I'm hopeful that the Diablo III systems that are leaking into Legion will be meaty enough to keep me occupied for a while.
Okay... What's the song by the way? I think I've heard it before.
Guessed as much. Heaven forbid long term players have something, right?
grindy chore
I Knew You Were Trouble
It's obviously going to be grindy, feeling like a chore is going to be the real question. We know pretty much every activity in the game is going to give power which sounds perfect on paper but in practice we need to see some numbers as my main concern is just how much artifact power you can potentially gather up on a weekly/daily basis (speaking at max level of course, leveling is a different story).
More or less my point is that I hope artifact power is sort of a background thing that just happens while you play the game like you normally would.
Thanks both.
Just bought 12x Champion's Honor - Which mage spec do I go for solo BG fun?
As much as I was enjoying raiding and progressing through HFC, I'm off the game until pre-patch.
I've just got so many unfinished games piling up. Even focusing on one main and no alts, I never finish anything because of WoW. And a lot of my time in WoW is spent doing tedious shit I don't enjoy. Like the idea of REGRINDING all my rep isn't something I want to do. Ever.
I can agree with that. I think WoW is the main reason I have a backlog as big as I do.
I think it's more that it really sucks for people who main swapped. No idea if they have sworn off adding another X reps achievement though
Not sure how any of that is relevant to be honest. I've been playing with the same people since vanilla but that doesn't mean we stick around if the game has no content. It's one thing when it's free, but is a strong sense of community really going to get people to fork out over 500 dollars (which is what playing the game for around 3 years would cost) when there isn't any new content?
Because yes, I find that incredibly hard to believe. There would always be a handful of diehards but I really don't believe the vast majority of people would do that.
Naice. Still one of my favourite mounts in the game. That took me over three years of fairly steady farming on multiple characters lol.Got that WoW itch again and re-subbed last week for the first time since shortly after WoD release, mainly to level all my alts to 100 and do some mount farming.
Second run:
Haven't been this lucky since I got ZG tiger on my first run back in the day. Feels good man.
Still never lucky with Raven Lord and Invincible though.![]()
Resubbed after reading about Legion for the first time since Wotlk. Holy shit I am lost.
Is there a guide for returning players out there somewhere? I raided from classic through ulduar and play an alliance warlock.
Resubbed after reading about Legion for the first time since Wotlk. Holy shit I am lost.
Is there a guide for returning players out there somewhere? I raided from classic through ulduar and play an alliance warlock.
Resubbed after reading about Legion for the first time since Wotlk. Holy shit I am lost.
Is there a guide for returning players out there somewhere? I raided from classic through ulduar and play an alliance warlock.
Frost or Fire are both nice. I prefer Fire myself for those proc'd bursts.
Then I discovered #FriendshipMoose and got lucky with being picked for the heroic mode Archi mount that I otherwise probably wouldn't have got in time before Legion.
Has been a good welcome back![]()
Congrats!! I love the idea of #FriendshipMoose. I tried to get into a few of Zelse's runs but never got picked. I considered paying for it, but then I joined an awesome guild that was as progressed as I was (12/13 H) and we ended up downing Archimonde the week after I joined. We even one-shot him last week!
And grats on Ashes, too. You've had a productive April.![]()
I would take WoD over Vanilla ten times out of ten.
But then WoW wasn't my first MMO, so I have no nostalgia blinders on.
You know, FriendshipMoose is a good idea...
Do we have enough people on EU/US to put together a for-fun boosting team? If anyone fancies it, perhaps we can see what we have, what we need, and maybe get some non-GAF guildies involved or something.
I keep meaning to host some HFC normal fun runs, but I'd not be able to coordinate so many people at once.
I'd be up for this if we did Heroic ;D
Read about this Tab Targeting change in Legion in the Windwalker section, but my google fu fails me.
Anybody can enlighten me?
I would take the community of vanilla over any expansion.
Seeing those screenshots of nost shutting down where there was more than 10 people on screen just made me long for more populated WoW areas. I can't remember the last time I went through a leveling or out-of-city zone and saw more than two other players.
The large leveling splits and phasing have completely killed the feeling of the MMO for me.
Bummer, Tenebrous, I'm US or else I'd totally help out! My shaman is fully heroic geared.
Seriously? Have you leveled recently? I just leveled a character through Northern Barrens and Azshara earlier in the week and I was fighting for mobs the entire time with like 10 other players on the same phase of the quest. There were 30+ players just hanging out in Crossroads and dueling. I thought Azshara might be a bit less populated but it was nearly as populated as the Barrens, which blew my mind a bit.
And because of CRZ, everyone is on different realms and no one wants to group up. I'd much rather only see 1-2 people from my realm than have to deal with a bunch of random people from other realms competing for quest mobs. But then again, my hate for CRZ is well documented.
Yeah, I've seen this complaint on other forums and I wonder if CRZ is broken or something for some people. Whether on my main or an alt, I'm pretty much never in a zone that isn't populated with a decent amount of other players.Seriously? Have you leveled recently? I just leveled a character through Northern Barrens and Azshara earlier in the week and I was fighting for mobs the entire time with like 10 other players on the same phase of the quest. There were 30+ players just hanging out in Crossroads and dueling. I thought Azshara might be a bit less populated but it was nearly as populated as the Barrens, which blew my mind a bit.
And because of CRZ, everyone is on different realms and no one wants to group up. I'd much rather only see 1-2 people from my realm than have to deal with a bunch of random people from other realms competing for quest mobs. But then again, my hate for CRZ is well documented.
This is like the complete opposite of my experience.Yes, and I even transferred to a more populated server. Still I only ran into >5 players at a time while I was going through the zones under 20. After that most zones become ghost towns.
It just doesn't feel like an MMO at all unless you are sitting in a hub. I dislike it.
This is like the complete opposite of my experience.
It's pretty much the same on every realm for me because of CRZ. Sargeras, Laughing Skull, Area 52, Drak'Tharon, etc.What server have you been playing on?
It's pretty much the same on every realm for me because of CRZ. Sargeras, Laughing Skull, Area 52, Drak'Tharon, etc.
The only area that varies for me depending on server is Draenor stuff like Stormshield. That's only your server's population AFAIK.
Ah okay. I'm usually just in Stormshield/Warspear lately (even though SS and WS are lame compared to Org and SW).Org/SW are the same.