No panic.
Now if only Life Binder could drop... I could say goodbye to Spine of Deathwing forever!
Life-Binder is the one you can't lockout share, right? What a bastard.
How come you can't lockout share that one?
FYI, Christie Golden's The Shattering is one of the Kindle Daily Deals today. It's currently sitting on my shelf so I haven't read it, but I've heard good things.
Delicious crafted consumables. I approve.
How come you can't lockout share that one?
No panic.
I picked up a hardback copy for cheap on a whim a few years back. Quite enjoyed it, though it's the only WoW novel I've read so I can't say how it compares to others (Golden novels seem to be regarded quite well, though?).FYI, Christie Golden's The Shattering is one of the Kindle Daily Deals today. It's currently sitting on my shelf so I haven't read it, but I've heard good things.
What's the best cleave class now that combat rogue is gone?
What's the best cleave class now that combat rogue is gone?
Anyone main destro locks? It seems people don't like the amount of rng.
I do. I'm absolutely baffled why they are going from a sensible amount of RNG to "lol fucking everything is RNG"
What's the best cleave class now that combat rogue is gone?
I do. I'm absolutely baffled why they are going from a sensible amount of RNG to "lol fucking everything is RNG"
Well...they fixed bear druids.Really bums me out because I don't like the tank overhauls. Why break what isn't broken
Really bums me out because I don't like the tank overhauls. Why break what isn't broken
Well...they fixed bear druids.
They've not done much to Prot Warriors, have they?
Does anyone recognize the music that plays upon landing on the Broken Shore? It sounds familiar, but I'm not sure if it's part of Legion's new music score.
I think it's the music from BCs Shadowmoon Valley, it should be somewhere in this video.
we had to hammer at one pack for several minutes because it had two healers in it and I couldn't interrupt both of them.
Throne? I left a Throne group last cata timewalking because we spent like 3 minutes on the first trash pack (wasn't playing a class with a reliable interrupt). Figured there was no hope for the group if we couldn't properly do that. Lord knows what would have happened on the poison man right after that pack.
I do. I'm absolutely baffled why they are going from a sensible amount of RNG to "lol fucking everything is RNG"
I think it's the music from BCs Shadowmoon Valley, it should be somewhere in this video.
Damn CMs are fun.
Yeah, they are good times. I did a full set of golds in Pandaria, but didn't bother in Draenor.
Really hope the new Mythics in Legion keep the 5-man train a'rolling.
It seemed much worse to me as well, though I haven't really tried in months at this point.Maybe it's just HFC, but I Feel like the pug environment in WOD is even worse than MOP. I could usually clear a flex SoO easily and even do about halfway on a normal until issues happen.
Of the five groups I've joined today, none have made it past assault. And I'm top dps at 701 ilvl. And every group is 'All tier reserved, all weapons reserved, all trinkets reserved'