Blizzard probably realized they could make things take even longer, because thats what people like
Blizzard probably realized they could make things take even longer, because thats what people like
"long-term commitment"
"long-term commitment"
Might as well just put it in the shop.wut
"long-term commitment"
Might as well just put it in the shop.
Is timewalking even going to be around for that long? Will the gear and stuff be updated to level 110? I'll have to re-grind out all the pieces again by doing...the same old dungeons?
Timewalking is fucking stupid.
The one time they add a dumb mount that requires a bit of time to get and as such will be rare (well, for a time) and mean something for once, and people still bitch about it like it's too long and they're forced to get it.
Especially since timewalking is obviously here for the long run, so I don't see the problem.
The one time they add a dumb mount that requires a bit of time to get and as such will be rare (well, for a time) and mean something for once, and people still bitch about it like it's too long and they're forced to get it.
Especially since timewalking is obviously here for the long run, so I don't see the problem.
The one time they add a dumb mount that requires a bit of time to get and as such will be rare (well, for a time) and mean something for once, and people still bitch about it like it's too long and they're forced to get it.
Especially since timewalking is obviously here for the long run, so I don't see the problem.
The only thing that it'll mean is that you're a tool that'll do the same thing for 8 months for a reskinned store mount.
Just spend the $ and save your dignity.
I don't see anything particularly obvious about timewalking being here for the long run.
While we're qqing about timewalking, the way percentages scale down to be completely useless is really stupid too.
675 is the magic number for getting those valuable garrison missions.
Timewalking badges ftw.
Just doing one dungeon per alt nets you something close to 535 badges.
You can then buy about 10 slots worth of 675 gear with it.
Supplement that with baleful gear from shipyard for shoulders, waist and one more slot that I can't remember.
Supplement with Kazzak loot.
This could bring a fresh alt close to 675 with almost zero effort.
675 is the magic number for getting those valuable garrison missions.
I have 15 alts between lvl 92 and 97 that will add to my moneymaking army.
Passed 3 million gold recently with 16 lvl 100's.
675 Garrison missions are based on your follower ilevel, not your character ilevel.
I think you need 10 followers at 650 as well for the missions to appear, but I am dead sure that 675 is the magic number for your ilvl. That is when the missions pop up.
I have 16 lvl 100s so I did test it.
I am thinking of the 6.2 missions with Medallion of the legion, Ogre 1000 resource caches etc.
Timewalking badges ftw.
Just doing one dungeon per alt nets you something close to 535 badges.
You can then buy about 10 slots worth of 675 gear with it.
Supplement that with baleful gear from shipyard for shoulders, waist and one more slot that I can't remember.
Supplement with Kazzak loot.
This could bring a fresh alt close to 675 with almost zero effort.
675 is the magic number for getting those valuable garrison missions.
I have 15 alts between lvl 92 and 97 that will add to my moneymaking army.
Passed 3 million gold recently with 16 lvl 100's.
How can you "super grind" to get it fast when timewalking is a gated activity?Honestly, while I do think the price for the mounts is a bit high, the system seems to be a good balance compared to what a lot of people complain about here. If you want to super grind and get it fast, you can, but if you want to play casually and just run one timewalking dungeon each event, you'll get the mount in at most 10 events. Even if that's 10 months, the overall time spent will be minimal, and the mount is guaranteed. Seems like a pretty fair solution to me.
How can you "super grind" to get it fast when timewalking is a gated activity?
I really want to level my alts, but I'm having a hard time.
I had 1 max character in vanilla/tbc, 3 in wotlk, 7, in Cata, and 9 in MoP.
But in wod, I can't even level my 3rd, I was only able to manage my 2nd because he was leveling with friends, but any others are impossible, I just can't do it.
Wod alt leveling is just so unbearably broing compared to other expansions.
I really want to play my shaman but I just can't be assed to level, he's 92 and my 94 rogue and they're my two highest level non 100s and have been since January.
That sounds like a lot of work.
It's only 129 timewalking dungeons if you wanted the mount now.How can you "super grind" to get it fast when timewalking is a gated activity?
Tip: Remember to take all things in moderation (even World of Warcraft!)
I really want to level my alts, but I'm having a hard time.
Holy shit the rares in Highmaul gave myself and my other party member a huge beatdown, and we had a third person there too that wasn't part of our group. All dead.
It's called burnout. I learned the signs years ago. Take a break, uninstall the game even. Come back during the pre-Legion event when they throw some fresh shit at us and you'll feel up to leveling again. I've done it a number of times.
I literally just came back from a not having played since January.
Yeah, the problem is I dont want to play the game.
That sounds like a lot of work.
Yeah...we lasted 5 dungeons.myself and some guildies were prepared to grind out that mount, we lasted maybe 4 hours.
myself and some guildies were prepared to grind out that mount, we lasted maybe 4 hours.