Congrats. How long does it take nowadays? Was a bit more of a pain in the arse to do before the DMF quests were added & Shen'dralar was removed.
Um. Hard to say since I've worked on it bit by bit over the years. DMF is trivialized now with the quests though for sure. And Bloodsail is fairly easy if you can do the instanced Booty Bay that was added in Cata. Shen'dralar may have been the worst overall though, but I had never even started that step.
Longest bit right now was definitely Ravenholdt though since the goblin reps go fairly quickly in a group (though I did plenty solo). Since I didn't feel like grinding the mobs so much, I pickpocketed somewhere in the realm of 2400 lockboxes. Wanna say that was upwards of 20 hours just doing that, spread over a few weeks.
The crazy thing is you can open and check the boxes for loot and rarely there'll be something of value, but it wasn't worth my time.