blizzard plz
Can I borrow someone on US-Horde later today (9/4) to help me kill the elite mobs in Gorgrond for the quest drops? Trying to farm them all up so I can pop an EXP pot and turn them all in at the same time.
I can't seem to solo them on my Rogue, even when using the Shredder =\
Transmog system is going to be a user interface like @Diablo & freeing up a lot of bag space in #Legion that's account wide. #WoW #Warcraft
Multistrike will be taken out of the game in #Legion #WoW #Warcraft
There will little to no cooldown gated profession materials for crafting in #Legion #WoW #Warcraft
Multistrike removal seems really dumb. It's about as "fun" as the secondary stats get and interacts with some specs in cool ways.
I guess this means another revamp for the Elemental shaman mastery as well, to keep multistrike in the spec. Ele without chaingun lavabursts isn't ele.
Q. What specs are getting overhauled? Most of them. Working based on the fantasy of the spec, tweaking to fit more. Some renamed specs.
Some class resources renamed. One is becoming Insanity for Shadow Priest.
There will little to no cooldown gated profession materials for crafting in #Legion #WoW #Warcraft
Apparently some specs themselves are being renamed:
I wonder which ones. Wouldn't be surprised to see Subtlety get a new name that makes it more obviously ninja-like.
Yes. One of my biggest gripes with WoD was profession gating.
Probably Warlocks to not interfere with Demon Hunters.
I'm alliance otherwise I would help on my main. I am about to grind out my 92 mage in Gorgrond for the XP pot. What else are you doing pre-pot besides the bonus areas?
Sounds like Blizzard is talking Legion @ Dragon-Con right now.
WHAT THE FUCK?????????
Thank fuck.
Metamorphosis will probably be removed as a Demo talent. It's pretty tied to Demon Hunters.
If they remove Metamorphosis but aren't adding new glyphs then I am about to lose a bunch.
I suppose they can just make some work without Meta, but the leaping glyph will be interesting to justify.
I'm actually thinking more about Talents than glyphs.
Survival Hunter's will get a Harpoon ability to throw their spears and pull mobs towards them. #Legion #WoW #Warcraft
More dungeon drops for crafting.
I guess this is *one of their ideas for keeping dungeons relevant throughout the xpac
Survival Hunter's will get a Harpoon ability to throw their spears and pull mobs towards them. #Legion #WoW #Warcraft
The Park in Stormwind won't be repaired yet.
I quit
So they get death grip? #homogenization
I really can't wrap my mind around why they won't fix it. They can phase the existing quest there. It just doesn't make sense.
Some specs getting renamed is a huge change, looking forward to that.
There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to what counts as a toy or collection anyway. I have so much garbage in my bank that should count as a toy but doesn't because it's old as hell
War Crimes was something like 2 years after the Cataclysm. Legion takes place 5 years after WoD, so Stormwind park has been a wreck for something like 8 years in universe. Still no fix, lazy human bums.
"No tabard tab is currently planned."
Oh, come on.
First it was and will be in the next patch, then you couldn't finish it, then we dun forgot and now a shrug.