Spider mount is 2 million gold, thanks Blizz, from all the arachnophobes.
Yeah I was gonna ask if anyone had seen this. Kinda ridiculous.
Spider mount is 2 million gold, thanks Blizz, from all the arachnophobes.
I understand the novelty/glamour items being pricey but who is going to buy a slightly larger bag for hundreds times the cost of crafted ones? That seems silly.
Need to murder you x500 first.
honestly...at 500,000 gold, it needs to be the only bag over 30 slots for at least another expansion. or we're getting insane inflation. Only way it's worth it.
How come stormwind replaced ironforge as the main alliance Hub? I thought ironforge had the easiest setup since it was a big circle
How come stormwind replaced ironforge as the main alliance Hub? I thought ironforge had the easiest setup since it was a big circle
How come stormwind replaced ironforge as the main alliance Hub? I thought ironforge had the easiest setup since it was a big circle
That spider mount price has to be placeholder to test out their new gold cap. No way could they think that price is reasonable to anyone but the 1%s
I have no problem with that. Not everything has to be available to everyone. If one's main activity in WoW is to gather as much gold as he or she can, then this would be a fitting reward to show it off. Like raiders used to show off their epics back in the day etc... I kinda miss that in WoW, the visual representation of your achievements. It's what makes a character more or less unique.
Spider mount is 2 million gold, thanks Blizz, from all the arachnophobes.
Presumably it won't be, if the mounts follow anything from Draenor's 6 base models + palette swaps and minor changes, but we'll have to wait and see.
Thanks, but...
I'll just do this.
Cheers all!
Fine, suit yourself :|
Are those prices final? Blizz has putt over-inflated amounts in as placeholders before an item hit live before. Making a mount cost in the millions is just stupid.
What's the most expensive mount in the game at the moment? I know the Alliance bike costs 100k but doesn't one of the yak's cost something like 120k or 140k? Can't think of anything more expensive.
Because the previous "gold sink mount" was 140k. making a mount that costs 14(?) times that just seems like too steep a jump. Will gold become 14 times easier to get in Legion? To me it just feels like a way to get people to buy tokens to get it easier. To the vast majority of players it's just a very expensive store mount.
Yeah, I'm not sure what's the point of having a mount cost in the millions. Who have that sort of money to waste on a single mount? People with 10+ millions? How many players actually get to that point? Maybe they made that mount super expensive so that's it's almost as rare as a current raid mount.
Also, as someone who gold farmed for a while and has several friends that are gold capped multiple times, most gold farmers DON'T buy high ticket prices like that mount unless it's something they can flip or it's something being removed from the game.
Raising the gold cap is a very strange way of 'combating' inflation. ie, it does the opposite.
I don't think there's much of a difference between 2m now and 120k at the start of Mists... Well, I guess there is, and it's what you said - The WoW token.
The ring is only 50k and that's more in line with what I'd expect the bag to be. Could be an indicator that the prices are only placeholders.
What's the ring do?Actually the ring was just changed to 200k in this new patch.
What's the ring do?
I've bought pretty much everything I can at the Faire. Should I buy stuff to sell on the AH and if so what or wait until things that might be added in Legion
Actually the ring was just changed to 200k in this new patch.
Yeah, I mean the Haris Pilton bag was expensive, but it wasn't that outlandish compared to other stuff. Presumably the crafted bags will be 32 slots, so it would be the biggest bag in the game, but that's just silly for two more slots. It's not like the toy or the pet or the mount which you can at least show off. The ring is only 50k and that's more in line with what I'd expect the bag to be. Could be an indicator that the prices are only placeholders.
Right now, best I can tell, it's still 4 slots bigger. If they add a 32 they fucked up. If they leave it as 30 I think 500k might be ok. Just depends on inflation.
Blizzard probably going to learn the hard way when they realize all the people they put off that came back after WoD and have no gold and feel like they're completely locked out of gold by #TeamGarrison
Oddly no new epic bag for tailoring in Legion as of right now. There's a 24 slot bag there, oddly. It could change, but who knows. There is a recipe that makes mounts more comfortable for two hours, though! (wut?)
If there's no new bag for Tailors to make in Legion that's an improvement over Hexweave Bags, then how are tailors supposed to make money in Legion? Everyone needs bags, there's a steep drop-off on people who need cloth gear and then further still for those who want crafted cloth gear. Hexweave Bags are already at a saturation point where it's almost not worthwhile crafting them to sell them on the auction house. Does crafted gear in Legion still have that limit of 3 that WoD had or has that been removed?
Making mounts more comfortable for a limited period of time and providing raid groups with costumes? Errrrrrr, what?
If there's no new bag for Tailors to make in Legion that's an improvement over Hexweave Bags, then how are tailors supposed to make money in Legion? Everyone needs bags, there's a steep drop-off on people who need cloth gear and then further still for those who want crafted cloth gear. Hexweave Bags are already at a saturation point where it's almost not worthwhile crafting them to sell them on the auction house. Does crafted gear in Legion still have that limit of 3 that WoD had or has that been removed?
Making mounts more comfortable for a limited period of time and providing raid groups with costumes? Errrrrrr, what?
Will people even need bags with over 30 slots anyway? Even with my 22-24 slots bags on my alts, I never fill those.
Will people even need bags with over 30 slots anyway? Even with my 22-24 slots bags on my alts, I never fill those.
Will people even need bags with over 30 slots anyway? Even with my 22-24 slots bags on my alts, I never fill those.