Therazane really let herself go.Can this be the new warlock sucubus model?
Mmmm I inmediately checked the Legion prices, looks like Blizzard added 10 more dollars to each version of the expansion.
I think they may have fixed outdoor endgame.
I think they may have fixed outdoor endgame.
WoD was also $50. This is nothing new.
I think they may have fixed outdoor endgame.
Has anyone pre-ordered yet? Did you get the boost, and the mount already?
Yep, yep, and yep.
Yep, yep, and yep.
How do the professions work compared to the WoD boost? If you boosted a 60+ toon you got free max level professions with the WoD boost.
Does the mount fly? How does that look? Not sure if I should get the collectors edition or not. I probably will anyway.
Not sure, haven't used it yet. Holding off until I know this too, really.
Man. This expansion looks beautiful. They ALWAYS get the look right every time.
I think they may have fixed outdoor endgame.
So, Tyr is dead. Kinda anticlimatic to find that loose thread answered in an artifact blurb, but nice that they continued it regardless:
Yep, yep, and yep.
Is the current endgame worth boosting for?
Is the current endgame worth boosting for?
The sense I'm getting from most Legion panels and Q&As (including the current one) is that they're much further back in development than we think they are, given all the outcry and disappointment over a Summer 2016 release.
We're seeing storyboards, and hearing panelists speak in often generic, vague terms to describe scenes...the whole thing feels like a cover for a game that's not ready to be seen yet. I mean, I see that we're seeing quite a bit of it here at Blizzcon and in these little video snippets, but it all feels early to me...
How can there be nothing happening from 6.2 all the way to next summer? I'm not even playing now and I'm angry about it, haha.
Too busy making dem HotS/Hearthstone dollars. It was after Wrath that the A team left to go do their own stuff, and what is left is a rag tag group that can't really tow the line anymore.
So unless casting has been changed, the Elemental Shaman gets a fist weapon that will never be seen. Weapons are sheathed on casters. Resto's mace and shield will be shown on their hip and back. Enhancement Shaman's get to wield their weapons for some of their attacks and have them visible on their hips when casting. Elemental Shamans will have a shield on their back.