Hello WoW-GAF. I'm not one of you anymore (quit right before Burning Crusade released) but I saw this on Reddit last night and thought you would enjoy. Official pictures of Sargeras:
Hello WoW-GAF. I'm not one of you anymore (quit right before Burning Crusade released) but I saw this on Reddit last night and thought you would enjoy. Official pictures of Sargeras:
I wear my Horde hoodie all the time (so far only one person has commented!) so yes, since I do normally anyway. I have a Horde t-shirt I quite like as well.
Haha, I just decided to make the Druid I'm leveling main Balance at 100. Can't decide whether to stay Troll or go Tauren though. Did some lore research and it seems they both fit well.
I was thinking mage as one of them since I use to play one way back, but I've heard they're the worst at soloing new and older content because they have very little self healing.
I was thinking mage as one of them since I use to play one way back, but I've heard they're the worst at soloing new and older content because they have very little self healing.
True to an extent, you can't solo as well as warlocks, but as long as you don't want to solo group quests or the previous expansions later raids, you'll be fine
True to an extent, you can't solo as well as warlocks, but as long as you don't want to solo group quests or the previous expansions later raids, you'll be fine
Lol, it's the reason I'm weary on Mage is because I WANT to solo older raid stuff because I've missed a lot of those raids when I quit a long time ago.
I'll probably use a boost on a Warrior since they seem to be well rounded in all specs.
Lol, it's the reason I'm weary on Mage is because I WANT to solo older raid stuff because I've missed a lot of those raids when I quit a long time ago.
I'll probably use a boost on a Warrior since they seem to be well rounded in all specs.
Like Bisnic says, everything below Pandaria is easy. I play a warlock but I go there with minimal healing and no pet. You can face tank all the damage even as a clothie easily.
Like Bisnic says, everything below Pandaria is easy. I play a warlock but I go there with minimal healing and no pet. You can face tank all the damage even as a clothie easily.
Vanilla PvP in the 20-29 range as a retpally was probably where they shined the most. First you had Seal of Command (or Seal of Casino), which when coupled with a powerful slow two-hander let you RNG oneshot pretty much anything like a lvl60 enhancement shaman with windfury. And paladins could get a really good two-handed mace pretty much tuned for lvl29 in their early 20s by doing the class quest.
Retribution seems like kind of a boring spec to be honest. It seems way more dependent on and constrained by resource generation for its combat capabilities than Holy is for healing.
I had a 69 ret pally twink fully pimped out when BoA items were limited to shoulders/chest/weap & XP off BGs weren't a thing. That character was brutal.
So apparently they removed the flavor teleport spell each class had for their class hall, and instead just made portals available in dalaran.
I was pretty annoyed by that, since I had read about them and they seemed a cool idea.
Then I actually watched videos...what was cool about them is not really seen at all, lol. You see the warrior prepare for his jump but it cuts to a loading screen before the interesting part. Really no different than an hearthstone.
So apparently they removed the flavor teleport spell each class had for their class hall, and instead just made portals available in dalaran.
I was pretty annoyed by that, since I had read about them and they seemed a cool idea.
Then I actually watched videos...what was cool about them is not really seen at all, lol. You see the warrior prepare for his jump but it cuts to a loading screen before the interesting part. Really no different than an hearthstone.
Stormshield wasn't so bad imo but there was no reason to be there more than a few minutes each week, unless you were waiting for ashran.
I'm sure people will be more inclined to spend time in dalaran, especially now that they have to get there to access their Hall. Otherwise honestly I'm not sure I would have stepped foot there that often.
It'll be interesting to see if Monks and DKs are more inclined to stay in their hall since they don't need Dalaran for that.
Can you transmog anything other than fist weapons into fist weapons? Like if your shaman use 2 axes, but you have that cool ass looking fist weapon you'd like?