Very excited for all the ui changes. Little elements like the effects for attacks hitting and the improved health bars look and feel great.
Demon hunter also looks very fun. Disappointed in a summer release though.
It's just kind of like 'Paladins, you get Ashbringer. Rogues, you get Garona's blades, Mages you get Ebonchill'
Hand of Rag?
Axe of Cenarius?
How about two generic Valkyr swords that look like they dropped out of a Cata raid instead?
As someone who has been playing Fury since Vanilla WoW I've always found Titan's Grip to be a hindrance to Fury finding its identity. I would rather the spec distanced itself from Arms as much as possible.I don't even care about the lore, just giving fury warriors 2 1handers is just a slap in the face.
They're the ONLY spec in the game that dual wields 2 handers, and it's been their spec icon/identity since Wrath but they give them 1 handers. Just like combat and frost.
How can they even?
Is there an archived twitch of demon hunter gameplay?
There's a panel later today on gameplay system which includes professions and classes but it's only an hour long. I'm not expecting an information blowout really, the expansion is so far away at this point I'm not sure they have a concrete vision for every class.
So wait, a Legion digital pre-order now gets you a Level 100 boost instantly? Questions:
1. That's $50, making it $10 cheaper than a Level 90 boost? lol.
2. How does it work, in terms of the perks granted? All the same as a level 90 boost? And do you go through the same intro area in Tanaan? Do you do all the Garrison intro bullshit at level 100 instead?
edit- omg instant level 3 Garrison
From the wow forums:
The same things as the 90, but Professions are 700, the Gear is 640, and you get all flying bar Master, and
a Free Level 3 Garrison, along with 500 Gold.
Yep, one from Swifty and one from another streamer.
You get 8 followers when you boost.
I honestly don't know what I'd do with a 100 boost right now. Probably just bank it in case I had to reroll/transfer. I have every class at 90+ apart from paladin.
Well, good news for you have ~8 months to figure out what to do with your boost!!
Excited to see what they've come up with for classes. It sounded like they could have changed quite a bit according to the unstreamed panel I saw last night.
Is there an archived twitch of demon hunter gameplay?
There's a panel later today on gameplay system which includes professions and classes but it's only an hour long. I'm not expecting an information blowout really, the expansion is so far away at this point I'm not sure they have a concrete vision for every class.
I used my 100 boost on a shaman. Only have monk and warlock left now.
I was going to farm some transmog stuff today then ran into that thing where boosted characters have to wait 24 hours to enter non current content :/
The entire DH starting area (or at least the entire part that was available at Blizzcon, which sounds like it was only the first half).
Oh sweet, thanks!Just log in and the game will ask you if you want to use gold automatically. In that case the gold cost is shared by all your characters on that realm
Fuck...this artifact stuff just makes it sound like alts are gonna be a pain in the ass...again.
Fuck...this artifact stuff just makes it sound like alts are gonna be a pain in the ass...again.
Are they changing the default plates? It looks like something from ElvUI or tidyplates.
Or... A joy? I'm looking forward to doing different things on each alt via unique quests and artifacts! Better than redoing the exact same shit and quests on each alt.
Not the variety of it, the fact that it takes months to fully unlock the artifact weapons, which will clearly end up being a soft requirement for raiding. That can go stuff itself.
Gotcha. I mean, I dunno what to say. I feel like that's a problem Blizzard has to work with the raiding community to fix. The hard min/maxing etc. As a casual these days it's just great to hear about more to do. Lol
Sub Rogue sounds amazing.
Not the variety of it, the fact that it takes months to fully unlock the artifact weapons, which will clearly end up being a soft requirement for raiding. That can go stuff itself.
Old god-powered Shadow Priests!
Disc and Shadow specs sound interesting. Disc is all about heals through damage and Shadow sounds really neat. Insanity resource instead of mana and shadow orbs. They start to grow tentacles, gain a void form. Fucking rad!
Not a single word about any shaman specs? =(