Some lulzy attempts on Archi after.
That is one colorful screenshot.
Some lulzy attempts on Archi after.
Some lulzy attempts on Archi after.
Dalaran is the second largest NA PVE server, it's EST and it's population is evenly split between both factions but its server cluster is on the west coast I believe.
It's been marked for new players since last summer, which shows how much churn and growth this game continues to have, even now.
Edit: by growth I mean players starting for the first time.
It makes sense they'd move them towards a big server now. If people join a ghost server I can't see them sticking around.
I would've sworn they made the Harrison Jones quest rotate in order now. Maybe I'm wrong. But today's daily is the same as yesterday's, maybe servers being wonky due to the time change?
Yeah I noticed that too. Curious to see if it picks up where it left off tomorrow, or if it is something different.
It makes sense they'd move them towards a big server now. If people join a ghost server I can't see them sticking around.
Dalaran is the second largest NA PVE server, it's EST and it's population is evenly split between both factions but its server cluster is on the west coast I believe.
Confirmed, if you raise a character to level 20 in WoW you get Lady Liadrin in Hearthstone.
Note this doesn't count if you already have a char above 20, lol.
Did anyone else pre order the Chronicle book? Mine will be here tomorrow. Always up for more lore from Lord Metzen.
So, with many of us having double-digit hundreds, we still have to level another toon to 20 to unlock this? Not a big issue, and I'll do it for sure, but just seems a bit odd.Confirmed, if you raise a character to level 20 in WoW you get Lady Liadrin in Hearthstone.
Note this doesn't count if you already have a char above 20, lol.
So, with many of us having double-digit hundreds, we still have to level another toon to 20 to unlock this? Not a big issue, and I'll do it for sure, but just seems a bit odd.
Said it in the hearthstone thread but it's hilarious how many people are leveling characters in low level zones atm. Way more than I usually see this time of night even with CRZ. That hearthstone hero thirst is real.
Yeah I preordered it but I doubt I will get it tomorrow, went with scrub-tier shipping. Gah I want it so bad, the stuff that has came out so far has been amazing and apparently there is even more awesome stuff no one has spoiled yet.
The window must be kind of forgiving cos I just logged in to my new Belf Pali, which was already past 20 and got the achievement and I guess that deck if I ever install and play Hearthstone.
If they're primarily targeting hearthstone players who do not play wow, they would still have to level a toon to 20 in WoW to unlock it for hearthstone. Current WoW players with 12 level 100 toons, who also play hearthstone, need to level another to 20 just for the hell of it? Odd.Not really odd, they want to lock someone new in to WoW. They're using this non-WoW players liking of Hearthstone to funnel them into WoW and get them to commit long enough to a free trial character to make them maybe want to sub to WoW. You they already have.
If they're primarily targeting hearthstone players who do not play wow, they would still have to level a toon to 20 in WoW to unlock it for hearthstone. Current WoW players with 12 level 100 toons, who also play hearthstone, need to level another to 20 just for the hell of it? Odd.
Not odd at all, otherwise they would basically be giving this to millions of people who left over the years, and if there is a chance to get them back it's worth it./
Not odd at all, otherwise they would basically be giving this to millions of people who left over the years, and if there is a chance to get them back it's worth it.
Also gives current subscribers something to do, lol/
Just resubbed on a whim. Stopped playing after popping Foundry was released (Finished Highmaul Myth, but god that place sucked).
There's a lot of stuff to do. Apparently I can build ships now and Apexis is actually worth something.
Question: I'm 679 atm. Any recommended daily/weekly bits I should do for some easy upgrades? I hear Kazzak is back in town.
You can grind gear up to 695 for Apexis in Tanaan. Kazzak drops 705(?) gear, I think. Mythic dungeons drop gear up to 725. Honor gear is 700 in PvE if you don't mind PVPing for a bit.
Kazzak is the shittiest loot pinata. You're better off playing Ashran, even as a Horde, or farming Baleful tokens.
So a quick google says I need to hunt rares for the 650 item, then spend 20k Apexis upgrading it into something fierce?
Good luck farming Tanaan rares if you don't have flying. For Baleful tokens your best bet is to do Tanaan dailies, the lootable objects that appear in some of the blue daily areas give you Baleful tokens. Also you will be in proximity for rares spawning in the blue daily areas, you just need to be able to tag the rare with some damage before a swarm of flyers virtually insta-gib it.
The thing is farming Tanaan for Baleful tokens is slow. Farming Apexis can be slow-ish. Farming Ashran can go quickly if you get in a good group but that's problematic Horde-side.
Tomorrow Timewalking for Wrath starts, Seer Kazal will give you a quest that will reward you with enough TW currency that you can upgrade a bunch of gear to ilvl 675 with five TW dungeon runs.