After leveling a hunter to 60 I feel like I may need to boost it to 100 and prep for Legion with it and leave DH to be for another time >.>
Have you preordered Legion yet? Free 100 boost.
I have yes, and I already used it :|
I guess I'm in a similar boat, except I haven't spent mine yet. I don't know what to boost!
if you dont have a druid, that would seem like a good pick since you can have 4 specs
like the fist weapon sheathe, right?
Last week to make easy gold ;(
I'll miss those missions.
Anyone check to see if they nerfed Firelands/Cata H25 farming in 7.0?
Tell me about it...
... But for me it's Potion of Luck farming bringing in the majority of the gold. And I can't play WoW until my new GPU arrives, so I'm looking at 2-3 days lost. Damnit...
Never played druid. Could be interesting.
Druid will spoil your ability to play any other class. They get flight form, the best sprint ability, stealth, OP self healing, the list just goes on and on.
What do you mean, in terms of gold for vendoring items? Pretty sure it has been nerfed.
EU/US? Horde/Alliance?
Gold drops and item vendor values, yeah. What's "pretty sure"? How much did they drop by? Typically they don't nerf vendor values nearly as hard as they nerf the pure gold drops.
If I'm going long game for Mountacular (I hate you Void Talon), do I have to buy the stupidly expensive WoD mounts like the ones in the Garrison and the Apex sellers?
If I'm going long game for Mountacular (I hate you Void Talon), do I have to buy the stupidly expensive WoD mounts like the ones in the Garrison and the Apex sellers?
Link your Simplearmoury page, and let's see.
But the answer is almost always no for the 250 achievement.
Shit, those are the low hanging fruit. It would be ridiculous not to.
Druid will spoil your ability to play any other class. They get flight form, the best sprint ability, stealth, OP self healing, the list just goes on and on.
And that doesn't even touch on their best feature.
Warrior: "Hmm... I fancy healing today. Wonder what class I should try?"
Priest: "Weird! I fancy tanking today! Should I go Paladin or Death Knight?"
Mage: "I wonder what melee DPS is like!"
Druid: "Heh."
If you have the beta/PTR you can just check vendor values in the dungeon journal, but here's a sample of items from Spine 25H
Backbreaker Spaulders
20.71.80 -> 15.56.48
Gauntlets of the Golden Thorn
13.86.58 -> 10.41.69
All the trinkets are unchanged though, still 48.21.31.
Weapons off Deathwing took a 10+g hit each. Bosses still drop ~125g though.
Thanks, that's not terrible really. Can't imagine the gold drop amount will stay the same long term but it would be nice if it did.
Are garrisons still going to be a good source for gold after this next patch drops? Figuring out when to reactivate my account. Might do it tonight if this is the last week I can cash in with garrisons.
Argent Tournament is on my to-do list..
Just had a dungeon run in Stratholme where the healer is in quest greens and an asshole ranged dps would pull on top of what the tank was pulling and it would overwhelm the healer. We also managed, multiple times, to trigger the stupid postal workers in the middle of fighting mobs and sometimes bosses, so there were a few wipes. The asshole ranged dps, who contributed to a lot of our problems with the added shit they would pull, tried to votekick the healer because "they weren't up to it". All we needed to do was slow down on the pulls and stagger the incoming damage to a level they could heal at.
Well, you miss one Dwarf & two Draenei faction mounts, so there's an easy +3.
You also miss two Primal Egg mounts. They take about 5 mins to get to drop on Isle of Giants, so just go and kill the Dinosaurs on multiple characters to give yourself the best chance of getting the two you need ASAP.
Grand Gryphon is a quest reward, so hey, why not.
That +6 will take you to 200 easily enough.
Pvp pet battles are so goddamn boring. Everyone's using the same 5 pets over and over again.
I didn't notice I missed the vendor mounts. I'll also go check out the Primal Mounts, didn't know they were good drops.
Grand Gryphon is exalted with Shieldwall which I'm currently working on but is taking forever, even with the farm. I took a break when that was released and I have the bonus rep token too.
So that's an easy 200, but I'm shooting for the 250. Going to have to work on raid and dungeon cheivos.
Legion Invasion not happening until August 17th.
They also drop Warglaives in this event so that probably means longer than a week of DH early access. Sucks for people like me who preordered the CE. No way of getting these warglaives into my Wardrobe.
What about the people who want to use the LFD to go fast? Isn't that what it's there for? A quick competent group? If I'm trying to level my 5th alt as quick as I can, is it my fault Blizzard has made the most efficient way to do that chaining dungeons with strangers as fast as possible?
Ok, this is one side of the argument that people really like to get emotional and paint people as aggressors or something.
What about the people who want to use the LFD to go fast? Isn't that what it's there for? A quick competent group? If I'm trying to level my 5th alt as quick as I can, is it my fault Blizzard has made the most efficient way to do that chaining dungeons with strangers as fast as possible? They've fostered this environment and the blame isn't being aimed at them like it should be. When you make the game full of disposable people instead of having to treat them like actual human beings trying to work together as a group otherwise the half hour you spend forming the group in trade and then running to the instance is time wasted, of course people are going to act like assholes.
Why not separate people with heirlooms and people without like they do with people who have locked XP in battlegrounds? So new players can all play together and veterans can play together at their different paces?
For the most part I'd be willing to assume the 'guy in full heirlooms pulling way too much shit' is the outlier, the story you hear about all the time because its more memorable than the 90% of groups that just steamroll a dungeon and carry the one new player who thought it was awesome the whole time.
If this was really a problem and Blizzard really was getting feedback to reflect it, I think there would be something done to limit the amount of newbies in the LFD tool, because it wouldn't be a good experience for ANYONE if it were happening all the time like that.
Are garrisons still going to be a good source for gold after this next patch drops? Figuring out when to reactivate my account. Might do it tonight if this is the last week I can cash in with garrisons.
That said, if you get grouped with someone you don't know with greens in a key role like tank or healer, you should probably go at the pace they are actually able to go at in order to make the dungeon run go as smoothly and quickly as possible for everyone. By trying to force a pace as a dps that they could not deal with, all that player did was get aggro the tank decided not to take off of them causing them to die (which is a fair thing for a tank to do if they don't want to deal with your pulls) or, worse, caused partial or complete wipes we would have avoided. It didn't save time, it caused the dungeon to take even longer.
I get wanting to go fast, but not when it's to the detriment of the group.
After spending a day on the PTR I have literally no idea which class to play.
I don't even know where to begin >.>
I went in thinking DH would be my thing going forward but I don't know. PTR today made me more confused about what to play than anything.
Its gonna be a long wait until the patch. Character struggle is real right now.
Hunter was fun to level but getting some big changes, I just cant seem to get into Warlock in the PTR, DH I'm not even sure about, I don't feel the Warrior or Paladin, DK seem alright and got some new cool stuff, Druid perhaps?
After spending a day on the PTR I have literally no idea which class to play.
I don't even know where to begin >.>
I went in thinking DH would be my thing going forward but I don't know. PTR today made me more confused about what to play than anything.
Its gonna be a long wait until the patch. Character struggle is real right now.
Hunter was fun to level but getting some big changes, I just cant seem to get into Warlock in the PTR, DH I'm not even sure about, I don't feel the Warrior or Paladin, DK seem alright and got some new cool stuff, Druid perhaps?