i always love the Cairne portion of Children's Week
If there's no new bag for Tailors to make in Legion that's an improvement over Hexweave Bags, then how are tailors supposed to make money in Legion? Everyone needs bags, there's a steep drop-off on people who need cloth gear and then further still for those who want crafted cloth gear. Hexweave Bags are already at a saturation point where it's almost not worthwhile crafting them to sell them on the auction house. Does crafted gear in Legion still have that limit of 3 that WoD had or has that been removed?
Making mounts more comfortable for a limited period of time and providing raid groups with costumes? Errrrrrr, what?
It should only require rep to buy them. I think it would be pretty bad of them to restrict it to characters who only attained exalted to that reputation.Just wondered if anyone knew the answer to this question - in Legion, with the new Transmog UI, will items that required an exalted reputation (Sunward Crest for example) to purchase require the other toon to also be exalted to use the look? Or was the reputation only needed to buy the item?
I was thinking about grinding some Shattered Sun rep for the shield but if my Prot Paladin alt can't use the thing unless they're exalted too, then I may as well just grind it out on the Prot Paladin.
It should only require rep to buy them. I think it would be pretty bad of them to restrict it to characters who only attained exalted to that reputation.
There are, as people have noticed, a small handful of very expensive items on vendors in Legion. This isn't anything fundamentally new - the original Kirin Tor Signet Ring cost a small fortune in relative terms when it first came out in Wrath, as did the Grand Expedition Yak in Mists.
When it comes to cosmetic items and convenience perks, they vary tremendously by source, both in terms of playstyle and degree of difficulty. Some are widely-earned rewards, some were simply a matter of being around at the right time (e.g. the Onyxian Whelpling), others require tremendous skill (Gladiator mounts, Mythic raid mounts from current content), while others require a combination of persistence and luck (Time-Lost Proto Drake, Elegon's mount, etc.). Some require you to engage in PvP, others require raiding, others require extensive outdoor gameplay, or profession use. And some require a sustained and concerted effort to accumulate a ton of gold.
Besides, think of it as a favor to all the arachnophobes out there - do you really want massive spiders skittering around everywhere?
listed as "mobileappicons" in data
get ready for a fucking class hall app, AND a legendary item acquired via the class hall i suppose
pls fucking no blizz
I mean...what other armor profession even has something as useful as bags to craft? It's not like Tailors are some anomaly.
LW makes mail gear not Blacksmiths. Also I really doubt anyone uses profession bags anymore with the new crafting bank and items stacking up to 200, I certainly don't.
Also tailors can make unique transmog gear too.... Not sure what you're going for here.
Just wondered if anyone knew the answer to this question - in Legion, with the new Transmog UI, will items that required an exalted reputation (Sunward Crest for example) to purchase require the other toon to also be exalted to use the look? Or was the reputation only needed to buy the item?
I was thinking about grinding some Shattered Sun rep for the shield but if my Prot Paladin alt can't use the thing unless they're exalted too, then I may as well just grind it out on the Prot Paladin.
In Legion, all of the Blacksmithing mail recipes are now plate recipes. Some have been renamed to take it into account, like Fel Iron Chain Coif is now Fel Iron Plate Coif.
I guess this is because paladin and warrior are no longer mail classes before level 40.
Blue response to the very high prices on some things in Legion.
yepppppppppp, Old news at this point too.
If I was to buy the Spider mount, Blizzard, it'll be using cheap third party gold and not tokens like you greedy assholes are hoping for (and even then it's stupid pricey). 2 million gold for a mount? They've lost the plot completely. It makes me wonder what other nuggets o' fun are yet to be discovered in Legion.
Apart from the fuckery that is artifact transmogging, that is.
If I was to buy the Spider mount, Blizzard, it'll be using cheap third party gold and not tokens like you greedy assholes are hoping for (and even then it's stupid pricey). 2 million gold for a mount? They've lost the plot completely. It makes me wonder what other nuggets o' fun are yet to be discovered in Legion.
Apart from the fuckery that is artifact transmogging, that is.
Does anyone know how these horde were running around looking like spirit of redemptions?
I looked at their buffs but I forgot it today.
Will the raiding structure in Legion be the same as it is currently? That is Normal -> Heroic -> Mythic?
I wish they would go back to the actual tier structure, with maybe the final tier having a Mythic mode for the very hardcore. Progressing through the same raid 3 times is not fun.
Feats of Strength
Fight for the Alliance (New) Log in during the two months following the international premiere of Warcraft. Reward: Replica Lion's Fang and Lion's Heart. Account Wide.
Fight for the Horde (New) Log in during the two months following the international premiere of Warcraft. Reward: Replica Blood Guard's Cleaver and Staff of Gul'dan. Account Wide.
Looks like the xmog items from the movie promotions are free if you log in during a certain window.
Looks like the xmog items from the movie promotions are free if you log in during a certain window.
Make LFR difficulty like normal (like it was in MoP), make normal into heroic, and keep mythic.
LFR difficulty in MoP was dumb. Some bosses were stupid easy and some were ridiculously hard. Pre-Determination Garalon with a bad group was basically impossible. They struck a good balance on difficulty in WoD. I don't really get why people want a harder LFR. I stopped raiding because I didn't want to spend 1 hour on a single boss. You can argue that the harder LFR made people better but how many of those people actually went into normal raids? Adding Flex to SoO lowered the barrier of entry into serious raiding and I don't see them changing that.
This is a mount.
This is a mount.
This is a mount.
Bought a CM boost for 200k. Mostly just for getting it done, the caster staves are pretty ugly.
Doing it now will enable you to buy all WOD CM gear for 1000 G each from a vendor in Legion.
This is a mount.
How do you even ride that mount?