I kinda wish Blizzard waited a little longer to shut down the latest pirate server because now Trade is just filled with people whinging about how great Vanilla was 24/7.
I kinda wish Blizzard waited a little longer to shut down the latest pirate server because now Trade is just filled with people whinging about how great Vanilla was 24/7.
Yes, and I even transferred to a more populated server. Still I only ran into >5 players at a time while I was going through the zones under 20. After that most zones become ghost towns.
It just doesn't feel like an MMO at all unless you are sitting in a hub. I dislike it.
I doubt it since those don't all cost the same.Has Blizz ever discussed making WoW tokens into just a service token? Usable to redeem for a faction change, race change or server change as well as a month of game time?
Has Blizz ever discussed making WoW tokens into just a service token? Usable to redeem for a faction change, race change or server change as well as a month of game time?
QOL improvement for ranged targeted abilites coming in Legion. I like
It's a decade old MMO, it's not surprising that once players gain access to the dungeon queue at 15 they vanish from the old, stale leveling content. You gotta join a leveling guild to maintain a more social leveling experience and Dalaran has plenty of casual guilds for that. I think Dalaran only has casual guilds. You play Alli right? Order of the Righteous seems pretty large, active and always looking for more. They even do world PVP, they murdered Voljin last night.
I love lore and PVE but even my favourite questing zones get boring to play through multiple times. I leveled the hunter I'm currently playing almost strictly through RBG's because it was something different and actually fun.
After 2 months and 250 wipes, mythic gorefiend is dead. I hate that boss so much.
QOL improvement for ranged targeted abilites coming in Legion. I like
QOL improvement for ranged targeted abilites coming in Legion. I like
Im gonna play TBC in a private new server next week,
Walock was the most OP class in the game right? PVE and PVP?
Not a fan of those shoulders. Would suit a Shaman more.
Im gonna play TBC in a private new server next week,
Walock was the most OP class in the game right? PVE and PVP?
They're up there. SL/SL is godly & 0/21/40 is stupid in PvE.
Are they part of a certain Warrior set? They do indeed look a tad shit.
Oh man I sure miss the days of spamming only shadowbolt endlessly.
When I played Lock in BC I had some addon that would yell SHADOWFALL every time I got a Shadowfall proc.
Can you guys help out finding a pve build and a pvp build pls?, for 2.4.3
My two favorite specs (Brewmaster and Blood DK) aren't fun in Legion
Sucks. Prob gonna take a break for awhile and then maybe play casually
Demon Hunter time!
Really looking forward to Legion just from a visual standpoint. Everything I've seen looks awesome: https://youtu.be/aTski-kio-w
Mists of Pandaria is probably my favorite in the art area.
There are some downsides to MoP - questing experience is relatively weak and early dailies were an overkill. Besides that?
They managed to make dailies work great for the first time ever in 5.1. Raids were great. Art was great. Music was great. Lore was very varied, fresh and consistent. Really a fantastic expansion that was unfairly rejected by many fans.
Yeah, I'm on Dalaran Alli. It's been a few months since I subbed though. I actually joined OotR for awhile, but left to join a smaller leveling guild. The guild interactions and such are still really active, don't get me wrong. It would just be nice if the "world" felt more alive.
I know the LFG system was an enormous QOL improvement, and phasing allowed for some really interesting questlines. I wouldn't give those up. It just feels sometimes like the game is a single player that has a multiplayer playlist queue.