So apparently one of the prerequisites for the artifact fishing pole is getting all the coins from the new Dalaran fountain. RIP
So if I got them all in old Dalaran I have to do it again?
So apparently one of the prerequisites for the artifact fishing pole is getting all the coins from the new Dalaran fountain. RIP
So if I got them all in old Dalaran I have to do it again?
There's new coins. All about the pole on MMO-Champ front page at the moment.
So the new mastery, combo strikes, is pretty fun then? I've watched a few different videos, like Bellular's (which I know some here don't like), and the changes look interesting, some weird (Chi Orbit), but it's hard to evaluate them without experiencing them first hand. Looking forward to 7.0 to try it out.
That fishing stuff looks extremely well done, especially compared to the WoD fishing. Wonder if the other professions will be handled just as well.
Not archaeology
See on Reddit today, a murloc pet from Borean Tundra named Terky. Didn't know about it, must have been added recently. Found lots of people in the cave.
Neat trick: use the magic pet mirror and /dance with your murloc!
That's nice, as it appears I did not get a beta key via the Wishpond giveaway. It's been a week since that giveaway closed, and the rules said the winner would be notified within a week.7.0 PTR may be incoming. Not as good as beta, but at least a chance for the rest of us to check out some class/spec changes.
See on Reddit today, a murloc pet from Borean Tundra named Terky. Didn't know about it, must have been added recently. Found lots of people in the cave.
Neat trick: use the magic pet mirror and /dance with your murloc!
7.0 PTR may be incoming. Not as good as beta, but at least a chance for the rest of us to check out some class/spec changes.
My sub is up in 30 hours and I was going to go on break until the pre-patch, but I may need to stick around for the PTR.
It's not the cost, since I earn more than a token easily, it's the urge to play when I have so many other games that need love.
My sub is up in 30 hours and I was going to go on break until the pre-patch, but I may need to stick around for the PTR.
It's not the cost, since I earn more than a token easily, it's the urge to play when I have so many other games that need love.
I could be wrong, but i don't think you need an active sub for ptr access
I'm so poor![]()
Can Timepiece of the Bronze Flight or Vagaries of Time drop for a protection warrior, or do I have to be one of the specs listed under the items?
super hyped for pre-xpac patch, i will definitely resub once that is launched
Drops in DS (or any older raid for that matter) aren't restricted by class, you can even get multiples of the same item at once.
Quick question for anyone in the beta: how are PvP talents handled in terms of when you can/can't use them? Are they usable anywhere/anytime?
I only ask because a few of them seem like they'd be pretty good in PvE too (i.e. holy paladin being able to remove the mana cost of flash of light every 45 seconds.)
Looks like they added a Blacksmithing mount!
I had at least 20 people in my theater for a 3:35 PM showing. I thought it would've been quite empty.finally saw the movie
amazed, it's actually good
7 people in my theatre including me and two friends tho. even with discounted tuesday tickets
Why are Arakkoa Ciphers worth like 10 g a piece but Orator Canes and Ogre Missives worth like 200 a piece?
Someone completed the Death Knight Campaign in Legion and posted pictures.
PTR is up i guess. Downloading a 20gb patch.
Saw someone say that it was around five weeks for WoD.Any idea how long expansion pre patches are on the PTR for?
Saw someone say that it was around five weeks for WoD.
New loading screens for the new zones only I believe.I'm looking forward to read everything in the codex :3
Always my favorite part of prepatch stuff.
Also, no new loading screens? ;(
We always get new ones. Or is it later?
New loading screens for the new zones only I believe.
Mists of Pandaria didn't have new loading screens for the old zones either, right?
Sylvanas, eh, what are you saying Shahadan?
I want character copy so badly right now. The new transmog stuff is half the reason I want on the PTR.
Weirdly they didn't do new ones for MoP but did for WoD. Anyway look at the eastern kingdoms loading screen on live and tell me Sylvanas doesn't look out of place. She looks like Mariah Carey doing cosplay.
I was hoping for a change, but apparently we'll have to wait for another expansion!
I just want to be able to log in.