Yep. DL and wait for it to come up tomorrow.They didn't send me an email at all. It shows up in my launcher though. That means I'm in, right?
They didn't send me an email at all. It shows up in my launcher though. That means I'm in, right?
Based on the doom and gloom in their Discords it'll actually be DKs and Rogues rerollingI can't wait for DHs to come out so half the Hunters can reroll and get off my Prot Toekn
So, I just downloaded MyRP and went to Argent Dawn (EU)'s Goldshire Inn.
Be careful.
Manorsa the Submissive Cum-Toilet. "Before you stands quite a blatant sloppy mess, the elf's beauty has faded with time and endless amounts of semen dumped upon and inside her, her skin is soft and near perfect if a tad cum-soaked. Her cunt is constantly filled with the seed of strangers and can frequently be seen dripping from her shameless cunt"
Her breasts are large, bulging with milk.
Her gentle thighs can often be seen with streaks of cum dribbling down, her ass is an addition to this category. Her soft hair is always kept in check despite being so close to her desecrated face.
All my friends have gotten emails about getting into the beta, I still got nothing.
Blizzard plz :|
Why would Blizzard give you beta? They're already getting your money :^)All my friends who quit got invites to Beta, all my friends who never quite got nothing. Does beta require a subscription or something? It just seems odd.
Did you like it?
Got Invincible's Reins earlier so ICC joins Dragon Soul on the "Raids I don't have to do anymore" pile.
Down to Throne of the Four Winds, Yogurt-Saron (the God of Dairy) in Ulduar, and the 2 in Firelands for raids that drop mounts now. I can't remember how many dungeons I have to run for mounts, all but one I think.
I still have :
- Dragon Soul (That Blazing Dragon refuses to drop after 125 kills)
- Throne of Thunder (Ji'Kun's mount and the pets)
- Mogushan Vault (That damn dragon)
- Siege (I lost all rolls in MoP QQ)
Should I resub to get a chance?
Should I resub to get a chance?
I think not being invited to the Legion beta yet is retribution for not playing the Overwatch beta![]()
I think not being invited to the Legion beta yet is retribution for not playing the Overwatch beta![]()
Active sub for near enough the life of game and i've never been blessed with a beta, pls let this be the one time i'm blessed with some luck :_;
Man this makes me really salty.I never subbed and just played some free trial to get the Hearthstone portrait and I got into this beta thing lol.
You beauty!
You beauty!
Isn't it a lot harder to make the items? Im guessing there'll be a trade off.
No invite here invite![]()
This thread will be filled by us poor filles without beta access!Rösti;203356533 said:No invite here either.
Velen does more in a single Legion questline than he did in the entirety of Warlords.
Won't spoil what it is, but it absolutely sets up the next expansion.
I read the Velen spoiler.
Ok, I wanna see it now too.
Link me, perhaps?