The Arcanite Reaper looking thing is for Death Knights, as far as I'm aware.Warriors can't be mad at rogues getting thunderfury since they get the Arcanite Reaper right? Right?
The Arcanite Reaper looking thing is for Death Knights, as far as I'm aware.Warriors can't be mad at rogues getting thunderfury since they get the Arcanite Reaper right? Right?
Rogues get TF reskin?![]()
Oh yeah, mythic Mannoroth down! Last pull was on overtime and after 2 1min wipes so people were kinda disillusioned
Warriors can't be mad at rogues getting thunderfury since they get the Arcanite Reaper right? Right?
When our only weapon variation as prot is this stupid little fucking dagger sword, then we damn well can!
The sword doesn't look great, but I do like the Prot Shield. At least you can xmog the sword to something that matches and looks cooler.
The end of this Machinima by Nixxiom on Class Halls cracked me up...
The end of this Machinima by Nixxiom on Class Halls cracked me up...
The end of this Machinima by Nixxiom on Class Halls cracked me up...
Also the irony of mocking Blizz for Archerus and Wandering Isle and then complaining about not getting Ravenholdt in that vid
Oh yeah, mythic Mannoroth down! Last pull was on overtime and after 2 1min wipes so people were kinda disillusioned
Ravenholdt is a pretty unique location entrenched in rogue fantasy that rogues never actually visit. Archerus is somewhere a Death Knight will visit frequently, and Wandering Isle is where the entire race starts.
I can definitely see why rogues would prefer Ravenholdt over Dalaran Sewers.
Yeah, they've said that tanks and healers will be good at leveling and dailies solo but I don't think that the alpha reflects this currently.I read someone saying Blizzard plans to make healing solo viable for leveling in legion or just doing dailies or whatever. Can anyone confirm?
I was just playing my holy paladin and holy shit it takes me about 10 minutes to kill anything. How is it tanks can destroy mobs quick now but healers are still doing damage like it's BC?
Yeah, they've said that tanks and healers will be good at leveling and dailies solo but I don't think that the alpha reflects this currently.
What are these above Kara on Alpha? (Wish the guy took a better damn shot, like not at night)
I read someone saying Blizzard plans to make healing solo viable for leveling in legion or just doing dailies or whatever. Can anyone confirm?
I was just playing my holy paladin and holy shit it takes me about 10 minutes to kill anything. How is it tanks can destroy mobs quick now but healers are still doing damage like it's BC?
Yeah, they've said that tanks and healers will be good at leveling and dailies solo but I don't think that the alpha reflects this currently.
Pretty sure on alpha healers have an invisible +100% damage done passive when questing out in the world.
You are expected to level with your artifact for your main spec so they kinda have to
God damn, Legion, you are pretty and I want you now.
Man those pics make me so ready to fuck off draenor forever
Man those pics make me so ready to fuck off draenor forever
We don't need pics for that. Everyone's ready to fuck off Draenor with or without them.
Draenor looks really cool, but there's just nothing to do after a month or two. The art is never a problem IMO, Blizzard pretty much always rules when it comes to art and world design.
Here's hoping their ideas on keeping us engaged in the world work! And more content patches
Still a lot of tweeking to go, but so far I don't like the direction paladin healing is headed. If it keeps going that way I think I'm switching to a different toon for legion, maybe go for a dps class
Agreed. For all the faults Warlords has, the art direction isn't one of them. SMV & Talador are two of the best looking zones of all time, and nowhere except Winterspring can hold a candle to Ridge for the #1 snow zone.
Fire mage looks great.
and nowhere except Winterspring can hold a candle to Ridge for the #1 snow zone.
Fuck Draenor.
I'd say Storm Peaks edges out, but that's purely due to the music.
I agree with StMeph. Fuck Draenor.
Some of it looks nice, but I'm fucking done with.
I've never felt so "done" with an expansion.
Just started back after about 2 years. Any gaffers on Stormrage Alliance? Also not liking the changes to Druid healing. It's so weird now.
I have my DK alt parked there. If you need something give me a holler, though I'm not super wealthy or anything on that realm (just fairly geared).
Rösti;194040410 said:The guild finally got Archimonde (Normal) down. I got Calamity's Edge.
cata was still worse
Sweet thanks will do. Just been getting my resto druid geared and ready for Legion. I'm in a guild of about 15 real life friends. We all got back in it at the same time. What's the time on getting the legendary ring?
I don't get it.
What's the point of doing normal when you can just do a couple arena games and get a better weapon?
Why is normal ilevel so low?
cata was still worse
The starter zones for Horde and Alliance in WoD have so much promise that just never gets delivered on.
What a wasted potential. This place could have easily become another raid, with Nerzhul as the final boss. I mean, he was the freaking Lich King before the Lich King was even a thing. But nope, gotta have him has a 5 man boss instead, considering every other Warlords (except Grommash) became raid bosses, it's kind of a pathetic fate for him.
But nope, gotta have him has a 5 man boss instead, considering every other Warlords (except Grommash) became raid bosses, it's kind of a pathetic fate for him.