The talk of a GAF WoW guild got me thinking, raiding and doing mythic content was something I didn't do in WoD and don't really see myself getting into with like two months left before pre-patch, however raiding is something I want to get into in Legion. Part of the problem is being on an EST NA server, Dalaran, while living on the west coast. A few days ago I ended up switching servers and factions to get on to Proudmoore. I didn't pay to transfer any toon, just rolled a Mistweaver Monk. Almost 50, just spamming that exp boost quest and the 3 min dungeon queue as a healer. I want to say I'll roll one of each healer for Legion but not knowing what the time investment is going to be for the Artifact, it's probably safer to focus on just one. I'll try to get one of each to cap and go from there.
Now this is probably going to sound stupid but how do you go about joining guilds?
The organic experience of meeting and running into other players from your server repeatedly in PVE and dungeons is pretty much absent from this game. If I was playing TF2 or CS I would play on a few pubs with the same people, over time add them to my friend list, get invited to their clan, create one with them or not even worry about being in a clan and just play on the same server. That's just absent from WoW, in the year or so I've been playing. The closest I've gotten is running a few consecutive dungeons with a random good group of players from a bunch of different servers in the Dungeon Finder. On Dalaran I've accepted a few invites from random guilds and those have almost always been like carrying the toxic cesspool of Trade with you wherever you go. When I feel like I have to ignore the most active chatters in the guild I usually just leave it.
I understand I'll have to pay my dues, learn how to properly play whichever healer I settle on (or get directed towards playing based off of what's most desired), slug my way through LFR, learn the raid content in Legion, PUG through Normal, hit certain gear levels, have the Oprah Legendary(ies) and Artifact up to a certain power level, hopefully with a casual guild that has a few other members interested in dabbling in raiding. Maybe work my way up to a serious raiding guild, time permitting. But how do you bridge that gap? Go from I want to raid but mostly just play PVE by myself and the highest difficulty group content I've done is Heroic WoD 5-mans as a DPS in the Dungeon Finder to being an actual raider in a guild and playing Mythic 5-mans. Just accept the random invites until you find a guild that doesn't seem like it's Global Barrens Chat with a roster that's 2/3rds inactive lvl 58 DK's?
Get a healer to cap, do the proving grounds so I can run Heroic/Mythic content, be geared, have my artifact/legendary up to snuff in Legion, run LFR, PUG Nomral...annnd success?