Wow, this is really neat to seeOh and I saw this reddit... xplay preview of WoW (2003):
One of the most striking things about World of Warcraft is that the game takes place in this incredibly huge and seamless world. There aren't any real loading times here at all and in fact just getting to your desktop and into the game is a process that just takes seconds. You can just run around through the world and watch as the scenery changes, as the weather changes, as the lighting changes. All this stuff just happens all around you and the whole thing feels so cohesive and is so rich with detail that you really do feel like you're in this other place.
You don't get profession world quests until skill level 300, and mats are much more scarce in Legion, so it's worth considering the profession boost.It's a pretty pointless bonus, the catch-up mechanics are as such that you can get any profession to 700 pretty quickly if you don't want to level a toon to 60 before boosting it.
Aww man, disc is poop? I really want it to work, the atonement mechanic is so much more interesting than bubbles.
Aww man, disc is poop? I really want it to work, the atonement mechanic is so much more interesting than bubbles.
I'm sure some people will like it but it feels way too finicky to me. Maybe with time it'd grow on me, but it felt like there were too many conditions I needed to meet to preform any specific action.Aww man, disc is poop? I really want it to work, the atonement mechanic is so much more interesting than bubbles.
As interest in the game increases the price will most likely go up. I bought a bunch of tokens now because I don't see the price going down any time soon, although once Garrison gold is nerfed it's hard to know exactly what will happen with the token price.So GAF, I'm assuming the token price isn't going to drop closer to release, only go up right? Just want to know if I should go ahead and buy em up at 44k. Thanks
You'll have to try it out. I really dislike the new version, but there are some people who are big fans. It does seem pretty polarizing though.
You don't get profession world quests until skill level 300, and mats are much more scarce in Legion, so it's worth considering the profession boost.
As interest in the game increases the price will most likely go up. I bought a bunch of tokens now because I don't see the price going down any time soon, although once Garrison gold is nerfed it's hard to know exactly what will happen with the token price.
You can get to 300 in mere minutes with wod shit though.
Yeah, but then you have to do WOD stuff![]()
Token prices have been generally trending slightly lower the last two weeks or so (after reaching nearly 50k in the US), presumably the summer effect kicking in. They don't seem to be dropping significantly though. I expect the midsummer event will push them back up slightly, and I can only see them going up again with the 7.0 event and Legion release, but that's hard to say. We've also yet to see what the gold flow is in Legion but generally leveling is a fairly rewarding process in the beginning. But that garrison nerf will hurt for sure, and anyone who doesn't buy Legion may as well quit come the end of August because there's not going to be anything paying for their tokens then. Long term I expect this time next year we'll be lamenting the low prices from this year, just as we're lamenting last year's low prices now. No matter what they do, mudflation is inevitable.
So what is the status of tanks for legion? I watched the preach vid a few weeks back where he basically said how much he dislikes how they've made tanking and isn't going to tank in legion at all. Just wondering how it feels, I'm probably going DK or warr for legion (fury and frost look awesome) so having a fun tanking off spec would be nice.
Man, how. WoD Archaeology is so pointless and boring.
It's not and at least you get a title for it.I think the Mists one actually looks worse tbh.[IMG]
Quite possibly the largest waste of time I've ever done. Thanks E3 podcasts.[/QUOTE]
Damn, son.
Quite possibly the largest waste of time I've ever done. Thanks E3 podcasts.
I quite like the Legion LFR sets. Well, specifically the colours chosen, because they are the T19 models.
Though I hate whenever Paladin has a dress instead of legguards. Always looks fine standing still but goes silly and stretched during animations.
Anyone in an EU guild with the Blacksteel Battleboar unlocked? It's the one from defeating mythic Blackhand & whateverthehighmaulbossiscalled in a guild group.
If so, can I pretty please leech off your hard work & grab the mount on a lowbie hunter? Would send gold across via battle pets as a thank you, if you'd like.
Quite possibly the largest waste of time I've ever done. Thanks E3 podcasts.
I quite like the Legion LFR sets. Well, specifically the colours chosen, because they are the T19 models.
Though I hate whenever Paladin has a dress instead of legguards. Always looks fine standing still but goes silly and stretched during animations.
Parts of it are not properly rendered in that picture. It is also sort of a shirtless look where the solution for female models is "hmmmm....ahhh...ummm....hmmm....". It's one of the better sets for the tier though.The DH set doesn't even look like a compete set... it's like underwear, shoulders and a belt.
Quite possibly the largest waste of time I've ever done. Thanks E3 podcasts.
Nice. I'm pretty close to finishing these too.
Out of interest, how many points are you on to attempt something like that?
Well, I'm attempting it for the same reason I did MoP archaeology and that would be for achievement hunting. But I'm currently at 19070.
The LFR sets are meh. Any set with small shoulders can go to hell in my book. I want to block out the sun.
Met a Blizzard employee at work today. We talked for a while. I helped him out a great deal, he hooked me up by putting me on his friends and family list. Hopefully beta will finally be mine!! (He claims I should get beta now)
you can spam archeology missions and instant complete them with the right building.
That was surprisingly easy for me compared to MoP (still need 3 pristines urgh kill me) because you can spam archeology missions and instant complete them with the right building.
I have so many stuff to do still in the old world and on draenor. I still have to do pet battles in tanaan as well and befriend nat pagle =_=
Plz delay Legion thx
odds are good that by the time you hit 110, you’ll be a bit under 800 ilvl. With the crafting economy still young, you can’t find any help there, but there’s one thing to help you out.
There’s a ring you can buy in Dalaran that has an item level of 865 and only requires you to be level 101. It’s only a quarter of a million gold, so grab it. You won’t replace it for a while. Or for a few days if you’re determined enough.
"Its only a quarter of a million gold, so grab it."
That garrison farmer advantage.