I've been watching MadSeasonShow's youtube and i's really nice to find a WoW youtuber that does research, doesn't reflect the obnoxiously loud community, and doesn't seem negative at every possible turn. and his voice is so soothing.
I don't think he's got crazy deep raiding experience, but he seems to take researching the classes fairly seriously as well. At the very least, he's putting out the best Legion class preview vids.
To be fair, the stated reason for the 1-day missions makes absolute sense - it's just a story gating mechanic that they are using instead of having a set schedule of "quest X opens after Y weeks" like WoD did for the garrison campaign. There has to be some method of staggering story content over time if they don't want people to just grind it all out in a day.
Between the reassuring Order Hall clarifications and the world quest stuff that just came out, I'm definitely getting pretty optimistic about Legion.
This would be ideal because it would provide content beyond the expansion. The removal of a lot of the old content from vanilla was a mistake. I know they won't do it but they really should put back the class quests such as the warrior stance/weapon quest, paladin charger quest, lock mount question, etc.I was worried about variety, but "well over 300" seems like a good start. Would love to see them extend this+scaling to the old world at some point.
Made a priest there this past week. Westfall was very active, as was Darkshire. If you're in need of a social guild, check out Facepalm.
Haha, yeah - the general rule (although not true in all cases) is that the more people are allowed to join, the less mature the guild atmosphere is going to be. Mostly because the general population of the game is immature.Oh sick.....they even have casual raids too. Was looking for a good group of folks to find, socialize and talk to using voice.
I joined DVS Gaming yesterday after seeing how nice their website is until I found out a few disturbing things after I joined.
-Anyone can join......literally, it seems like there is no screening process to at least keep complete assholes out.
-Teamspeak chat when I first joined......the WoW channel was nothing but folks talking about whale cum and penis's. Great first impression right there, no maturity at fucking all.
-They let anyone no matter how long they have been there or how much they contributed take over/lead a division.........yes, lets have randoms be the leaders without getting a decent rank within the community.
-The Current Star Wars guild leader got mad and just kicked everyone and deleted the guild that had the flagship lol.......man what a night to be in that teamspeak.
So yes, I don't plan on staying with DVS at all......I'll have to see if anyone is online from facepalm tonight to join.
I've never raided ever before in an mmorpg, guild wars didn't really have anything like that which was the mmo I played most and I never got to do raiding in anything else I played. So I'm hoping they do eventually show people on casual nights or something.
Haha, yeah - the general rule (although not true in all cases) is that the more people are allowed to join, the less mature the guild atmosphere is going to be. Mostly because the general population of the game is immature.
Those large guilds that invite tons of people generally don't care about the guild itself beyond having another chat channel to BS in (and the passive guild perks I guess).A community partnered with AMD, HyperX and OCZ you think would be mature about what they do.......guess that one was insanely far fetched lol.
You can have a lot a of people and be mature, but you definitely have to have control of the ranks and hierarchy, otherwise whats the point. You don't make people leader of a game for your community with two posts!!!!
Those large guilds that invite tons of people generally don't care about the guild itself beyond having another chat channel to BS in (and the passive guild perks I guess).
I don't see the differenceAh, your talking about the large groups that mass invite and stuff and not the large guilds that are.....well large due to recruitment and website applications
I don't see the difference
half joking, but still
The most competitive guilds generally keep pretty lean rosters. But if you're not looking for progression raiding, there's nothing wrong with joining a bigger one. Just need to find one that doesn't suck.
First Dungeon completed. I can die in peace now.
Well, to be honest, not that much of a great expecience. Probably everybody had the dungeon memorised since they were going at full speed and I barely could keep with them. No time to stop and observe the dungeon design, read the quests at the entrance, etc...
Doing this when WoW had just been released must have been awesome :/
Doing this when WoW had just been released must have been awesome :/
My friends and I that picked up the game at launch were so new to even just the notion of an MMO that we didn't even realise that Deadmines was an "instanced dungeon".
My friends and I that picked up the game at launch were so new to even just the notion of an MMO that we didn't even realise that Deadmines was an "instanced dungeon". It was just a harder location that we had to play a bit more seriously to get through one evening. Absolute sense of mystery that I can never ever have back. A shame in a way.
I also remember getting intro Redridge and killing a spider that dropped a GREEN item. I excitedly messaged all my friends about being in a "high level area", so they caught me up and we started slaughtering all these spiders for their awesome green items.
First Dungeon completed. I can die in peace now.
Well, to be honest, not that much of a great expecience. Probably everybody had the dungeon memorised since they were going at full speed and I barely could keep with them. No time to stop and observe the dungeon design, read the quests at the entrance, etc...
Doing this when WoW had just been released must have been awesome :/
Made a priest there this past week. Westfall was very active, as was Darkshire. If you're in need of a social guild, check out Facepalm.
-LF run through DM! 15s!-
They discussed it a lot around WotLK. They mentioned how people will describe the dungeons they "like" and mention things like Durnholde, but Blizzard knows which ones people actually play, and they don't match up with that. People play the path of least resistance. That's always true when you have content that is repeated. Everything can be great *once* but being enjoyable or even tolerable over and over is completely different.
People called it VC back then. DM was Dire Maul.
I don't ever remember it being called VC lol.....I always remember DM being deadmines.....oh shit I'm sorry I remember seeing TDM for the deadmines lol
Maybe an Alliance\Horde thing? I played Alliance and everyone called it VC (as in Van Cleef).
They discussed it a lot around WotLK. They mentioned how people will describe the dungeons they "like" and mention things like Durnholde, but Blizzard knows which ones people actually play, and they don't match up with that. People play the path of least resistance. That's always true when you have content that is repeated. Everything can be great *once* but being enjoyable or even tolerable over and over is completely different.
Maybe an AllianceHorde thing? I played Alliance and everyone called it VC (as in Van Cleef).
Well...I heard the new version has some great bosses at least. Somehow they made it even more boring visually though...Yet they're bringing back Violet Hold.
Thanks, Blizzard! >.>
People called it VC back then. DM was Dire Maul.
Now if only Life Binder could drop... I could say goodbye to Spine of Deathwing forever!
New JC toy that lets you play a match 3 game. Pretty neat for just a random toy haha.
New JC toy that lets you play a match 3 game. Pretty neat for just a random toy haha.
Blizzard has always had a love for PopCap, so it's a Bejewelled reference--there was a while where a mod allowed you to play a version of Bejewelled in-game, but I think it got broken by a patch.
Blizzard has always had a love for PopCap, so it's a Bejewelled reference--there was a while where a mod allowed you to play a version of Bejewelled in-game, but I think it got broken by a patch.
françois;201043688 said:Wasn't there a Peggle addon aswell? I remember playing that quite a bit when I was waiting for raids to start.
The best part of the Bejeweled addon was that it blended in with the game so well to the point where it even had a trade skill that you levelled.