Can only disagree amazingly with this.
Making 350 Draenic Agility Potions to get maxed alchemy from scratch is in no way as exciting as herbing across the world & leveling up a profession in a day or two.
Don't bother. It only counts mounts that any particular character could have access to at once.I'm back doing some mount collecting (shoot me). Does it make any sense to use my opposite faction (Horde side) to grind up rep with the base factions to get their mounts? Or will it only count the achievement on my Alliance main, which has the most mounts currently.
Harbalism sucks unless you're a Tauren.
The only professions I've had fun leveling while I level a toon are Mining and Engineering. You make a lot of fun stuff for yourself and there are a lot of big ticket items you can aim for while leveling Engineering. Mining can sort of be fun when you come across rarer nodes or secondary resources.
WoD didn't do much right, but the Coliseum is fucking awesome.
(Yeah I did just one shot the Last of Us - 740 prot warrior = easy mode).
Can only disagree amazingly with this.
Making 350 Draenic Agility Potions to get maxed alchemy from scratch is in no way as exciting as herbing across the world & leveling up a profession in a day or two.
Someone quit at work and your schedule has to change for the next 3.5 months. It will miraculously change back a week or two before Legion (don't tell them this part though).I don't wanna raid anymore, but I can't leave this damn guild at the moment.
Meh, there's no difference in leveling your profession in garrison or in front of the AH. Gathering all the materials by yourself is so... inefficient.
Khorium if you ever find any is $$$$$$ Cause it's used in flying machines and some other random crap (Jeeves I think). Will probably be in even more demand in Legion for awhile with all the rare Khorium weapons for the wardrobe.
Not only that, but the idea that the "gating" is new is just bizarre. Gating and crafting cooldowns have existed since at least Wrath. And leveling professions has never been easier and requires less "craft this crap and npc it if for a loss" than it ever has. And having major patterns locked behind drops was horrible, there was an enchanting pattern in mana tombs I farmed for months before I just gave up completely (I actually got it on a recent timewalking run appropriately enough), and remember world drop jewelcrafting patterns that all cost a fortune? Yeah, that was great.
Actually no, that stuff was pretty cool and persisted at least through Cata. (To some extent in Mists) Maybe if you've never been invested in professions and just don't give a damn, but if you're a collector or goblin, having the rare recipe(s) early could make you a boatload of gold (e.g. Bracer enchants in Cata, Vial of the Sands), even if they might require a high initial investment. Everyone having equal everything as in WoD just detracted from the RPG experience IMO. But that's me - I like hunting recipes, making gold, etc.
So it's just better versions of the MoP challenge mode sets?
Cool I guess.
Not a fan of that log in screen, it's really mediocre.
Oboy, just saw some pictures on MMOChampion;
People outside Orgrimmar attending a funderal for Vol'jin it seems.
Why did I click on that?And who does the horde have left to be warchief. Are they really setting it up for Thrall to return to it?
Troll players aren't going to be happy about dat.
The new warchief in Legion is Sylvanas.
Really?LOL, why are they having random leaders take up the mantle? Who's next, Lor'themar?
Uh, no. The Warlock one in particular is totally inferior to the legit set.
And continuing on from the Order Hall sets:
Death Knight
Oboy, just saw some pictures on MMOChampion;
People outside Orgrimmar attending a funderal for Vol'jin it seems.
references to what?
Is that a dark souls sunguy?
Yeah but he's already in the game anyway, is a follower you can recruit at the Inn and get a bonfire toy from.
Whaaaat? How? What do I look for trait wise?
he is super duper rare. Find someone with him and just go to their Garrison because that works too.
Oboy, just saw some pictures on MMOChampion;
People outside Orgrimmar attending a funderal for Vol'jin it seems.
Omg @ both of these =D August is too far away.Login screen
And Stormwind Park!
And continuing on from the Order Hall sets:
Death Knight
Anyone have it in the EU?
he is super duper rare. Find someone with him and just go to their Garrison because that works too.
Stormwind is pretty great. Probably my favorite Alliance city. Like human architecture.Wow they really nailed Stormwind Park:
Stormwind is like my favourite city in gaming ever. The look and the music = many feels. Can't even imagine how much time I've spent there over the past 11 years.
After a few months, I really can't do the Alliance thing. I'll need to tell my guild that eventually. The aesthetics and lore just don't work for me the way the Horde ones do.
Spider mount is 2 million gold, thanks Blizz, from all the arachnophobes.
Yeah, I've got him on my shaman. Btag in email tag in post
You can also just buy the toy on the AH if you can't find the follower.