rock guy just stands in our base like an idiot, too.
Enh is. Sucks since its my main. I think I've had it with this class. Horrible since I enjoy the play style and this is my only toon with max'd profeseions but we now hit like wet noodles and our utility is sub par. Other than a sweet looking Orc and transmog I have almost no reason to play him. I'm not a min/max guy but I don't want to bring groups down, either. I might give pallies a shot but I don't really dig them. Can't go Rogue since its not my style. Never got into my warrior. I might stick with him just let cause I think the style is fine, but if there's any class that needs a complete overhaul its us. I believe that boat has sailed.elemental shaman is really at a bad place ( heard enhancement is pretty bad too)
At least I got resto... right?
Everyone getting access to herbs and ores through their baseline garrison is going to dilute the fuck out of the market for those mats.
Enh is. Sucks since its my main. I think I've had it with this class. Horrible since I enjoy the play style and this is my only toon with max'd profeseions but we now hit like wet noodles and our utility is sub par. Other than a sweet looking Orc and transmog I have almost no reason to play him. I'm not a min/max guy but I don't want to bring groups down, either. I might give pallies a shot but I don't really dig them. Can't go Rogue since its not my style. Never got into my warrior. I might stick with him just let cause I think the style is fine, but if there's any class that needs a complete overhaul its us. I believe that boat has sailed.
Oh c'mon now. Sure, Shamans are not as good as they should be right now, but by no means are you bringing anybody down by playing one.
Play what you enjoy to play. A good Enh will still kill any random who rolled Paladin because FOTM or something. Plus, you bring buffs, you bring Bloodlust, you bring emergency healing in a new difficult dungeon environment, you bring utility. I'd love having an Enh Shaman who can fully utilize his or her arsenal in my party!
Enh is. Sucks since its my main. I think I've had it with this class. Horrible since I enjoy the play style and this is my only toon with max'd profeseions but we now hit like wet noodles and our utility is sub par. Other than a sweet looking Orc and transmog I have almost no reason to play him. I'm not a min/max guy but I don't want to bring groups down, either. I might give pallies a shot but I don't really dig them. Can't go Rogue since its not my style. Never got into my warrior. I might stick with him just let cause I think the style is fine, but if there's any class that needs a complete overhaul its us. I believe that boat has sailed.
What's the dps meter addon to get? I don't want anything intrusive, just something where I can type /dps or something and get meters.
Was this a GAFer?
you cant queue from ashranIs MC supposed to be in group finder -> Raid finder? I'm at 617 ilvl, and am not seeing it there. Also when I go to regular dungeon finder, it says everything is locked and when I hover over it, it says "You have no valid roles" - but I have heal / dps selected. I think I'm bugged. . .
you cant queue from ashran