The helm just looks like a recolor of that Shaman Tier 0 head piece.Is there really this kind of gear ingame? Like that "batman" helm?
Now I want to make a batman toon.
The helm just looks like a recolor of that Shaman Tier 0 head piece.Is there really this kind of gear ingame? Like that "batman" helm?
Now I want to make a batman toon.
Oh hey, I'm also on Proudmoore!
They both drop mounts. Almost all the MoP world bosses drop a mount, but the two mentioned there have horrible respawn timers.
2 hour spawn times though. Seems pretty ok. I remember people waiting days/weeks for time lost proto drake in BC.
Since blizzard gives everything away for barely any effort they just want another thing added to that list.
2 hour spawn times though. Seems pretty ok. I remember people waiting days/weeks for time lost proto drake in BC.
Since blizzard gives everything away for barely any effort they just want another thing added to that list.
Weak Auras if you don't mind setting it up.Anyone play on Eldre'Thalas and looking to group up with me or join a small, friendly guild?
Edit: forgot to ask. Can anyone recommend an addon to help with optimizing dps rotation, specifically fury warrior? I currently use ovale, but looking for alternatives or additions. Thanks!
I just hit lvl 100, now what?
I hope you really like how your garrison looks.
You're going to be seeing a lot of it now, barring Tanaan being your temporary home if you want to try and grind out flying.
Not much reason to leave it in WoD in terms of queues (outside of mythic/challenge dungeons or mount/toy/rare hunts), and a bunch of stuff surrounding it requires semi-continual management to get any significant benefit out of it.
if i want a pve route, what should i do first?
im tired of dungeons![]()
Leveling up a blood elf rogue, hopefully the last blood elf in a long while, and debating whether I should run the dreadful Ghostlands again for the 4th fucking time (completionist tendencies whoo) or I should hop straight to Silverpine or Northern Barrens for a better questing experience.
Barrens have always sucked, 11 years running.
Wow, I didn't know that book about Azeroth has a map of pre-Sundering Azeroth too.
They sure are making it harder to asspull new regions in the future.
Chronicle pg. 40 said:In time, the keepers and their servants stabilized Azeorth's main landmass, a continent that teemed with plants and creatures of every kind. Twilight fell as the titan-forged surveyed the world they had shaped, and they named the primary continent Kalimdor: "Land of Eternal Starlight."
feel good about it
I just hit lvl 100, now what?
In the end, wow it's not as interesting as I expected. Playing alone with no friends is not that great, just doing random quests in an effort to learn the basics (still at level 8). At first it was fun, but I feel like it's getting boring for me pretty fast. Not being a very social person who can't interact even online to try and look for other players, I don't seem to have a lot of future with the game.
Also, pretty lost when it comes to picking secondary professions. This is what usually scares me about these games, having to waste and waste time looking for stuff needed for crafting.
In the end, wow it's not as interesting as I expected. Playing alone with no friends is not that great, just doing random quests in an effort to learn the basics (still at level 8). At first it was fun, but I feel like it's getting boring for me pretty fast. Not being a very social person who can't interact even online to try and look for other players, I don't seem to have a lot of future with the game.
Also, pretty lost when it comes to picking secondary professions. This is what usually scares me about these games, having to waste and waste time looking for stuff needed for crafting.
Barrens was alright, but Mulgore is the first zone I ever played in WoW and it kinda blew me away. Love the art direction there
You can lean all the secondary professions, the primary professions are limited to two. You can never go wrong with gathering + profession that uses mats from said gathering. And crafting is really streamlined now, no farming for shells to try to get pearls to craft that one item anymore.
Thanks. Then gathering would be ok for Hunters? (I tried to pick a class that seemed easier to begin with.
Anyways, As stupid as it sounds, I never play more than 60 minutes and quit as soon as I hit that number. I'm still scared about 2004-2006 Ragnarok Online's addiction and last summer with Destiny. Loot craze really hit me badly that time.
Race changed my dk
feel good about it
Got Reins of the Onyxian Drake, which was a nice surprise. Now if only Kael and Alysrazor will drop their mounts...
Grats!!this is the first time I tried running this raid in months
Also some of that sweet GAF -> Internet -> GAF going on.
Are Unclaimed BMAHs containers really auctions that players didn't claim, or is it just flavour text?
Are Unclaimed BMAHs containers really auctions that players didn't claim, or is it just flavour text?
Kinda looks like the wall art in Heart of Fear.![]()