Right, with this I will actually agree.
The solution here isn't to just pull more than the tank is pulling, the solution is to votekick the tank and try to get one that has heirlooms.
But that solution is fucking stupid and toxic, but it's the only one that makes any sense and is fair to everyone, that is how the game is set up. If I went through the trouble of buying heirlooms so I can go faster, do I not also deserve a tank that can go fast as well? This is a two way street here and a lot of people for some reason feel entitled to be carried by heirloom players and have them quietly sit in the back going at the slower pace without complaint.
If you're new and you don't know what is going on, either don't tank/heal or find a guild.
Actually the solution that makes the most sense is not to be a bellend and cooperate with the group you got matched with. If you're causing wipes because you cannot deal with what you pull as a dps, you're not "carrying" anyone. You're the lodestone.
If you can't deal with playing with loom-less players and feel entitled to play with a heirloom'd/enchanted tank, shouldn't you play through dungeons strictly with your guild? If you kick your current tank or healer because they lack heirlooms, you're just spend upwards of fifteen minutes waiting for another one, that, by your logic, you might kick as well because they don't have heirlooms. At this point you could have completed the dungeon with the initial tank or healer in quest greens.
Also if you segregate players it drives up the queue times, which would defeat the purpose you use the dungeon finder for, to level quickly.