The fuck is Blizz smoking now. They redesigned the Destro artefact trait to proc every 10 minutes on a cast of Rain of Fire. Proc.
My RL was looking at Warlock for Legion as possibly his alt for raiding with our guild when he's not doing his mythic stuff. And he always gushes over Destro because he finds it so consistent compared to stuff like Unholy(which is what his main is) and even Affliction. And he thinks it's far more versatile.
I asked him if he looked at the Legion changes yet for Destro. I ruined his day.
Tried OpenRaid?
My Alliance are on Whisperwind.
Any Alliance raiding server recommendations? Want to move my Dwarf.
Desperately want to find a guild to raid with :/
Did not shut down. Lots of raiding guilds use OR to recruit members. Keep looking, though.Didn't they shut down?
Besides, I'm looking for a guild not PUGs
My Alliance are on Whisperwind.
Any Alliance raiding server recommendations? Want to move my Dwarf.
Desperately want to find a guild to raid with :/
Didn't they shut down?
Besides, I'm looking for a guild not PUGs
Got back into WoW last night.
I have my horde characters on Ursin-PVP, but I am leveling an alliance char on Stormrage-PVE.
Wanted to try a PVE server, and go back to the Alliance side to visit the cities like Stormwind and Ironforge.
But damn, logging into my high level chars, I had no idea what to do. Bags of mats, and talent specialization system that I don't remember. Starting fresh does seem better.. but we'll see.
I have a 85 Warlock, 81 Warrior, and 68 Paladin. I am tempted to use my instant boost to 90 with the Paladin, but just afraid that I will be in the same place with my 85. Not remembering how to play the class. Any tips?
If you use the 90 boost on a fresh character the intro WoD quests will slowly add new abilities after completing quests to make it less overwhelming. I just did this the other night and it helped me get back into frost mage pretty easily.
Got back into WoW last night.
I have my horde characters on Ursin-PVP, but I am leveling an alliance char on Stormrage-PVE.
Wanted to try a PVE server, and go back to the Alliance side to visit the cities like Stormwind and Ironforge.
But damn, logging into my high level chars, I had no idea what to do. Bags of mats, and talent specialization system that I don't remember. Starting fresh does seem better.. but we'll see.
I have a 85 Warlock, 81 Warrior, and 68 Paladin. I am tempted to use my instant boost to 90 with the Paladin, but just afraid that I will be in the same place with my 85. Not remembering how to play the class. Any tips?
If you use the 90 boost on a fresh character the intro WoD quests will slowly add new abilities after completing quests to make it less overwhelming. I just did this the other night and it helped me get back into frost mage pretty easily.
What's your battletag? I'll help you at cap.
kinda wanna resub but honestly not sure what i'd do
maybe i'll casually level a mage, it's the only class i don't have at 100 yet
The more I interact with random elements of the WoW community in-game, even from my own realm, the less I understand this burning desire to have your population locked to one server. Maybe time has sort of changed how random people interact with one another in WoW but back when I played CS1.6/DoD1.3/MOHAA/whatever, you encountered just as much random crazy/racists/attention seekers/whatever in pubs as you do now in trade, the dungeons, the world, wherever.
:lol yep.
It's why I'll never get people beating the drum so hard to try and form server communities again.
Sölf;202310975 said:Barrens chat just slowly crept into every chat over time.
Barrens chat is a lie, has always been a lie. All chats are Barrens chat, all chats have always been Barrens chat.
Back in the day, I had a really neat mod called TinyTip. The mod moved the information box for NPCs and characters from the bottom right corner next to whomever my mouse is hovering over.
I can't get the mod to work now. Does anyone know of a replacement, or does the game allow that box to move now?
Is farming old raids like icc ulduar and cata for mounts more difficult on ranged class?I did them with my destro lock and a couple bosses like yogg and even arthas gave me a little trouble. I did beat them, but it seemed harder than it should have. It seems because of casting time you have a harder time pulling of spells item level is 662.
So I'm playing the game for the first time in a looooooong time.
Barely touched WoD when it came out.
Looking at my paladin right now... So I guess the gear stats change when you change spec? My chest when from STR to INT when I switched from Ret to Holy?
Sooooo... I don't have to worry about what loot/quest rewards I get while leveling if I want to be able to heal in dungeons while leveling but still being able to dps properly while questing? This is cool.
Now I can't decide which character to play.. My pally is my highest level but I have a 71 Shaman and I never played a Monk...
How are Monks for healing?
Thanks. Yea I changed some talents out. So how easy is it to dual spec? Can you change it on the fly?
So, when does mail expire? Was thinking about logging in on a sub-20 toon on Monday to get the one event toy I missed last Children's Week, but I should have my Overwatch pet waiting for me and don't want to activate the expiration countdown.
They should really figure out some way to sell services for gold.They really should sell a bundled character transfer/faction change for like, $50. Instead of the two separately adding up to $55.
They should really figure out some way to sell services for gold.
They really should sell a bundled character transfer/faction change for like, $50. Instead of the two separately adding up to $55.
They should really figure out some way to sell services for gold.