Shit worked flawlessly?
Are we remembering a different WoD launch?
Seriously.Shit worked flawlessly?
Are we remembering a different WoD launch?
Everything since Cata has had that just midnight flip and it's been awesome. MoP had the gyro hilarity on alliance and wod had the broken fucking spyglass on horde, but serverwise the shit worked flawlessly on most servers for the last 3 launches. It's pretty impressive tbh.
At the start of WoD the garrison instance servers were almost always broken.No? As I said, the spyglass quest was fucked, surveyor whatever, but playing the game was fine. Maybe a bit laggy in starter zones. People that did dungeons to skip the first zone and bypass the busted quest had no problem.
Server population makes everyone's experience pretty different on that front
At the start of WoD the garrison instance servers were almost always broken.
Shit worked flawlessly?
Are we remembering a different WoD launch?
This was a pretty universal problem, along with instances of Garrison instancing bugging out. Blizzard did not majorly overhaul the way servers work just for fun or because it affected a small percentage of people.Server population makes everyone's experience pretty different on that front
No? As I said, the spyglass quest was fucked, surveyor whatever, but playing the game was fine. Maybe a bit laggy in starter zones. People that did dungeons to skip the first zone and bypass the busted quest had no problem.
Apparently there were no issues aside from occasional D/Cs and lag if you got out in front of the crowd. But if you didn't, Thrall help you.Shit worked flawlessly?
Are we remembering a different WoD launch?
Played on a low pop server for the WoD launch, and it was a fucking nightmare.
Anyone remembering things differently may want to lay off the caffeine during launch events.
Yeah, it was insane. And since garrisons were such a huge part of WoD it was incredibly aggravating to get stuck in them when the servers fucked up.At the start of WoD the garrison instance servers were almost always broken.
I rarely find launch a hassle. Sometimes there are quests that break when too many people are doing them, but unless it's literally the first handful of quests it won't matter this time since you can do any of the 4 main zones in any order, if say highmountain was broken you could just go to stormheim instead for example. Plus it will only be 25% as crowded for the same reason.
I played on a medium pop server, Black Dragonflight, and there were so many server crashes it took me like... 22 hours from expac launch to hit 100. Probably almost 10 hours were unplayable. Many many hours spent with "realms down" or a queue to get back in.
I play on Stormrage... the highest Alliance Pop Server NA.
It was REALLY bad during Draenor launch. Our server was always down and had constant 1 hour + ques. I couldn't build my Garrison until 3 days after release.
Stormrage WoD launch was one of the worst experiences i have ever had playing the game.
Was pure hell questing and i had to get a friend on an extremely low pop server to x realm me, thats what most of us did.
If you werent cross realmed you were fucked, in any zone and i was one of the first to hit 100.
That's funny, I played on one of the highest pop serverspeople saying it must've been a shit server, sorry but no. Queues are a fact of life if you choose to play some places. I do remember garrison instances crashing, you guys are right, but as long as you avoided your garrison it was fine. Lag wasn't 'serverwide' it was relegated to the most popular areas. If you made it to gorgrond the first night you probably never experienced any lag again.
Edit : Hell I remember people tricking the game to never go AFK otherwise you stopped playing for the next 4 hours (but queues were a different issue)
A question for those who've played the beta more than I have. Are any classes more difficult to play than their Warlords counterparts? I know all the tank spec finesse has been gutted, but what about the other classes/specs/roles?
I feel like it's been forever since WoD came out.
Not sure what class to go with when Legion hits, or even what faction.
Night Elf Warrior
Undead Mage
Blood Elf Death Knight
Human Paladin
Those are my choices. Warrior is a Draenei now but I'd def change his race. I might even end up going Demon Hunter (hello long queues)
Love it or hate it, Disc Priest is far more difficult than live. It's going to throw a lot of people. I was having trouble healing normal dungeons because I couldn't figure out how to keep Atonement up on my group consistently.
Man, how. WoD Archaeology is so pointless and boring.
I think Disc priest is going to end up as one of the hardest specs to be good at. Neither the healing part or the dps part is that complicated but doing both in conjunction is not something I expect many people to do very well.
Also I'm a proponent of mouse-over macros for healing in general but Disc felt especially impossible without them.
Working on this Midsummer Fire Festival stuff and damn is the torch catching part frustrating.
Do it in an empty city (I always preferred Exodar), with your view directly overhead, and use mouse movement only for instant turns, and watch the shadow. Movement speed boosts help a lot too. If you want to practice some, the ball catch mechanic for the pandaria dragons is basically the same.
7 years
I have so many stuff to do still in the old world and on draenor. I still have to do pet battles in tanaan as well and befriend nat pagle =_=
Plz delay Legion thx
Love it or hate it, Disc Priest is far more difficult than live. It's going to throw a lot of people. I was having trouble healing normal dungeons because I couldn't figure out how to keep Atonement up on my group consistently.
deffo going bear dru dru this xpac, so fun
My main concern with the Legion launch will be when it comes to order halls. Often on beta, especially over the last couple of days, people get "Instance not found" errors. This especially sucks when the hall is a natural part of the world, like the rogue sewers. You end up running in, seeing nothing is in there, then getting teleported back to the entrance with that error.
If they can keep those stable, everything will be fine.
Where the fuck is Wrathion btw? All that shit is because of him and what he has to say about it is litterally the only thing making WoD worth it.
End boss?
Prot warriors seem to get a little more boring for every expansion.. Tried the ptr one and there is like 4 buttons?
Thank god that shadow priest seems a little interesting with the changes.
My main concern with the Legion launch will be when it comes to order halls. Often on beta, especially over the last couple of days, people get "Instance not found" errors. This especially sucks when the hall is a natural part of the world, like the rogue sewers. You end up running in, seeing nothing is in there, then getting teleported back to the entrance with that error.
If they can keep those stable, everything will be fine.