oh shit a flail
Maces and whips were on my weapons should be included list.
oh shit a flail
I know it's only me, but I wish off-spec artifacts were either months after launch or didn't happen at all. Let people commit & make a choice for once.
We have maces.
What class(es) would you have using a whip? Discipline priests? Oh-ho-ho.
Really bad idea. Specially with the ham fisted way blizzard does nerfs or buffs. If DPS pick one at the start and blizzard fucks their damage then come time for raiding they are downright useless they are sitting for someone that did a 1 in 3 pick of a spec that is good.
I meant flails, don't know why I put maces there.
Rogues having a whip might make sense, I'm use to thinking of warriors being able to use them (think Simon Belmont).
And sure why not for Discipline priest for the amusement factor.
PVP pet battles dont really seem balanced whatsoever. I keep getting destroyed by teams that have stuff like Hatespark, Graves, Lil XT, Lil KT, Blizzcon pets...
In a bidding war on a Hatespark right now. Just bid 20k and it has 2 hours left, assume it will jump out of my range soon
Just buy triple Mechanical Pandarian Dragonling if you want a cheese team. I'm jealous you got the hatespark for 22k though the temptation to flip it for twice that would be pretty high.
I really, really miss areas like Dalaran and Shattrath.
you can still hang out there you know![]()
The new artifact forms are a nice band-aid, but I wish they'd go further. More specifically, I don't think the bear form or moonkin form fit the looks of a Troll Druid or the lore. As followers of the Loa or even as the dinomancers of the Zandalari, you'd think Blizzard could include like a Direhorn form to replace the bear, a raptor form to replace the cat(or just some better jungle cat type skins for the cat form), or a wind serpent/snake/serpentman form to replace the boomkin.
I want my Dinomancers and Venomancers damnit
Unrelated to druid, but I saw on Wowhead that a new glyph is being introduced for shaman's in Legion that allows the player to transform into a spirit raptor if they want.
I'm going to try. Getting tickets seems near impossible today compared to when I got them in 2005 and 2007.any of you planning on going to blizzcon this year?
We kinda had a hint of this already so not ultra surprising. If you recall the leg quest chain in MoP part of it involved Wrathion finding ancient knowledge from lei shen and Ra-den (a titan watcher) by eating his heart. There is a part in his dialogue where he talks about needing azeroth to create the final titan. I imagine that is the same storyline and they've had it brewing for a while now. This quest.
Really wish WoW could get new capitals that looked like that.
New hero class: Simon BelmontWe have maces.
What class(es) would you have using a whip? Discipline priests? Oh-ho-ho.
Yeah I'm trying to decide if I should flip him for double that, but I assume Hatespark will never go down in price, only increase and getting him for 22k seems good enough for me. It's probably the rarest/most expensive thing I have now, I guess my pet collection is worth some crazy number over 300k now...
Draenor Curator should be a damn Feat of Strength
Draenor Curator should be a damn Feat of Strength
It should have some reward... Took me forever to finish. A pet, mount, title, something
Speaking as someone with the achievement for excavating 35 rare objects, any Archaeology achievement should be a Feat of Strength for overcoming sheer, mind numbing boredom.
The people that did it before it got buffed, like me, deserve a medal. Omg it was so bad but I wanted all the stuff back when it was introduced.
I so rarely get Pristine stuff it's stupid. Can spend an entire afternoon on it and come out with one item to hand in.
As I predicted, the Flail goes to Protection Paladins (video here). It fits, honestly. Good for them.
Does that make Prot Warriors the only class in the game without an alternate weapon skin now?
Awesome looking.
As I predicted, the Flail goes to Protection Paladins (video here). It fits, honestly. Good for them.
Does that make Prot Warriors the only class in the game without an alternate weapon skin now?
Man, flying really does make Tanaan, and Draenor in general, much more enjoyable. Can't believe I was ok with ground traveling for so long, lol.
The bigger the worlds get the more we need flying. No one has time for a 10 minute flight/20 minute run to an instance
We had time a few years ago.