I'm on a roll, baby!
now I just want to burn Pandaria to the ground.
theres nothing worse then fighting the fel touched pets in Tanaan and they have rares with them
why is this allowed
Emerald proto whelp. Just shield and heal until the buff wears off. Also if it's the crabs, try catching them when they submerge, sometimes it works and saves you that big hit.
Speaking of the Tanaan pet battles is the Nightmare Bell a super low drop rate? I have multiple of all the other pets but 0 bells. Figured it's probably rare because of how cool it looks but I could just be super un-lucky. I want one!!
Need advice for arms spec (I'm going DPS so they can put the two other tanks against each other to see who they're keeping).
I haven't played since they added it, but how rare is that timewalking mount? Is it like a 1% drop off any timewalking boss? less?
Download simcraft and sim it, and/or do a training dummy test
How reliable is a training dummy test when the spec is so RNG heavy though?
Questing in the Barrens at night now is so damn cool. It's not as pitch black as I've seen people want it, but you still have to be able to see, dammit. But the difference from how it was is amazing. It does feel like night time now, and I love it.
I've been doing Pandaren Water Spirit/Chrominius/Lil' Bad Wolf for the Gronnling combo which will take out most of the Fel Pets except Vile Blood of Draenor, Dreadwalker and a few others. I've used an Anubisath to clean up but I guess I will switch to Emerald Whelp because he can soak damage as well.
Speaking of the Tanaan pet battles is the Nightmare Bell a super low drop rate? I have multiple of all the other pets but 0 bells. Figured it's probably rare because of how cool it looks but I could just be super un-lucky. I want one!!
I haven't played since they added it, but how rare is that timewalking mount? Is it like a 1% drop off any timewalking boss? less?
Ok I got a question for the "Rock Lover" achievement. I've been checking the Therazane daily givers every day and I have never seen the quest. Is it just super rare?
the fuck did i just get?
is this a guaranteed drop or what
the fuck did i just get?
is this a guaranteed drop or what
Just got recently back in after a break mid-panda
Leveling up wasn't terrible (was actually pretty decent, imo), at 692, but while I know I'm not playing particularly well for a Ret, the difference in DPS between myself and the 710+ people seems to be a signiiificant margin.
The main thing I've noticed with garrisons is that it's really, really slow to 'get back in' to the game in that aspect, as opposed to other xpacs and future content patches.
Between Tanaan dailies trying to get flying, waiting for garrison followers to level, and the attached 'eventual' reward of being able to fly to speed up the rest of the mount/follower grinds is an...interesting strategy.
At 692, should I continue to try and pug normal HFC, or try and get into some mythic dungeons and finish off the rest of my 660/670 blues?
Warcraft screening in Long Beach had great reception
Warcraft screening in Long Beach had great reception
They should really aim to get Legion out the same week if not a week before the movie. If it does catch fire and create hype, imagine all these people coming back to Tanaan dailies
Unfortunately at this point a release before August seems really unlikely.
They should really aim to get Legion out the same week if not a week before the movie. If it does catch fire and create hype, imagine all these people coming back to Tanaan dailies
At a minimum the 7.0 patch should be out before or around the movie so they can at least guide people to the world events (which reward gear as well) instead of anything on Draenor.
I've been preparing for the worst for so long, would be amazing if it's actually goodhttps://twitter.com/Itchyypanda/status/710348832509394944
Warcraft screening in Long Beach had great reception
Unfortunately at this point a release before August seems really unlikely.
Are you guys going to wear a Horde / Alliance shirt when you go see the movie?
Yet again I'm organizing strategy. This time for Archimonde.
Man finding POV videos for everyone is a bitch. Takes so much time. It's annoying cause there aren't really any "guide" videos for the current burn to 70% with lust strat. At least I have time today to do this so people can watch what they're supposed to before raid tomorrow.
I deserve a mount for this shit work, but I already know I'm only like medium in priority right now for a couple reasons. Got some other deserving people to award it to first, and part of it being that I got a mount from Garrosh in Mists. On the plus side, like a third of our raid group is people from other teams on alts and they either already have the mount or will likely get one from their other team, as our time is very limited comparatively.
For the mythic strat you mean?
Definitely do some mythics. Your best bet for HFC is to find a friendly guild, as most pugs will ask for gear equal to or better than what the raid actually provides. The difference in power is so huge because the HFC trinkets & tier bonuses are absolutely gigantic in terms of DPS, so it's not unusual for someone to gain 5-10k DPS from a single upgrade. And the ring is probably the biggest upgrade of them all.
What server do you play on? EU or US?