I actually kinda like just questing through Gorgrond. Probably my favourite zone in WoD except maybe SMV. Spires is cool too.
I think the only ones I don't like in WoD are Frostfire and Nagrand.
I actually kinda like just questing through Gorgrond. Probably my favourite zone in WoD except maybe SMV. Spires is cool too.
Shadow priest looks SO GOOD in Legion though.
I think the only ones I don't like in WoD are Frostfire and Nagrand.
Same here. Frostfire is just boring and Nagrand is... not as good as the Outland version imo.I think the only ones I don't like in WoD are Frostfire and Nagrand.
Pic just cause.
Such a cool mount.Pic just cause.
Anyone around who could fire up an Orc alt on Bonechewer to help sign a guild charter real quick?
Anyone around who could fire up an Orc alt on Bonechewer to help sign a guild charter real quick?
Did that today. Real shame the title isn't account-wide. Might need to do it again on my other DK.
Only thing left on my WoD checklist now is Warlord of Draenor PvP title(s).
Out of curiosity, any of y'all on Moon Guard (US)? Over the next month or two I'll be in the process of transferring over there since I'm moving from the East Coast to the Midwest and my current EST server (Durotan) is dead as a doornail.
My human pally is on Moon Guard.
I've been doing archaeology pretty regularly since Cataclysm, but the Mists and Warlords achievements for archaeology are some bullllshiiiiit.
I'm also never going to get that Tol'Vir mount and pet because the digs are ONLY in Uldum and they fixed the glitch where you could get them to spawn there.
In Goldshire.
wink wink nudge nudge say no more
Tol'vir mount is like a walk in the park compared to Draenor Curator
It's amazing. MyRP and Argent Dawn (EU) leads to some interesting results in Goldshire.
It's fine that it has a time investment but it's wrong that there is literally no reward tied to it.I wish you couldn't get repeats until you've done all the stuff. Draenor curator is massive time waster + rng + even more rng to get the displayable items
its bs
I wish you couldn't get repeats until you've done all the stuff. Draenor curator is massive time waster + rng + even more rng to get the displayable items
its bs
Is the curse client still the best way to handle add-ons?
Why would you even want the non-pristine version?Only need one more pristine for the Seeker of Knowledge title, but spending 150 restored artifacts on Pandaren fragments wasn't even enough to get me a non-pristine version of the one I'm after...
Why would you even want the non-pristine version?
Would you guys recommend this for someone who hasnt played wow yet at all after all the expansions etc? Or is it Probs too late. Ive played my fair share of mmo. Just fell off playing gw2 and final fantasy which the latter really bored me
WoW has never been easier to get into. The base game now includes all expansions except the upcoming Legion and buying Legion will give you an instant boost to 100 (the current max level), ready for the expansion.Would you guys recommend this for someone who hasnt played wow yet at all after all the expansions etc? Or is it Probs too late. Ive played my fair share of mmo. Just fell off playing gw2 and final fantasy which the latter really bored me