Darkness no more
I want this so much. Winter Veil this year, maybe?
I used to ignore store mounts because they were never that appealing. Between this and the Runesaber Blizzard will have gotten me twice.
US servers back up, btw.
I want this so much. Winter Veil this year, maybe?
Nope, it's a store mount.
I'm not going to give up on the ring at this point, even though it's a drag. Too close.
Gave up on the cloak and now look, I can't get into the Ordos part of Timeless Isle still, which sucks because there are rares in there for achievements and not just Ordos.
As someone who's only completed the 6.0 portion of the entire chain - is it still possible to do it all? Has an end date for obtaining the ring been set?
Also, is the Pandaria legendary cloak unattainable now? I forget.
It's possibly, yeah, just because how few patches WoD had. Like, you literally just have 6.1 to do and you're caught up to where everyone is. I imagine it will end when 7.0 hits.
And sadly not, the Pandaria cloak is not available anymore.
Any fury warriors that are experienced at raiding around?
Trying to figure out what works best for single target in the last tier. Icy-veins says siegebreaker but the simcraft profile uses Anger Management. I'm assuming the simcraft has perfect play and ideal situations, but I don't really care for siege breaker, it's weird to weave in the rotation between making sure you aren't raged capped, blood thirst is off cooldown and aren't wasting furious blow charges. I also have problems lining up stormbolt with blood bath so that may help a bit there. It also would help to line up recklessness and bloodbath during execute phase.
It's going to depend on fight duration, most likely.
If taking Anger Management gives you an extra use of a major cooldown over Siegebreaker it might be better. I don't play a Fury Warrior, but fight duration is important for talent choices like that so I wanted to give that food for thought.
Any fury warriors that are experienced at raiding around?
Trying to figure out what works best for single target in the last tier. Icy-veins says siegebreaker but the simcraft profile uses Anger Management. I'm assuming the simcraft has perfect play and ideal situations, but I don't really care for siege breaker, it's weird to weave in the rotation between making sure you aren't raged capped, blood thirst is off cooldown and aren't wasting furious blow charges. I also have problems lining up stormbolt with blood bath so that may help a bit there. It also would help to line up recklessness and bloodbath during execute phase.
I don't have tier 18 4 piece yet either.
Have you checked the stickied spec guide on the MMO-Champ Warrior forum? I feel like those are updated more often than the Icy Veins guides.
neato, giving it a quick read, looks like it differs from IV. Recommends Anger Management as the default choice so I'm ditching siegebreaker, also says cleave trinket > fel horn for most stuff.
The best way to tell for sure is to sim your character though![]()
I'm not going to give up on the ring at this point, even though it's a drag. Too close.
Gave up on the cloak and now look, I can't get into the Ordos part of Timeless Isle still, which sucks because there are rares in there for achievements and not just Ordos.
Thought they got rid of the cloak requirement for the Ordos part.
Gotcha. No issue for me, as I obtained it already on my main. Are alternate versions of the cloak still purchaseable (either on your cloak-bearing main or alts on the same account) if you have a cloak?
Were there any changes with today's server reset?
I only needed 3 HFC tomes to finish my ring, killed everything tonight except Archimonde and got...2 tomes total, which means this dumb ring has to wait another week since my raid group can't do Archimonde yet and he isn't available in LFR yet. Fuck tome RNG and fuck this unnecessary gating of LFR wings.
Ok rant over
I only needed 3 HFC tomes to finish my ring, killed everything tonight except Archimonde and got...2 tomes total, which means this dumb ring has to wait another week since my raid group can't do Archimonde yet and he isn't available in LFR yet. Fuck tome RNG and fuck this unnecessary gating of LFR wings.
Ok rant over
Is no one doing dungeons anymore? Just had a 15 min queue as tank when it was the call to arms. Healer didn't have CTA either...
Haven't lagged since 2005. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
Players were excited by interacting with heroes from the past in Legion.
Garrisons were a good idea, but didn't live up to their full potential.
By the time the team realized the problems with garrisons, they were halfway through the expansion and working on the next one.
The team doesn't think about subscriber numbers on a regular basis, as it doesn't help to make the game any better.
The team is aware of the Orc fatigue.
Sylvanas is back and going to play a huge role in this expansion.
Thrall will continue to evolve in Legion.
Creating new characters in the lore that weren't in older Warcraft games is challenging, but the team is getting better at it. Garrosh is a good example of a new character that worked.
Having a year between the last patch and new expansion doesn't work well, so the team is continuing to try and shorten the gap.
From IGN, summary by MMO-C:
Sylvanas is back and going to play a huge role in this expansion.
Hey guys, we know you're sick of orcs, but don't worry, we've got more Thrall lined up for you.
Stonetalon: "Don't kill innocents!"
Pandaria: "Fuck innocents!"
Everything Garrosh said in his death cut scene was justified.
Thrall denying all responsibility was total bs.
One thing I don't want is for Sylvanas to turn obviously evil and then we have a Siege of Undercity raid with her as the final boss. Snorefest.
Keep her teetering on that very very thin line.
Join a PUG for normal Archimonde?
Eh, she's pretty much been mustache twirling since Cata. At this point it would be more of a stretch for her to not end up so irredeemable she needs to be put down.
Warlock Den has been gone for quite some time. The team apparently stopped playing either Warlock or the game altoghether.So uhm, has Warlock Den been shutdown? I tried googling the site, can't seem to find it.
I love that cutscene for that very reason. Thrall is so god damn stupid. Garrosh is shown to be poor leadership material from the moment he is introduced into the story and despite all of Thrall's friends telling him that putting Garrosh in charge is a bad idea he does it anyway and then when it goes bad he denies any and all responsibility. Only question in my mind is was that intentional or is Metzen so deep into Thrall he actually believes it.
Either way I quite literally laughed out loud when I heard Thrall deny it during that cutscene.
Are any characters even aware that Wrathion was involved in the whole time travel/Kairoz fuckery?
Are any characters even aware that Wrathion was involved in the whole time travel/Kairoz fuckery?
Rösti;175911465 said:Warlock Den has been gone for quite some time. The team apparently stopped playing either Warlock or the game altoghether.