So pvp gearing in Legion will be 100% rng? WTF? If you're unlucky you might just never get a slot ever? What idiot thought this would be a good idea?
Don't forget that gear in PvP gear is no longer the massive difference in Legion like it is in WoD. And the PvP gear that there is doesn't even have PvP stats on it,
So what are most proud of in World of Warcraft?, it could be anything, a mount, item, quest, raid, whatever.
So what are most proud of in World of Warcraft?, it could be anything, a mount, item, quest, raid, whatever.
At this point it almost doesn't make sense for PvP to even give gear at all due to how removed from the actual act of PVP combat it is, but I guess they need to have some reward mechanism in place other than just the new level/prestige system.
So what are most proud of in World of Warcraft?, it could be anything, a mount, item, quest, raid, whatever.
Being the top DPS on our first Nefarian kill in BWL.So what are most proud of in World of Warcraft?, it could be anything, a mount, item, quest, raid, whatever.
So pvp gearing in Legion will be 100% rng? WTF? If you're unlucky you might just never get a slot ever? What idiot thought this would be a good idea?
So what are most proud of in World of Warcraft?, it could be anything, a mount, item, quest, raid, whatever.
Oh wow. Looks amazing.
I've never been a bleeding edge raider so I don't have any like world / realm firsts or anything crazy impressive, but I really love my Herald of the Titans title. It sounds cool and I got it during Wrath when it was kinda tough (December of 2009 to be exact). I still use it on all three of my max level toons.So what are most proud of in World of Warcraft?, it could be anything, a mount, item, quest, raid, whatever.
My first would be defeating The Lich King on 10-man during Wrath. Got it on the last try of the night and it was glorious.So what are most proud of in World of Warcraft?, it could be anything, a mount, item, quest, raid, whatever.
For a few years I tried to get my raid groups involved in 'bounty' content for Red Nose Day - a major charitable campaign that hits every few years in the UK:
The first time I did it I suggested a guild Naxx-10 raid over the weekend where the amount I donated would be based around how quickly we completed the instance, with a few bonus bounties for getting achievements on the way; small bonuses for achievements we ought to get with a little effort, up to a nice big wad of money to charity for Undying, which wasn't terribly likely to happen (we'd ordinarily lose random people all the time)
Sure, I had to fork out, but fair enough. Really proud of that performance.
So what are most proud of in World of Warcraft?, it could be anything, a mount, item, quest, raid, whatever.
I'm so glad they never went back to those type of achievements again after Wrath, they were truly awful!
So what are most proud of in World of Warcraft?, it could be anything, a mount, item, quest, raid, whatever.
Sure, I had to fork out, but fair enough. Really proud of that performance.
Yeah just gimme.
Yeah just gimme.
If the name of that image is to be believed that looks to be the next horde pvp mount. Which seems curious cause idk what they'd do for a worgen themed one. Only reason worgen even ever got horses was to keep the mount count between the factions closer.
It would probably never happen, but it would be amazing to have a stagecoach mount where you could have passengers.
*shakes fist*Oh hey:
Still have 65 crates(out of 152) left afterwards >.>
Maybe it's a Worgen.Which seems curious cause idk what they'd do for a worgen themed one. Only reason worgen even ever got horses was to keep the mount count between the factions closer.
Maybe it's a Worgen.
I forgot all about the Warehogs.They should do a deep cut and make it that weird beast thing from Blizzcon when they first introduced Worgen.
How many weeks am I going to have to do LK25HC on 15+ characters for this mount to fucking drop!?!?!
As many years as it took me to get my bug. See you in 2022.
Last night I was doing my ICC runs and I was talking to a former guildmate and Christ almighty all he did was complain about the game. He hates WoD (understandably), hates Legion, hates everything about the game ever and yet continues playing.
I don't get it. How can you spend money (or time, if you're using tokens) and continue to play something that genuinely brings you no joy? No one is ever going to be 100% happy with every thing that Blizzard does but if you hate it so much that everything is "meh" or "that sucks" or just pure vitriol then maybe you should just quit? I don't know. It seems stupid to me.
So what are most proud of in World of Warcraft?, it could be anything, a mount, item, quest, raid, whatever.
So what are most proud of in World of Warcraft?, it could be anything, a mount, item, quest, raid, whatever.
Last night I was doing my ICC runs and I was talking to a former guildmate and Christ almighty all he did was complain about the game. He hates WoD (understandably), hates Legion, hates everything about the game ever and yet continues playing.
I don't get it. How can you spend money (or time, if you're using tokens) and continue to play something that genuinely brings you no joy? No one is ever going to be 100% happy with every thing that Blizzard does but if you hate it so much that everything is "meh" or "that sucks" or just pure vitriol then maybe you should just quit? I don't know. It seems stupid to me.
So what are most proud of in World of Warcraft?, it could be anything, a mount, item, quest, raid, whatever.
Looks like a reskinned Turbo Trike (goblin racial epic mount)
Last night I was doing my ICC runs and I was talking to a former guildmate and Christ almighty all he did was complain about the game. He hates WoD (understandably), hates Legion, hates everything about the game ever and yet continues playing.
I don't get it. How can you spend money (or time, if you're using tokens) and continue to play something that genuinely brings you no joy? No one is ever going to be 100% happy with every thing that Blizzard does but if you hate it so much that everything is "meh" or "that sucks" or just pure vitriol then maybe you should just quit? I don't know. It seems stupid to me.
Habit is very powerful, and even something you hate can still be very comfortable. Plenty of relationships last that way. But I think the reality is that on some level he probably does still really like the game, it's just all the problems with it glare out to him and are all he actually talks about.
Habit is very powerful, and even something you hate can still be very comfortable. Plenty of relationships last that way. But I think the reality is that on some level he probably does still really like the game, it's just all the problems with it glare out to him and are all he actually talks about.
Modern WoW in a nutshell. Holy shit.