King Gilga
I totally forgot about the warlords.
I think I'd have to say Draenor is the worst expansion. Cata certainly had issues, but it did a few things that I really liked. The old world questing revamp was essential and well executed, and both new races are among my favorites from both factions. I remember being so pumped to play a Goblin Shaman.
The remaining expansions are all varying degrees of "very good" though. Pandaria is probably the best expansion when it comes to actual gameplay and mechanics, but I've never been terribly interested in the Pandaren as actual entities in Warcraft. If it had a setting that I cared more about it would probably be my overall favorite. I did really dig the Mantid, though.
We only really got to fight 3 warlords in a raid setting and of those only Blackhand was the only one that got a fight deserving of his status. It is really disappointing how they handled the warlords in this expansion.
There were a few other warlords that were handled similarly to Ner'zhul; Garrosh was killed in a cut scene, Zaela was in a 5 man, Dharl was in a quest, and Azuka was in the garrison weekly quest chain
i disagree that the old world revamp was essential. i don't think it was ever proven to bring more people in and even though it was "new content" it wasn't end game content. the only functional reason was to implement flying and the fill-in zones, but we know with blizzard's new philosophy on flying they probably wouldn't have allowed flying everywhere if they were going to do it over again.
In regards to people talking about Legion/Draenor visually, there's nothing in Legion yet that has impressed me as much as Karabor and maybe the whole of Shadowmoon Valley. The area is just so dense with detail that it just dwarfs what they've shown in Legion so far. Maybe that's why I'm sort of bummed out about going back to Dalaraan without it seeing much of a visual overhaul. Blizzard as the capacity to make a really cool capital city but time and time again we just get a workaround.I'm still disappointed that the Temple of Karabor was pretty much ignored except for the final Shadowmoon Valley quest.
I think I'd have to say Draenor is the worst expansion. Cata certainly had issues, but it did a few things that I really liked. The old world questing revamp was essential and well executed, and both new races are among my favorites from both factions. I remember being so pumped to play a Goblin Shaman.
Tol Barad was more fun than Ashran. There, I said it.
The numbers don't lie, cata > mop.
Agree with all of this. Cata is low on the list near WoD, but I'll always be thankful for the old world revamp that it brought.I think I'd have to say Draenor is the worst expansion. Cata certainly had issues, but it did a few things that I really liked. The old world questing revamp was essential and well executed, and both new races are among my favorites from both factions. I remember being so pumped to play a Goblin Shaman.
The remaining expansions are all varying degrees of "very good" though. Pandaria is probably the best expansion when it comes to actual gameplay and mechanics, but I've never been terribly interested in the Pandaren as actual entities in Warcraft. If it had a setting that I cared more about it would probably be my overall favorite. I did really dig the Mantid, though.
God damn, Legion, you are pretty and I want you now.
97 attempts in. Yogg pls.
97 attempts in. Yogg pls.
Legion Herbalism overview. I like the idea of profession quests and reward tiers (more herbs, rare mats, proc'ing random events, etc) but I'm not a fan of the WoD-style profession currency and what that potentially means. I sincerely hope that the class hall isn't like the garrison, basically a timegate and a throttle for professions. I hope there aren't daily allotments of resources I can create or that you need that prof currency to use a building of some sort to generate an additional drip feed of more crafting resources. WoD's approach to professions, beyond it's awesome catch-up mechanics, was kind of terrible.
I really enjoyed the olden days of finding weird stuff to add to your crafting recipes. As a tailor, I sometimes needed to find a potion, or different dyes, or rare silk from mobs, or pearls from clams, or components from other professions, or... I could go on. I still remember how awesome it was to craft a Robe of Power back then. As said above, one type of thing to craft is boring.
I like The Burning Crusade approach where you get rare secondary resources off of your main resource nodes, like Primal Fire, or need multiple mats from main resource nodes that you can gather to make one resource, like Felsteel or Hardened Admantite. Or just have outright rare resource spawns like Khorium. Occasionally you need a resource from another profession but in some cases fishing covers that with the trunks you pull up.
You're largely in control, and while there's some rng with drop rates or resource spawns, the rarity makes it worthwhile. I made more money off of BC mats than I have WoD mats.
Problem with that is it's nothing like what was being described above
TBC removed all the crazy weird mats you needed from stuff and streamlined the process heavily. Nothing like blood of the mountain or righteous orbs and the like, it was all just replaced with primal nether. It's a way better system but it is very boring compared to the craziness that was vanilla crafting.
Oh edit: Will also say if we're talking about crafting woes I wish they could strike a better balance on crafting armor. As poor as crafting was in WoD the fact that you could level up items and make them actually useful long-term (I've been using the same cape on my rogue for over a year now) is something I love a lot, but, it is heavily hampered by the fact you can only wear 3 crafted items.
I don't like that personally even though I understand the logic behind it. I wish there was a way you could equip crafted stuff in every slot but balance it so that it still took a similar amount of time to craft and upgrade everything to keep it in line with other forms of gear progression.
In regards to people talking about Legion/Draenor visually, there's nothing in Legion yet that has impressed me as much as Karabor and maybe the whole of Shadowmoon Valley. The area is just so dense with detail that it just dwarfs what they've shown in Legion so far. Maybe that's why I'm sort of bummed out about going back to Dalaraan without it seeing much of a visual overhaul. Blizzard as the capacity to make a really cool capital city but time and time again we just get a workaround.
In regards to people talking about Legion/Draenor visually, there's nothing in Legion yet that has impressed me as much as Karabor and maybe the whole of Shadowmoon Valley. The area is just so dense with detail that it just dwarfs what they've shown in Legion so far. Maybe that's why I'm sort of bummed out about going back to Dalaraan without it seeing much of a visual overhaul. Blizzard as the capacity to make a really cool capital city but time and time again we just get a workaround.
TBC was the happy medium between Vanilla & WoD, but much closer to Vanilla.
Lol, dude you need to get a grip on reality if you actually believe that.
Vanilla endgame sword Arcanite Champion, requires mats from:
Mining for ore and multiple different gems
Enchanting (which in turn required Skinning since you were enchanting leather)
Item that only dropped in 1 specific dungeon (and only from certain mobs in that dungeon)
And to cap it off the blueprint from the weapon dropped from a boss in a different dungeon.
TBC endgame sword Lionheart Blade:
Mining for ore
How on earth is that closer to vanilla crafting than it is Warlords. You learned shit at a trainer and then gathered a few simple mats. Crafting an Arcanite Champion was an adventure, crafting a Lionheart Blade was visiting my trainer, killing some elementals, then waiting a few days on a transmute cooldown.
Fucking lol.
I already had a better weapon from Heroic. But that sword is nice for transmogrification.I don't get it.
What's the point of doing normal when you can just do a couple arena games and get a better weapon?
Why is normal ilevel so low?
Karabor was supposed to be the capital. That location and even the Alliance garrison feel like they've moved well past Dalaran when it comes to texture work, object density/placement, stuff like that. While I understand the appeal of going back to Dalaran, its current iteration on the Legion Alpha feels like a hodgepodge of disparate pieces. Its new locations, which are primarily class halls, are substantially more complex than what was built in Wrath. Blizzard has the capacity to do a lot with a capital city but it feels like they're going to take another half-step with Dalaran.But Karabor isn't even the capital. Ashran is and I sure as hell prefer dalaran to ashran.
I'm surprised that they're using Wrath-era Dalaran. You would think that it would get a beauty pass with its textures and smaller world objects, at least to bring it up to date with the rest of Legions content. Since it's still Alpha, maybe that will happen. I hope it does, they've got a lot of ill will from WoD and have a lot to prove with Legion.
Just came back after like... A year break?
My warrior is 100 and has some normal first raid gear, should I just head straight to tanaan?
What are the coolest things I should do for my 2 month card sub?
Also, enhance feels terrible. My Lvl 94 sham just feels like a spam machine![]()
Do you like PvP at all? There's a battleground even this week that gives a ton of bonus honor, and blue pvp honor gear is ilevel 700. It's by far the best way to gear a new character
How do I get into it? Just regular queue?
And yes, I've pvp'd a... bit.