"Login Servers Are Full."
New is cutting edge tech!"Login Servers Are Full."
"Login Servers Are Full."
I got that error earlier today, too. Clearly whatever they did to bnet this week is not working that well. I'm still having issues changing realms as well, which is really annoying.
There is probably a wowhead guide out there or something but if you check "not collected" in the toy box it will show you all the toys you dont have and where to get them, can manually search for transform toys that way.
As for mythic dungeons, use the LFG tool. If you're doing it as a tank you will get into any group of your choice instantly.
Early April Fools or actual feature?
Answer is 83 by the way, after much trial and error.
Is that in game? Has there ever been an in game april fools before? Maybe it's built into the mission addon we all use. Hasn't come up for me but it's not April 1 here yet.
Early April Fools or actual feature?
Answer is 83 by the way, after much trial and error.
Shadow Priest will remain my main, like it's been since WoTLK. The overhaul the class is getting is REALLY fitting. I usually have 1-2 actual alts per expansion, which will probably be my Prot Warrior and Rogue.Limiting myself to one alt for Legion. Just haven't decided which yet.
Probably a warlock.
Blame EGMSpeaking of April Fool's, do we think we could reasonably blame Blizzard for the scourge of fake news that this "holiday" has turned into? I can't think of any company that did the extensive stuff they do before they did.
So I have 205 mounts. How the hell did some of you get to 250 or 300?
Speaking of April Fool's, do we think we could reasonably blame Blizzard for the scourge of fake news that this "holiday" has turned into? I can't think of any company that did the extensive stuff they do before they did.
Blame EGM
So I have 205 mounts. How the hell did some of you get to 250 or 300?
K I'll be playing in Midwinter next expansion. Excited
Welcome to Sargeras.K I'll be playing in Midwinter next expansion. Excited
Nice. Glad you found a home.
Welcome to Sargeras.
Added a new notification for the “Twitch Plays Raid Finder” feature implemented in Patch 4.3.2.
Spectral Sight will now properly highlight Jaina Proudmoore when activated.
Left Shark
Left Shark
Left Shark
Left Shark
They know and it hurts
The /laugh voiceover audio for all races has been replaced with a recording of Ben Brode. Including the Gnome Female. Especially the Gnome Female.
I can't help but feel like any time and man power, however slight, spent on this yearly crap could have been better used getting Legion out sooner.
That stuff is not made by the main team lol.... its probably one of the community managers and stuff
That's great! I've always wanted to be a part of a really solid hardcore raiding guild.K I'll be playing in Midwinter next expansion. Excited
Today Blizzard Entertainment® would like to offer a very special thank you to all of our loyal players for the years of dedication to the World of Warcraft®. Today we're pleased to announce our new Open Developer 2016 initiative!
What is the Open Developer 2016 initiative? Well, following the release of World of Warcraft®: Legion in October 2016, Blizzard will be undertaking a new community engagement process to reconnect with our loyal fans. We will communicate our intentions for the game moving forward and engage in a healthy discussion with the community through a series of livestreams, interviews with popular fansites and regular discussion with popular Youtube® and Twitch® personalities connected to the world of Azeroth.
As part of this strategy moving forward we are undertaking a commitment to three-monthly content patches and regular updates including new dungeons, world content and PvP zones as well as regular raid releases. Additionally a dedicated "Bridging team" has been created from within the existing World of Warcraft team to ensure that when we eventually begin full-swing development of our next fantastic expansion, players won't go without for another 10-12 months. We recognize that this has been a failure on our part in the past and believe that this new strategy moving forward will result in a more fun and dynamically-engaging play experience during what some in the community have unfortunately dubbed "content droughts".
Additionally, while we continue to firmly believe that flight is a special reward suitable for later in the expansion cycle, we are committed to confirming a solid timeline for earning flight and clearly spelling out the timeline for its release into the game prior to Legion's launch date.
All the best moving forward, and we look forward to seeing you a lot more often in the World of Warcraft. Happy April 1st!
Ahoy! Just started out again in Wow, last time I played was in 2007 and I lost interest around level 50. Do you guys think the boost to 90 is worth it? has anything changed to make getting to the endgame faster?
Hmm, what I would do is reroll a new character. Too much has changed. Please do that.
Leveling is so much faster and more fun.
Don't boost. The content is there for you to enjoy.
I actually have a new account, so I did create a new character. Went with a gnome mage. At what level can I start joining up with groups and doing raids/dungeons whatever?
That's great! I've always wanted to be a part of a really solid hardcore raiding guild.
I'm afraid I'll be pretty casual in Legion, unless I find a good group. Unfortunately Kil'Jaeden-US doesn't offer much, especially for an East coast player.
RIP indeed. I've been on KJ since 2009 and it used to be one of the best realms for PvE. So many great guilds and players.Rip HIJ