So I'm trying Ashran to maybe gear up my Rogue a bit, and all I can tell is we're getting our shit pushed in. Like, how is this even supposed to be fun? Spend an hour, get nothing. I think I've been on the winning side of Ashran maybe once all expansion.
Honestly what is really great is never having to worry about sub-time again while also having a ton of gold. When they announced tokens were going to be a thing I went hard on building up my garrisons and then when the token prices dipped down to 19k on US servers I went crazy. 0 regrets about how many I bought, especially with how much tokens cost now. At this stage of an expansion I'd usually not be subbed and just be waiting for the next one, but thanks to the token idgaf and have been working on alts and other stuff like achievements/transmog.
so, uh
what professions make the most money? i'm boosting my monk. bought legion.
So I'm trying Ashran to maybe gear up my Rogue a bit, and all I can tell is we're getting our shit pushed in. Like, how is this even supposed to be fun? Spend an hour, get nothing. I think I've been on the winning side of Ashran maybe once all expansion.
Warlords will forever be the expansion that made people rich. RIP
are legion brewmasters in yet
trying to decide between what tankt o play in legion xpac
Honestly I'm still surprised the us token is as cheap as it is, gold is just so easy to make now.
Nope still no Brewmasters, it's just over for us they decided never to add the spec back
I stopped playing in early WoD, but how are people making so much money in WoD compared to previous expansions?
I stopped playing in early WoD, but how are people making so much money in WoD compared to previous expansions?
Why people skip Heroic Iskar? just because he's a pain in the ass?
Gold follower missions give like 1k+ gold a day, multiply that by all of your other alts...
Plus all of the mats, salvage crates and resources turned into gold
You can make like 3k a day per toon
Legendaries to me are insanely rare rewards earned by the 1% through hard work, dedication and skill but apparently that hasn't been the case for awhile now.
I've never leatherworked/skinned except for the Master Of All achievements. Seems like a buncha tedious shit to me... HOWEVER! How many Demon Hunters will there be when WoD launches? Definitely a decent amount, added to the three leather wearing classes already in the game.
oh, shit
good point
LW it is
What's sucks is I didn't get round to finishing the cape, so now I can never ever go fight Ordos.![]()
Assassination isn't in yet either and our spec is not really being changed much (core is basically the same just fixing a lot of the annoyances of the spec). My only guess for the remaining specs is that the artifact quests aren't done yet? Not sure what else would be holding them back.
This could be the single thing that kills the expansion and the game for good. Random legendaries may be the worst thing they've ever added to the game, at this point they should rename these drops Epic+ because they're not legendary. Legendaries to me are insanely rare rewards earned by the 1% through hard work, dedication and skill but apparently that hasn't been the case for awhile now. Now in Legion everyone and their Nan will have multiple legendaries after enough time and that's just bizarre to me.
And my Timewalking alts will never be BiS... They should just re-add that chain. Removing it was bullshit.
No? You were the one like yesterday saying that Blizzard should force people to commit to something and that is exactly what the cape was.
Not to mention they gave people 2 years to finish the thing, and they nerfed the grind 3 or 4 times. Can't say I have much sympathy for people that don't have it honestly.
You played the expansion and experienced the new quests/story/grinds/rewards every patch and at the end it you had gone on an awesome journey, one that wouldn't be as good visiting it after the fact.
What about the people that weren't playing during Mists, have swapped mains, or just want the cloak on an alt for timewalking?
So unless we've been subscribed since day one we're just short of luck? Possibly, but I'd take slightly deflated enjoyment of a certain patch/expansions features than the flatout removal of those features.
If for a while you mean literally never than sure. Legendaries in vanilla/TBC was a slot machine, nothing more. You pulled the lever each week to see if you got that other TF binding or warglaive, there was 0 hard work dedication, and especially no skill involved at all. The only legendary that was actually hard to get and required any sort of hard work and dedication was the qiraji battle tank, but, that wasn't even a piece of armor or weapon.
If you see the legendaries from vanilla and TBC as slot machines, then the cloak and the ring are just a piñata where you can do literally nothing but afk through everything and get it and make everyone feel special. It requires no work other than queueing for lfr every week and sending out missions.
Yes....? That is totally what the ring/cape are but personally I find that a much better model than the slot machine approach. Especially as someone whose guild did MC every single week until the day TBC came out (so probably close to 100 clears) and we literally never saw a single Garr binding, what a load of bullshit.
The ring & cape aren't legendaries, though.
They're really not.
Shadowmourne did it best.
-Traits like Treasure Hunter from Harrison Jones and naval crews like Dwarven Crew no longer reward bonus gold.
-Garrison missions no longer reward gold
You people are way too fixated on what color the item name is.
You people are way too fixated on what color the item name is.
Pugs are actually getting worse at iskar for some reason. I'm guessing more people are getting to him, and it's just getting ridiculous.
But there's just nothing special anymore, colour or not, simply because everything & everyone is supposedly special now. I can't remember the last time I felt a sense of individual accomplishment ingame, be it from working on faction reputation, PvE, or PvP.
Back in the day guilds helped out those few people that got their legendaries out and were happy to do it
His loot table is awful. This is not to say Iskar has no good item drops...but there's not a lot there to attract a lot of different specs/classes. Given the frustrations that can arise from one player lagging out or making a mistake it makes sense nobody would really want to fight Iskar.That sucks. I really want the Heroic Unblinking Gaze of Sethe but people just avoid Iskar like the plague.
I can. Mythic raids never lost that sense of accomplishment.
I just want the Corrupted Nest Guardian.
The pet from Iskar? Sure, I've shitloads of them.
Maybe I should go DPS, because so far as tank, nothing has made me feel like "wow, that was hard! I'm glad I managed to do that." Not 13/13 (yet), though, so give it a few weeks and I'll see how it goes.
I am enjoying raiding, though! It's nice to spend time with the lads n ladies n just chat shit on vent.
The pet from Iskar? Sure, I've shitloads of them.
Yeah, tanking is not exactly the most exciting role. And to be honest, DPS isn't that exciting to perform either.
Still, when you get your first kill of a hard boss, that feels good.
So I can be cheeky and nab one for a lady friend too?
Hit me up Robin64#2339
By a shitload, I mean 3, but sure, you can both have one. I'll sort you out when I'm back home on Monday.
anyone have the details on the best apexis to gold sink?