I went Fury and it ultimately it kind of felt like a slot machine with an unsatisfactory throttle. "Not enough Rage, I can't do that yet, I need to move closer, you are too close, no path available"
Fury has its share of problems, like many other specs in WoD. It's one of those cases where there isn't quite enough flavor to deliver really strong highs. I like most of Fury mechanically, but if you hit a dry spot where you're not Enraged you can sort of just wind up with not a lot to do. This gets to be really annoying when timing windows can be crucial for melee to avoid boss mechanics, or to take advantage of cooldowns being up. I don't mind fishing for power with Bloodthirst, but it usually seems like if it fails there aren't really backup plans to boost your damage through alternate means and pick yourself back up. You just...wait for the refresh. With Legion's changes I am pretty confident it will be one of the most fun melee specs in the game though.
I'm surprised you have issues with pathing. I've found charge to be quite forgiving, and combined with Heroic Leap it's pretty rare for me to feel like there are many obstacles between me and my target.
With Shaman I can do everything; cast, melee, off-heal, and main heal. As well as do handy things like self-resurrect, walk on water or never get out-paced by the tank because of wolf-form.
While I appreciate the versatility of the Shaman kit I can't help but feel that the class is just incomplete in its approach to these roles. Enhancement in particular just feels really piddly to me. Obviously the damage is there but there aren't many abilities that really pack a punch. There's a lot of "Enhance 'X' type of damage" or "Boost the critical chance of 'Y' element" but it's hard to feel like the melee aspect of the spec ever really has a chance to shine.
For Elemental it's just one of those things where there's not much going on. Limited resource management. There are loads of abilities that just feel like filler, and for whatever reason I get worse RNG vibes off Lava Burst than I do from a lot of other specs. It feels great to have it reset when you're using it, but it feels like a missed opportunity when you get a free charge while you were doing something else.
Restoration is on the verge of being a spec I really, really enjoy, but it's just not fully developed in WoD. Its AoE heal power in raids is immense, and the feedback off properly using your totems is something that you can really feel. Unfortunately I feel like a lot of this power holds back the spec for its single target and small group healing. Upkeep is also just a little too high.
Watch Earth Shield.
Watch Riptide.
Watch Healing Rain.
Watch Unleash Life.
Manage Totems.
These are things that require attention without always feeling very rewarding. Cloudburst Totem is one of the most interesting healing tools in the game. I almost wish it was baseline for the spec but it seems like the game is pushing people to take High Tide and spam Chain Heal.
Everything about totems is a mess. From the weird elemental type override stuff to the uncomfortable talent choices providing what should be baseline utility for totems that require precise placement. Fortunately it seems like Shaman are receiving a good amount of attention to deal with a lot of these issues.