Shadow or Balance. I really don't feel like contending for a melee spot this expansion.So have you guys picked your main for Legion yet?
Going all in on WW, which is really surprising since I was dead set on Fury or Shadow.
Shadow or Balance. I really don't feel like contending for a melee spot this expansion.So have you guys picked your main for Legion yet?
Going all in on WW, which is really surprising since I was dead set on Fury or Shadow.
Frostbrand without Hailstorm is pointless in PVE, yes. Boulderfist is amazing. Like, no-brainer good.
Your rotation should be something like: apply your 3 buffs (Boulder, Hail, Fire) and keep them up. Feral Spirit when it's up. Stormstrike and Crash Lightning when they're up. Lava Lash to dump Maelstrom when your buffs are up and SS/CL are on CD. Boulder to build Maelstrom if you don't have any.
Anyone know what the pre-patch max is on the new 1-10 scale for view distance, ground clutter, etc.?
Yeah, 7 seems pretty similar to me, both in performance and looks, but wasn't sure exactly.Pretty certain those fell to 7/10. That's what mine started at when I came back to the game today after my break. And I thought I recall reading in the patch notes about how there's three higher graphics levels over the previous highest level. But that could be my imagination.
Oh, so drop Rockbiter completely and just generate maelstrom from regular melee and Boulderfist? I guess that would make things a little better. But I'll still have to wiggle Frostbrand in there. I just realized Hailstorm means that while Frostbrand buff is up the melee swings deal the frost damage. I read it as just bumping up the damage with each Frostbrand cast. Yeah, that makes Hailstorm much better than I previously thought.
Thanks for the tips. I'll check this out soon.
Edit: Ugh, just realized that I have Landslide as my last talent which gets a buff from Rockbiter so with that talent I'd need to work that buff in as well. Now it's just getting silly. I'm assuming with how you wrote about it you must go with Ascendance since you didn't talk about the Rockbiter buff or working Earthen Spike into the rotation or using it off cooldown. Big ol' mess.
Hey all. Returning to WoW after a year or so break and currently in the need of a guild.
I'm on EU. I use to belong to a fairly large guild but prefer a small guild so I can get to know everyone and have a sense of a community like the old days.
Landlside also works with Boulderfist. That talent is going to scale stupidly well as our gear gets better. Plus 8% main stat? yes please.
So have you guys picked your main for Legion yet?
Going all in on WW, which is really surprising since I was dead set on Fury or Shadow.
I feel like the new change to personal loot that allows it to be tradeable to raid members if it is not a strict ilvl upgrade for you makes the scenarios in which master loot would be preferable for a pug (or even a non-guild organized group) very, very small.
Well ret pally feels like absolute poop now. I'm all for getting rid of bloat but with this patch I now feel like I truly have just three usable skills, with the rest on my bar just waiting for my holy power to fill up. I especially feel sparse on abilities when the three that I can use have 4-6 second cooldowns, and if I spam them all I'm left scratching my bum until holy power is full ans then I use one of my powered abilities.
Definitely need to test more but I am just not having fun. Time to level a druid, I'm hearing great things about them and on my old server during wotlk I loved playing druid.
You don't get it - the spec is built to have as many or as little buttons as you want through the talent tree. If you want to be all passives, you can do that. If you want to push buttons, you can do that.
The base spec is five or so abilities yes, but how you want to play it is determined in the talents.
Like it should be.
My main worry about the new personal loot system is the situation where - in a raid - there's certain items that are only appropriate to very few classes/specs. Do they effectively have far fewer rolls that might drop the item? From a personal standpoint shields are the biggy there, but there's also occasional situations where we have, like, five plate users and one cloth user in a 10-man raid. Is the cloth user screwed?
The new nameplates are a cool idea but half assed once again. No useful settings whatsoever, especially if you're a healer.
And Tidyplates is still not working =(
Have any of you noticed a change to the Daily/Assault mission progress bars? One of my friends just told me that he and his guild don't see it at all any more, which sounds kinda fucky.
I've not done any since the patch, so I don't know.
Got on today to test out tanks.
I've never been more sad. They've gutted everything. All the tanks use like 6 abilities now.
How is this fun?
Anyone in the beta, does tanking at least get better at 110?
I don't know if Kui Nameplates is working, but that's what I've used in the past. There's also this new one called Plater Nameplates that may be worth a try. Done by the guy that did Details!, Iskar Assist, and Flash Taskbar, among others. It's supposed to be pretty good. He's also doing World Quest Tracker, which I've already said is the god-tier addon for world quests on beta - gonna be the Master Plan of Legion with a little more refinement.
Have any of you noticed a change to the Daily/Assault mission progress bars? One of my friends just told me that he and his guild don't see it at all any more, which sounds kinda fucky.
I've not done any since the patch, so I don't know.
As gross as this sounds to say. It's just where I'm at in my life.
I would probably pay like 20 bucks to boost all my primary and secondary professions to max. I'm switching mains for Legions and this is by far the worst part
Oh, so drop Rockbiter completely and just generate maelstrom from regular melee and Boulderfist? I guess that would make things a little better. But I'll still have to wiggle Frostbrand in there. I just realized Hailstorm means that while Frostbrand buff is up the melee swings deal the frost damage. I read it as just bumping up the damage with each Frostbrand cast. Yeah, that makes Hailstorm much better than I previously thought.
Thanks for the tips. I'll check this out soon.
Edit: Ugh, just realized that I have Landslide as my last talent which gets a buff from Rockbiter so with that talent I'd need to work that buff in as well. Now it's just getting silly. I'm assuming with how you wrote about it you must go with Ascendance since you didn't talk about the Rockbiter buff or working Earthen Spike into the rotation or using it off cooldown. Big ol' mess.
Tried Plater just now and I like it. Thanks!
This guy is doing all the cool things
Hm, yesterday when I unlocked a new appearance a message appeared in the chat window that I did so which was really handy. But I'm not sure what I did, but now it doesn't appear anymore. I'm not sure if it was an addon I disabled or a setting I changed but I can't seem to find how to put that back.
Been a good while since I've played and I have no idea what race I want to start with... As a rogue.
I forgot how hard it was to just pick something!
So I think I figured out what's weird about Shadow priest for me. Note I'm 96 - been leveling since returning (was 80) and whereas before I felt like I had some choices in my rotation, now it's just dots/fill with Mind Flay/wait for voidform. Which, okay, I can get used to; I liked having some choices, but can do. However - in instances and while questing, I'm really wondering why voidform isn't instant. It's got a fair casting time and then a second before you can use the bolt - and by then everything/most everything is pretty much dead and you're waiting for the next and you're running and there's nothing to cast on so you can't maintain insanity and oh, well, okay. Maybe next time.
On some boss fights I've been able to keep it up and in busy rooms, but on average, I never really get any use out of it so I have no idea if I like it or not. Any spriests in endgame here can tell me about it? Do you like it?
Survival hunters are weird.
Only specs that feel 'ruined' to me are BM and MM Hunter because they were already too easy to play at a core level as it is.
oh and Demonology is just unfun. I hated old demo though so i dont know how to say it's 'ruined' or not
I don't really play priest, but I think I've heard (from Slootbag's stream?) that this is a problem with the spec right now. Performs poorly in mythic dungeons and the like because of the need to constantly be in combat to be effective. Unless they change the mechanics significantly (unlikely until at least a 7.1 patch), you're probably just fucked if you don't like the way it works, unless they buff it out the wazoo for it to not matter.
But low level dungeons are usually not the best indicator either if people are blazing through them with heirloom gear regardless.
*reads Hunter changes*
Ooof. They really stripped the specs of a lot of stuff it seems.
BM in particular sounds awful and super simplistic now.
It already felt somewhat stripped down in WoD, Legion makes it sound worse than before.