Besides Garrison's, how else can I make gold?
Running Cata raids on heroic, mainly first room of Bastion of Twilight with the treasure finding potion and Firelands
Farming rare battle pets. I'd recommend Ruby Droplet and Ashleaf Spriteling on the Timeless Isle since they are close to each other, Darkmoon Rabbit when the Faire is up (you can kill it as many times as you want per day) and some of the older raids like Ahn'Qiraj have battle pets from bosses but they don't sell as much as the ultra-rare ones like Ruby Droplet. You can also farm Azure/Crimson/Emerald whelplings which sell for quite a bit. Pandaria raid pets like Ji-Kun Hatchling, Blackfuse Bombling, Spawn of Horridon easily go for 30k+. Some like Droplet of Y'shaarj, Viscous Horror and Son of Animus can go for higher. Check your server's AH to see the average price before you decide to jump on a ultra-rare pet to farm because it can take a while. Make sure you realm hop and have the realm hopping add-on called Premade Group Finder, it makes realm hopping way easier.
Flipping on the AH AKA buy low sell high
Questing, you'd be surprised how much money you can rack up doing Loremaster
Medallions of the Legion from the 4 Tanaan rares - Vengeance, Doomroller, Terrorfist and Dreadtalon. Prices vary by server, same with Felblight. On my server they hover around 3.5-4k but on other servers they are worth more.
This is great, thanks! Best classes for farming those raids?
Here's another one I do but its a long con - buy/farm holiday mounts when they are available and cheap, sell them in six months when their prices are back up. I'm holding onto a few things for the new player surge when Legion hits.
Probably just got the Blingtron mission for the final time unless my luck changes drastically/the pre-patch comes out much later than anticipated. Thank you for the occasional free 4000 gold, you will be missed
I could see them leaving the Blingtron Vault mission in since it's pretty rare as it is. Plus there won't be any treasure hunters at that point. I've gotten in four time in the last month after only having it once in the six months prior, so that's been a nice gold boost that I'll miss.
No need to wonder, it doesn't give any gold in Legion.
Rewards a follower weapon upgrade token and experience.
Leaving Blingtron missions would give people a reason to go back to the garrisons and would make them feel obligated to do it.
They aren't leaving those in as is.
Hey fellas. I'm one of the probably many new players this game is going to get thanks to the movie. Which I knew nothing about but absolutely loved.
Downloading the free trial thing off of as I type. Looking forward to diving into this game.
Knowing nothing about anything I really want to play as an Orc, and am leaning toward a Death Knight, Warrior, or Hunter.
I don't have any real life friends that play this game, so I'd be looking toward playing with some of you guys, if any of you can play with a low level new player.
Anyway, what server/realm should I be looking toward? I'm from the US. Minnesota specifically. I read the OP and didn't see anything about a quick guide for new players, so I figured I'd ask here. Thanks.
Orcs can be all of those things, but I'm pretty sure you still can't pick Death Knight unless you have a level 55 character, since they start at 55. Hunter would be a good first character, although Hunters can only fulfill a damage role while Warriors can tank.
Realm choices depend mostly on if you want open Player vs Player in the world or not, or if you want to be on a Role-Playing server. Most of us are pretty split up. I think Vol'Jin would be good for Horde, but get a second opinion.
Cant see Vol'Jin for some reason. There is a Zul'jin though?
And thanks for the info on Death Knight. Probably going to go for a Warrior I think.
Er yeah I meant Zul'Jin. Sorry. Bleeding Hollow might be OK too.
Zul'jin has a fairly high population of people that speak Spanish I think.
For Horde, I would pick one of: Illidan, Zul'jin, Mal'Ganis, Area 52, or Thrall. These 5 will generally have the highest Horde populations.
I believe you can make a Death Knight now without restrictions, but it's not a class I would necessarily recommend to a new player since they start at level 55 - you'd miss out on a fair bit of content and the learning of your abilities is more condensed than other classes.
Demon Hunters will have the restriction though of needing a 70 on whatever realm if I read correctly.
You can't do a Death Knight on the free trial thing anyway. That only goes to level 20.
I like it.
Hey fellas. I'm one of the probably many new players this game is going to get thanks to the movie. Which I knew nothing about but absolutely loved.
Downloading the free trial thing off of as I type. Looking forward to diving into this game.
Knowing nothing about anything I really want to play as an Orc, and am leaning toward a Death Knight, Warrior, or Hunter.
I don't have any real life friends that play this game, so I'd be looking toward playing with some of you guys, if any of you can play with a low level new player.
Anyway, what server/realm should I be looking toward? I'm from the US. Minnesota specifically. I read the OP and didn't see anything about a quick guide for new players, so I figured I'd ask here. Thanks.
You can't do a Death Knight on the free trial thing anyway. That only goes to level 20.
Still wouldn't recommend starting as a DK.
Decided to roll a human priest. Got to level 20 fairly quickly....seems ok so far. Went shadow spec just cause I like the dps specs and I'm scared to heal or tank.
Here's the list of CST servers, it's generally best to be on a server that matches your time zone unless your life schedule is radically different.
Movie promo is a full account for a month, not just a free trial.
Well yeah, totally agree, if for no other reason than they go straight into Outlands, which is the worst content in the game now.
Still wouldn't recommend starting as a DK.
I've got a few questions though.
- All of the quests I've done thus far are simply going to place A and killing enemy B. I imagine the quests become more diverse as time goes on. Any rough idea when that happens?
- I keep seeing everyone running around with little pet companion things. I imagine that is for paying players only?
- Speaking of paying, are there ever any deals on the sub costs? Or is it always the $14.99 a month?
1. Quests are never super exciting. There are certain gimmicks for certain zones or expansions, but you'll still encounter gather/kill the most. There are quests that break up the monotony and are fun though.
2. Depends on what you mean. Do you mean really, really small pets that say "Player's Companion" or slightly larger ones that help fight? If the former, I think you can get those as F2P. If the latter, certain classes have permanent pets, mainly Hunters, Warlocks and Death Knights, although certain specs can give you this on other classes
3. Rarely. There is a method to buy game time with gold, but that's far beyond your reach currently.
Ah okay. So is the meat of the game in the raids and pvp stuff then? As fun-ish as the quests are thus far, I can't imagine these are the reason this game has/had millions upon millions of subscribers.
Ah okay. So is the meat of the game in the raids and pvp stuff then? As fun-ish as the quests are thus far, I can't imagine these are the reason this game has/had millions upon millions of subscribers.
Priests can't tank anyway.
Ah okay. So is the meat of the game in the raids and pvp stuff then? As fun-ish as the quests are thus far, I can't imagine these are the reason this game has/had millions upon millions of subscribers.
Yeah I knew that. I was just saying I am nervous to tank or heal in general so, I always pick the dps specs
Did you have trouble getting it? My guild wants to start doing ToT achieved since we are bored of HFC.
Ship Expansion
The team has talked about doing a ship-oriented expansion internally several times.
You could get a boat, upgrade it, sail around to places.
There would be lots of tech and art challenges.
Delivering an expansion like that while keeping the core gameplay is a significant challenge.
Man, this would be so cool.
And everything would be instanced completely destroying any feel of exploration
The lack of content in Warlords was in part due to the team thinking that Legion would be ready sooner.
The development team has grown, but the larger team was able to produce more content rather than produce content faster.
There are 235 people on the World of Warcraft development team now, including artists, designers, engineers, and producers.
Pretty sure they've said almost exactly the same things here on numerous occasions for years at this point. Does nothing but reaffirm my belief that it will never get better. There must be something fundamentally wrong in Blizzard's corporate environment that no amount of extra developers will fix.
I have like 3 dif accounts but all are unsubbed. Do I get the transmog items I have on those characters unlocked by default?
Man, this would be so cool.
Not shown
I clearly dont know what I am doing. Im Level 7, went exploring, died and am now in Nightsong Woods Ashenvale and whenever i come back to life no matter where I go I get killed by a bunch of creatures way too strong to fight against. Im basically trapped.
You wandered a step too far, sounds like. Use your Hearthstone - should teleport you back to the Orc starting area unless you changed it.
I have like 3 dif accounts but all are unsubbed. Do I get the transmog items I have on those characters unlocked by default?
I believe you have to log into a character one time to fill in your transmog collection with what they own.